Thursday, August 27, 2020
Leadership Traits Required for Successful E&P Companies Essay
Administration Traits Required for Successful E&P Companies - Essay Example This examination will start with the explanation that Oil and Gas investigation industry in Africa is developing at a huge rate. The mainland has a great deal of potential for improvement and development. This possibility is helping Africa to encounter huge remote direct ventures and business bargains. The pioneers are considered as significant development drivers of this oil and gas industry. It is the obligation of the main associations to limit the odds of working environment dangers. It is imperative to guarantee wellbeing and security of the workers to achieve high notoriety in the business showcase. A few driving associations are actualizing various sorts of authority characteristics so as to satisfy the need of the worldwide populace. English Petroleum is one of the main associations around the world. They are working in very nearly 80 nations. The brand picture and character helped the association to extend their business in worldwide commercial center. Tony Hayward and John Boone took a few activities to keep up supportable business activity of BP in the worldwide market. Be that as it may, absence of pre-expected activities and security gauges by Tony took the inestimable existences of 11 representatives in Rig blast. The exposition viably examines that a worldwide association can't make progress without best economical strategic approaches and capacity to propel colleagues and staffs. Presentation The oil and gas organizations are developing consistently in Africa. The mainland supplies about 8% of the complete oil gracefully on the planet which is proportionate to about 132.4 trillion barrels of oil each year. Adding to this the mainland additionally supplies 7.0% of the oil that the whole world expends. The landmass has a shale gas capability of 15.7% of the world creation and delivers about 12% of the absolute creation of oil on the planet. This had prompted the improvement of various oil and investigation organizations in the mainland and at pres ent, there are around 32 national oil creating organizations in Africa. Since the mainland has a great deal of potential for development and improvement, it encounters a ton of remote direct speculations and arrangements consistently. The greater part of the potential districts giving oil are in the nations of Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, and Egypt. In this manner the oil and gas industry is a blasting industry in Africa and the accomplishment behind the development is the characteristic assets that the nations are honored with and the pioneers of the organizations who divert the assets the correct way to create the ideal result. Administration Traits Required for Successful Oil and Gas organizations in Africa. The pioneers go about as the central drivers of the development of the oil and gas industry. The business is presented to a ton of dangers and along these lines the pioneers of the organizations must be instrumental in running the whole boring and investigation process protected and proficient. This wellbeing mindfulness in the association is fundamental both at the association level and at the individual level. In this way the pioneers must practice this guideline at each degree of their activities. They ought to likewise keep up a protected situation for the laborers of the organizations. Alongside this, they must be very dedicated to the work that they convey and this disposition should go about as a controlling conduct for the remainder of the representatives of the association. The pioneers should target enhancing the states of oil investigation by limiting the dangers and boosting the efficiency. That would empower the organizations to give government assistance to the general public all things considered. The pioneers in this specific industry frequently settle on wrong choices that lead to a few mishaps and wounds without receiving any considerable rewards. Subsequently it is important for the pioneers to not just give a rule to the individuals with respect to the work procedures yet in addition to screen and examine the exercises on an everyday premise. These administrations must be rendered by the pioneer with a great deal of trustworthiness in any case the ideal outcomes can't be accomplished.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Assessment Process Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Evaluation Process - Assignment Example D) In request to finish the subsequent task, I took a shot at making a basic assessment of what each sort of evaluation was useful for. I examined the valid statements of every one to perceive how it should fit into various necessities. This helped me on the task N 2 when I needed to pick learning goals and furthermore the sort of appraisal to be applied. I additionally ensured that I was utilizing what I had as of now learnt up till the primary task. E) What I discovered helpful was for procedures, for example, my learning was looking at the changed evaluations for how they appraised for various characteristics. I appreciated checking the arrangements of models to perceive what score every evaluation innovation technique could have for the situation where it was being utilized. What I didn't discover helpful was being approached to pick the learning targets on the subsequent task. There were numerous that could occur, in actuality. I figure it could have been demonstrated in the course, which were the extremely significant ones to chip away at. F) What I discovered valuable as far as items was some viable experience of making the evaluations work. It was acceptable to see that I could plan appraisals that looked sensible and helpful. What I didn't discover valuable was applying the APA group. This appears as though something that is formal. The significant data in the paper is as of now read by the peruser, so it appears to be superfluous to make it increasingly troublesome with APA.I realize that I should write in all references and sources to my task, yet would like to do it all the more essentially. Proposals that you would make G) My proposal for future understudies with respect to task arrangement is to take cautious note of the course data since this gives a great deal of data that is valuable for doing the assignments thereafter. Perusing progressively broad data on assignments is a smart thought also. You can't tell perhaps if there will be the very same assignments however regardless the general data will help. H) My proposals for future understudies seeing the course all in all are to focus on the talks, as there are not a lot of them and the course is by and large extremely helpful and significant. There are explicit focuses in the talks to see, so you need to truly focus on capitalize on it. I would likewise prescribe utilizing the data to do some recreation and not holding up till the assignments are given to you. I propose likewise that you experience the appraisal yourself. This permits you to get a smart thought of how open others will be tied in with having it utilized on them, and if there are a specific issues to be kept away from or settled in such a case. I) My proposals for corrections to the course materials and perusing records are to offer some leniency for understudies who don't have English as their first language, similar to me. It is ideal to discover a book that gives great data regarding the matter, however which makes the language easier. I would then have the option to focus more on the genuine substance of the course, not setting aside an excess of effort to see just purposes of sentence structure and spelling in the content. J) My recommendatio
Solving Quadratic Equations
While a definitive objective is the equivalent, to decide the value(s) that remain constant for the condition, settling quadratic conditions requires substantially more than basically disengaging the variable, as is required in unraveling direct conditions. This piece will plot the various kinds of quadratic conditions, procedures for unraveling each type, just as different strategies for arrangements, for example, Completing the Square and utilizing the Quadratic Formula. Information on calculating immaculate square trinomials and rearranging radical articulation are required for this piece. Let’s investigate! Standard Form of a Quadratic Equation ax2+ bx+c=0Where a, b, and c are numbers and a? 1 I. To illuminate a condition in the structure ax2+c=k, for some worth k. This is the least difficult quadratic condition to settle, on the grounds that the center term is absent. System: To disengage the square term and afterward take the square base of the two sides. Ex. 1) Isolate the square term, partition the two sides by 2 Take the square base of the two sides 2ãâ€"2=40 2ãâ€"22= 40 2 x2 =20 Remember there are two potential arrangements x2= 20 Simplify radical; Solutions x=  ± 20 x=â ± 25 (Please allude to past instructional materials Simplifying Radical Expressions ) II. To illuminate a quadratic condition organized in the structure ax2+ bx=0.Strategy: To factor the binomial utilizing the best basic factor (GCF), set the monomial factor and the binomial factor equivalent to zero, and fathom. Ex. 2) 12ãâ€"2-18x=0 6x2x-3= 0Factor utilizing the GCF 6x=0 2x-3=0Set the monomial and binomial equivalent to zero x=0 x= 32Solutions * now and again, the GCF is basically the variable with coefficient of 1. III. To explain a condition in the structure ax2+ bx+c=0, where the trinomial is an ideal square. This also is a straightforward quadratic condition to explain, on the grounds that it factors into the structure m2=0, for some binomial m. For figuring instruct ional strategies, select The Easy Way to Factor Trinomials ) Strategy: To factor the trinomial, set every binomial equivalent to zero, and illuminate. Ex. 3) x2+ 6x+9=0 x+32=0Factor as an ideal square x+3x+3= 0Not essential, yet important advance to show two arrangements x+3=0 x+3=0Set every binomial equivalent to zero x= - 3 x= - 3Solve x= - 3Double root arrangement IV. To unravel a condition in the structure ax2+ bx+c=0, where the trinomial is anything but an ideal square, however factorable. Like the last model, this is a basic quadratic condition to fathom, since it factors into the structure mn=0, for certain binomials m and n.Strategy: To factor the trinomial, set every binomial equivalent to zero, and explain. Ex. 4) 2ãâ€"2-x-6=0 * Using the considering strategy from The Easy Way to Factor Trinomials, we have to discover two number that duplicate to give air conditioning, or - 12, and add to give b, or - 1. These qualities are - 4 and 3. Change the trinomial with these two q ualities as coefficients to x that add to the present center term of - 1x. 2ãâ€"2-4x+3x-6=0Rewrite center term 2ãâ€"2-4x+3x-6=0 2xx-2+ 3x-2= 0Factor by gathering x-22x+3= 0Factor out the regular binomial (x-2) x-2=0 2x+3=0Set every binomial equivalent to zero x=2 x= - 32Solutions V.To illuminate a quadratic condition not orchestrated in the structure ax2+ bx+c=0, however factorable. System: To consolidate like terms to the other side, set equivalent to zero, factor the trinomial, set every binomial equivalent to zero, and explain. Ex. 5) 6ãâ€"2+ 2x-3=9x+2 - 9x - 9x 6ãâ€"2-7x-3= 2 - 2 - 2 6ãâ€"2-7x-5=0 * To factor this trinomial, we are searching for two numbers that increase to give air conditioning, or - 30, and add to give b, or - 7. These qualities would be 3 and - 10. Revise the trinomial with these two qualities as coefficients to x that add to the present center term of - 7x. 6ãâ€"2+ 3x-10x-5=0Rewrite center term 6ãâ€"2+ 3x-10x-5=0 3x2x+1-52x+1=0Factor by gathering Care ful figuring a - 5 from the second gathering 2x+13x-5=0 Factor out the regular binomial (2x+1) 2x+1=0 3x-5=0 Set every binomial equivalent to zero x= - 12 x= 53Solutions Now that we have investigated a few models, I’d like to set aside this effort to sum up the techniques utilized up to this point in fathoming quadratic conditions. Remembering the objective is to disconnect the variable, the arrangement of the condition will direct the system used to tackle. At the point when the quadratic doesn't have a center term, a term with an intensity of 1, it is ideal to initially detach the squared term, and afterward take the square base of both sides.This basically will bring about two arrangements of inverse qualities. For quadratics that don't have a c-esteem, organize the condition so that ax2+ bx=0, and afterward factor utilizing the GCF. Set the monomial, or the GCF, and the binomial equivalent to zero and explain. At the point when the quadratic has at least one ax2’s, bx’s, and c’s, the like terms should be consolidated to the other side of the condition and set equivalent to zero preceding deciding whether the trinomial can be figured. Once calculated, set every binomial equivalent to zero and comprehend. Remember while joining like terms that an unquestionable requirement be a number more prominent than or equivalent to 1.The answers for cases, for example, these may bring about a twofold root arrangement, found when the trinomial is figured as an ideal square, or two one of a kind arrangements, found when the trinomial is considered into two one of a kind binomials. There might be different situations where a GCF can be figured out of the trinomial before calculating happens. Since this unit is centered around tackling quadratic conditions, the GCF would just be a consistent. The following guide to shows while it’s accommodating to factor out the GCF before considering the trinomial, it isn't basic to do as such and has n o effect on the arrangement of the quadratic condition. VI.To fathom a quadratic condition where there is a GCF among the provisions of a trinomial. Methodology (A : To decide the GCF between the details of the trinomial once it is in standard structure, factor out the GCF, factor the trinomial, set every binomial equivalent to zero, and afterward tackle. Ex. 6A) 12ãâ€"2-22x+6=0 26ãâ€"2-11x+3=0 * To factor this trinomial, we are searching for two numbers that duplicate to give air conditioning, or 18, and add to give b, or - 11. These qualities would be - 9 and - 2. Revise the trinomial with these two qualities as coefficients to x that add to the present center term of - 11x. 26ãâ€"2-9x-2x+3=0Factor out the GCF of 2 from each term 3x2x-3-12x-3=0Factor by gathering 22x-33x-1=0Factor out the regular binomial (2x-3) 2x-3=0 3x-1=0Set every binomial equivalent to zero x= 32 x= 13 Solutions Strategy (B): To factor the trinomial, set every binomial equivalent to zero, and settle. Ex. 6 B) 12ãâ€"2-22x+6=0 * To factor this trinomial, we are searching for two numbers that duplicate to give air conditioning, or 72, and add to give b, or - 22. These qualities would be - 18 and - 4. Revise the trinomial with these two qualities as coefficients to x that add to the present center term of - 22x. 12ãâ€"2-18x-4x+6=0 x2x-3-22x-3=0Factor by gathering 2x-36x-2= 0Factor out the regular binomial (2x-3) 2x-3=0 6x-2=0 Set every binomial equivalent to zero x= 32 x= 26= 13Solutions * Notice in Ex 6A, since the GCF didn't have a variable. The reason for considering and setting every binomial equivalent to zero is to comprehend for the conceivable value(s) for the variable that bring about a zero item. In the event that the GCF doesn't have a variable, it isn't workable for it to make a result of zero. All things considered, in later points there will be situations where a GCF will incorporate a variable, leaving a factorable trinomial.This kind of case brings about a chance of thre e answers for the variable, as found in the model beneath. 3xx2+ 5x+6=0 3xx+2x+3=0 3x=0 x+2=0 x+3=0 x=0 x= - 2 x= - 3 At this point we have to change to settling quadratics conditions that don't have trinomials that are factorable. To fathom these sorts of conditions, we have two choices, (1) to Complete the Square, and (2) to utilize the Quadratic Formula. Basically, these two strategies yield a similar arrangement when left in improved radical structure. For the rest of this unit I will o the accompanying: * Explain how to Complete the Square * Provide models using the Completing the Square strategy * Prove the Quadratic Formula beginning with Completing the Square * Provide models understanding conditions utilizing the Quadratic Formula * Provide a model that matches each of the three techniques in this unit * Provide instructional methodologies for settling quadratic conditions VII. How to Complete the Square Goal: To get xâ ±m2=k , where m and k are genuine numbers and k? 0 Fo r conditions that are not factorable and in the structure ax2+ bx+c=0 where a=1, 1.Move steady term to the side inverse the variable x. 2. Take 12 of b and square the outcome. 3. Add this term to the two sides. 4. Make your ideal square set equivalent to some consistent worth k? 0. VIII. To explain quadratic conditions utilizing the Completing the Square strategy. Ex. 7)x2+ 6x-5=0 * Since there are no two numbers that increase to give air conditioning, or - 5, and add to give b, or 6, this trinomial isn't factorable, and thusly, Completing the Square should be utilized to unravel for x. x2+ 6x+ _____ =5+ _____ Move consistent to the privilege x2+ 6x+ 62 2=5+ 62 2Take 12b, square it and add it to the two sides 2+ 6x+9=14Simplify x+32=14Factor trinomial as an ideal square x+32= 14Take the square foundation of the two sides x+3=  ± 14Simplify x= - 3  ± 14Solve for x; Solutions Ex. 8) 2ãâ€"2+ 16x=4 * Before continuing with Completing the Square, notice a? 1 and the steady term is n ow on the contrary side of the variable terms. Initial step must be to separate the two sides of the condition by 2. x2+ 8x=2Result after division by 2 x2+ 8x+ _____ =2+ _____ Preparation for Completing the Square x2+ 8x+ 82 2=2 + 82 2 Take 12b, square it and add it to the two sides x2+ 8x+16=18 Simplify x+42=18Factor trinomial as an ideal square +42= 18Take the square base of the two sides x+4=  ± 32Simplify x= - 4  ±32Solve for x; Solutions At any point during the explaining procedure, if a negative worth exists under the radical, there will be NO REAL SOLUTION to the condition. These sorts of conditions will be investigated later once the nonexistent number framework has been educated. IX. Quadratic Formula The Quadratic Formula is another strategy to explaining a quadratic condition. Let’s investigate ho
Friday, August 21, 2020
Consensus Between Violence And Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Agreement Between Violence And Argument - Essay Example Eristic exchange covers argumentation, a social discussion where triumph over a rival is the essential objective. This specialty of right contention secures their personal responsibility indistinguishable exchange and during the time spent discourse. The specialty of argumentation is utilized in law, in preliminaries while planning contentions for court introduction and in the testing authenticity of evidence.Right contention involves distinguishing premises where ends are inferred, the foundation of â€Å"burden of proof†to decide the individual who made an underlying case and recognizing objectives of givers in discourse. Toward the finish of a contention, a legitimate end must be given all things considered clarifying the equivalent. A decent contention must be worked with two premises and one closing comment. Argumentation is acceptable in a circumstance where proof doesn't exist particularly in taking care of logical, epistemic, nature, and good where science can't have any significant bearing. Viciousness is acceptable in taking care of contest like fringe questions, uprising, and hostility.In governmental issues, a few sorts of argumentation are ethically off-base, and a few sorts of brutality are ethically right. Argumentation is never an answer in numerous countries since it possibly works when there is harmony in the country, and no other country needs to assault the country being referred to. Argumentation is ethically upstanding just if the countries under clash additionally handle questions through argumentation. On the off chance that the countries under difference handle the contest in various edges, at that point viciousness is ethically directly for a country to protect itself from interruption.
Nature Vs Nurture Essay Topics
Nature Vs Nurture Essay TopicsNature vs. Nurture is one of the main topics in your Nature vs. Nurture essay. In this essay, you will be comparing the roles that your parents played in shaping your personality and skills. You will be using an example from your life to discuss the roles that parents play in children's lives. In this case, you will also use examples from fiction and non-fiction.First, it is important to determine what type of essay you want to write. After you make this decision, you should choose a topic. Your topic is going to be at the center of your essay, and the choices that you make can have a great impact on the final outcome of your essay. If you choose a topic that you are already familiar with, then it will be easier for you to focus your thoughts on the specific aspects of your topic.Nature vs. Nurture essay topics are usually used for high school level courses. These topics are difficult to write, but they do have specific requirements for essay topics. One of the things that is required is that your essay should be based upon real events that you have personally experienced. These events may be the result of accidents or natural disasters, but it is often considered inappropriate to use these as a basis for a science project. If you are using a real-life example as a basis for your essay, make sure that the events were not the result of an action taken by a third party.Another requirement for essay topics is that the topics should have two different perspectives. Your essay must be based upon two different perspectives, such as mother/daughter and father/son. The example you use must have a significant difference between the viewpoints of the two people. This is usually done to give an example of how something might be observed differently if you had two different viewpoints. For example, if your father was a doctor and your mother was a writer, you would not want to write about them the same.Nature vs. Nurture essay topics are also written for college level courses. Most essays that are based upon the nature vs. nurture will require a substantial amount of research. If your essay has a lot of research involved, it is going to be more difficult to complete. In order to be successful in a college essay, it is important to put some careful thought into the research that you will use. An essay that uses too much research will not be able to convey the ideas that you want to communicate to your reader.Nature vs. Nurture essay topics are usually used for graduate level courses. In these cases, a writer is required to have a deep understanding of what the term 'nature' means and the idea of 'nurture.' The concepts of nature vs. nurture are more complex than simply showing the results of the way your parents raised you. It requires that the writer understand how each concept affects you emotionally, intellectually, and socially.Nature vs. Nurture essay topics are most commonly used when students are applying to gradua te schools. These essays are used as part of the application process. It is a good idea to go into these essays with a strong understanding of both the terms that you will be discussing and the concept that they represent. This will make it easier for you to communicate to your advisor what your future plans are, which should help you during the admissions process.Nature vs. Nurture essay topics are generally used when students are applying to colleges and universities. Because it is used as part of the admissions process, you need to make sure that you fully understand the subject matter. If you want to apply to colleges and universities, make sure that you fully understand what type of essay topics that are appropriate for those types of schools. This will help you during the entire process.
Friday, June 26, 2020
How Your Academic Statistics Should Influence Your Medical School Choices
The most reliable source of information about allopathic medical schools is provided on the Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR) website, offered by the AAMC. It is worth purchasing access to this database because the statistics it contains can be extremely valuable in helping you decide where to apply. Before you begin exploring the school data, it’s important for you to know that the schools only provide an average of the scores they accept – they do not provide the full range of scores. If you had access to see the full range of scores for accepted applicants, rather than the averages, you would be pleasantly surprised to see how low the scores for accepted students actually go. If you have a lower GPA, but a higher MCAT score and years of exceptional service and activities, you may be just the student a school is looking for, but you’ll never know if you don’t apply to the right schools. Don’t be discouraged by your low scores – you need to know how to maximize your other strengths, and most importantly, to apply to programs where you will have a higher chance of getting in. Follow these steps: Step #1: Calculate your stats and be kind to yourself. Without judgment or berating yourself, calculate your cumulative and science GPAs.. Step #2: Address a decreasing trend in your GPA. Look at the trends in your GPA, term by term. If you graduated with a significant decreasing trend, do not apply this cycle. If you have a strong decreasing trend and your GPA is below a 3.0, consider completing postbac coursework or a postbac program. In this case, check out The Definitive Guide to Premedical Postbaccalaureate Programs for guidance in this direction.. Step #3: Understand your MCAT score and its affect on your candidacy. If you have maintained a competitive GPA or have a strong increasing trend, review your MCAT scores. If you have earned a 7 or higher in each section of the exam, with a total score above a 25, you can consider applying. If you have scores below a 7 on any section, your application may go through an additional hurdle, known as the â€Å"academic committee†on some campuses, where a few applications with low GPAs or lower MCAT scores don’t make the cut. In these committees, they duke it out based on whether the student has any other significant redeeming qualities in other areas that could possibly justify keeping your application under consideration.. Step #4: Decide if you’re ready to move forward. If you have made it this far, congratulate yourself! If you have a lower GPA, you should have a higher MCAT score to compensate, and vice versa. If your numbers are too low in any of these areas, consider retaking the MCAT or completing additional coursework.. Step #5: Begin researching schools. Once you have objectively collected and reviewed your numbers in detail, you are ready to begin researching medical schools. Again, it is important that you not be discouraged by the numbers, but review them objectively. The more honest and accurately you can review your numbers in relation to the schools’, the more realistic and successful your decisions will be. Our focus in this process is on outcomes. By using a strategic approach, we can bring about a positive outcome for your application. Click here to read Part 2: How to Choose a Medical School: Numbers Arent Everything. Do you need help decoding your stats and determining which schools would be the ideal picks for you? We can help! Work one-on-one with an expert admissions advisor to choose the best schools for you and apply successfully to acceptance. View our Medical School Admissions Consulting Editing Services for more information. Alicia McNease Nimonkar worked for 5 years as the Student Advisor Director at the UC Davis School of Medicine's postbac program where she both evaluated applications and advised students applying successfully to med school and other health professional programs. She has served Accepted's clients since 2012 with roughly a 90% success rate. She has a Master of Arts in Composition and Rhetoric as well as Literature. Want Alicia to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Navigate the Med School Maze, a free guide †¢Ã‚ Medical School Selectivity Index, discover the medical schools where you are competitive †¢Ã‚ How Do You Compare to Last Year’s Admitted Med School Applicants How Your Academic Statistics Should Influence Your Medical School Choices The most reliable source of information about allopathic medical schools is provided on the Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR) website, offered by the AAMC. It is worth purchasing access to this database because the statistics it contains can be extremely valuable in helping you decide where to apply. Before you begin exploring the school data, it’s important for you to know that the schools only provide an average of the scores they accept – they do not provide the full range of scores. If you had access to see the full range of scores for accepted applicants, rather than the averages, you would be pleasantly surprised to see how low the scores for accepted students actually go. If you have a lower GPA, but a higher MCAT score and years of exceptional service and activities, you may be just the student a school is looking for, but you’ll never know if you don’t apply to the right schools. Don’t be discouraged by your low scores – you need to know how to maximize your other strengths, and most importantly, to apply to programs where you will have a higher chance of getting in. Follow these steps: Step #1: Calculate your stats and be kind to yourself. Without judgment or berating yourself, calculate your cumulative and science GPAs.. Step #2: Address a decreasing trend in your GPA. Look at the trends in your GPA, term by term. If you graduated with a significant decreasing trend, do not apply this cycle. If you have a strong decreasing trend and your GPA is below a 3.0, consider completing postbac coursework or a postbac program. In this case, check out The Definitive Guide to Premedical Postbaccalaureate Programs for guidance in this direction.. Step #3: Understand your MCAT score and its affect on your candidacy. If you have maintained a competitive GPA or have a strong increasing trend, review your MCAT scores. If you have earned a 7 or higher in each section of the exam, with a total score above a 25, you can consider applying. If you have scores below a 7 on any section, your application may go through an additional hurdle, known as the â€Å"academic committee†on some campuses, where a few applications with low GPAs or lower MCAT scores don’t make the cut. In these committees, they duke it out based on whether the student has any other significant redeeming qualities in other areas that could possibly justify keeping your application under consideration.. Step #4: Decide if you’re ready to move forward. If you have made it this far, congratulate yourself! If you have a lower GPA, you should have a higher MCAT score to compensate, and vice versa. If your numbers are too low in any of these areas, consider retaking the MCAT or completing additional coursework.. Step #5: Begin researching schools. Once you have objectively collected and reviewed your numbers in detail, you are ready to begin researching medical schools. Again, it is important that you not be discouraged by the numbers, but review them objectively. The more honest and accurately you can review your numbers in relation to the schools’, the more realistic and successful your decisions will be. Our focus in this process is on outcomes. By using a strategic approach, we can bring about a positive outcome for your application. Click here to read Part 2: How to Choose a Medical School: Numbers Arent Everything. Do you need help decoding your stats and determining which schools would be the ideal picks for you? We can help! Work one-on-one with an expert admissions advisor to choose the best schools for you and apply successfully to acceptance. View our Medical School Admissions Consulting Editing Services for more information. Alicia McNease Nimonkar worked for 5 years as the Student Advisor Director at the UC Davis School of Medicine's postbac program where she both evaluated applications and advised students applying successfully to med school and other health professional programs. She has served Accepted's clients since 2012 with roughly a 90% success rate. She has a Master of Arts in Composition and Rhetoric as well as Literature. Want Alicia to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: †¢ Navigate the Med School Maze, a free guide †¢Ã‚ Medical School Selectivity Index, discover the medical schools where you are competitive †¢Ã‚ How Do You Compare to Last Year’s Admitted Med School Applicants
Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay on African Americans in Slavery - 1520 Words
African Americans in Slavery â€Å" Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own.†( Harriet Brent â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†page 119). Gender played a key role in slavery and after reading â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†it is obvious that women in slavery received far worse treatment then that of men. Not to take away the incredible injustices that were dealt upon men during slavery America, but more to emphasize the even greater hardships that African-American women faced during this time period. This paper will consist of a comparison between gender roles, religion (faith),†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœTis the devil who tempts you. God is angry with you, and will surely punish you, if you don’t forsake your wicked ways. You that live in town are eye-servants behind your master’s back. Instead of serving your masters faithfully, which is pleasing in the sight of your heavenly master, you are idle, and shirk your work. God sees you. You tell lies. God hears you. Instead of engaged in worshipping him, you are hidden away somewhere feasting on your master’s substance; tossing coffee-grounds with some wicked fortuneteller, or cutting cards with another old hag. Your master may not find you out, but God sees you, and he will punish you. O, the depravity of your hearts!†(page 106) This is the religion that the slaves were allowed to receive. White people’s attempt to put the fear of God into slaves work in some instances but the men and women who’s faith in God had not been warn down by the constant tyranny of their masters found a way to survive and to eventually flourish. The power of faith is incredible when it can overcome everything a person has been taught since they were born on the soul basis of knowing what is right. White men us ed Gods name to put fear into slaves. They used Gods name to scare slaves from running away or rebelling against their masters. The slaves that felt God had given up on them and had punished them by putting them in their current situation were easily manipulated by the white mans propaganda. The slavesShow MoreRelatedSlavery : The African American Slavery2189 Words  | 9 PagesAPUSH - Steiker Period 6 Slavery 1775 - 1830 â€Å"Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves, †said George Gordon Byron. Though slavery has never had a universal definition, one might describe it as the dependent labour by one person performed to another who is not of his or her family. It was thought to have come about after a dramatic labour shortage in particular areas or countries. In America, slavery has always been a highly debatedRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans942 Words  | 4 Pagespeople I met asked me that we Africans sold other Africans into slavery and why? I will tell them well I was not born when it happened, I only learn about slavery in school not even my parents told me so I cannot provide you with genuine reason behind slavery but I do understand this that it may have some economic benefits attached to it and that is a fact, the world back then was like survival of the fittest, slavery was rampant all over the world and not only black Africans were enslaved, many ethnicitiesRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans1208 Words  | 5 PagesBack when there was Slavery it was unfair to some people, at least to the African Americans. By unfair I mean the whites, like most of us would torture the Africans. Some of the things the owners did was made the slaves work in fields without pay and they had no control over their own self, their owner did. But, if they were not doing, that the owners would do something bad like whip them with a whip with metal on the end. Also, it even was effected in sports because back then it was just whitesRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans1207 Words  | 5 Pagestime where slavery was legal in America was a dark time that all wish was expunged from the nation’s history. Ever since the end of WWII came around and Japanese and victims of the Holocaust started to receive reparations for the ordeals then endeavored. This launched a proposal that the descendants of the enslaved people in the United States would be given some type of compensation. The form of compensation varies from individual monetary payments to land-based payment. Although the American enslavementRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans975 Words  | 4 PagesDuring the early developments of America, multiple states instituted the practice of owning African-Americans and using them as slaves. Surprisingly, this form of slavery was not only present in the Southern states, but also in the Northern too. Plantation owners from all over found their use in owning slaves, and were even shown taking advantage of the practice. By having ownership of slaves, it often contributed in farming production on plantations and also became useful when it came to votingRead MoreSlavery And The African Americans1071 Words  | 5 Pagesdiscussing slavery with other individuals. Throughout the years I have been a victim of my own ignorance for believing that Slavery undoubtedly ended in 1865. I can honestly admit that I was wrong. After having watched the documentary â€Å"Slavery by Another Name†I gained new insight into the history of slavery and the struggles that African Americans suffered during that time. I learned that slavery did not end after the 13th Amendment was passed. After the Amendment was passed African Americans were victimsRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans2011 Words  | 9 Pagespeople to turn to another source which could supply them with slaves. In result, African American slaves were brought to the U.S to facilitate life and work together with the European workforce. These African Americans came from a multitude of places including Africa and the Caribbean. From this day forth the lives of all African Americans changed, having an everlasting effect on their lives. After this, African Americans were viewed as slaves and it was the norm back then, which was a harsh, cruelRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans1695 Words  | 7 Pagesthe enslavement of African America ns, to the mistreatment of Native Americans on the Trail of Tears, and the subtle and sometimes overt discrimination oppressing American women today, there has been a long and continuing history of discrimination and unfair action against our fellow citizens. It would be deceitful for us to think that our nation has lived up to the ideals of the words â€Å"all men are created equal†since the day the Constitution was written by the Founders. Slavery comes in many formsRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans2857 Words  | 12 Pages A black African-American that was one of the many few who was born free in Wilmington, North Carolina went by the name of David Walker. Walker’s father whom died before his birth was a slave but his mother was a free woman. In the state’s laws Walker inherited his mother’s liberated status although, being free did not keep him from witnessing slavery. Walker traveled throughout his time in his younger days in the South, noticing the injustices of the slave system that the whites had going on. EvenRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans1844 Words  | 8 PagesMost African Americans were forcibly migrated from their countries to the United States to be used for the labor in fields and even do home chores for their owners. Many African American men, women and even children were either stolen from their families or sold by their own people to traders who would bring them back to the United States and sold them to white plantation owners. An African American who was bought by white owner was called a slave. The word slaves means â€Å"a person who is a legal property
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Value of Footprint or Footwear Evidence Free Essay Example, 1750 words
The first responding officer marks off the crime scene large enough using crime-scene barricade tape until the arrival of the crime scene investigator. Where weather might affect the footwear evidence, he or she may place cones or boxes over the impressions until the crime scene investigator arrives. On arriving at the crime scene, the crime scene investigator should conduct a search on the secured area thoroughly and systematically. He should carefully photograph and document with regard to the exact position of each footwear impression and its surroundings a procedure that should precede the performance of any other search. On locating footwear impressions and marking them as to their location, the crime scene investigator should then complete the processes of photographing, casting and collecting. Prints and impressions are the two forms in which footwear evidence occurs in almost all crime scenes. Although the recording techniques in such evidence may vary, the search is essent ially similar. The investigator should always use a systematic searching method he or she should never blind search the scene of the crime. While photographing, the investigator should give priority to footwear evidence located outdoors to ensure that it is not destroyed while he or she is inside. We will write a custom essay sample on The Value of Footprint or Footwear Evidence or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now To locate footwear impressions, the crime scene investigator, at an oblique angle, casts a strong white light with a directional beam (a forensic light source) over the surface. On locating the impressions, the process of collection and recovery starts. The investigator should photograph, document, lift and/or cast all impressions (Hilderbrand, 2009). Casting recovers larger impressions that are three-dimensional including footprints that perpetrators may have left in mud, blood, dust, oils among others. During the casting process, the investigator pours a substance into the impression, hardens it and then removes it thereby yielding a cast of the impression on the ground. Although investigators use a variety of products in the creation of casts, the best casting material is dental stone owing to its accuracy, ease of use and strength.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay about The Medias Influence on Eating Disorders
The Medias Influence on Eating Disorders Eating disorders are mental illnesses that affect more than 7 million American women and usually develop in girls ages 12-25. The most common age for a girl to begin having an eating disorder is 17 years old (Discovery Health?). The National Eating Disorders Association states that eating disorders are conditions that arise from factors including physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social issues. Media images help define cultural definitions of beauty and attractiveness and are often acknowledged as one of the factors that contribute to the rise of eating disorders (NEDA). It is evident that the media influences teenage girls to develop eating disorders based on these reasons: the†¦show more content†¦Undereating or overeating can activate brain chemicals that produce feelings of peace and euphoria which temporarily dispels anxiety and depression (?ANRED?). In some individuals with eating disorders certain chemicals in the brain that control hunger, appetite, a nd digestion have been found to be imbalance, but the exact meaning of these imbalances is still under investigation (?NEDA?). People with eating disorders often use food to in an attempt to compensate for feelings and emotions that seem overwhelming (?NEDA?). A prevalent psychological factor for people with eating disorders is perfectionism. These people have unrealistic expectations of themselves. They lack a sense of identity and try to identify themselves by creating a socially approved and admired exterior. Other personality traits are having low self-esteem, feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, or fear of becoming fat (?ANRED?). They may develop these feelings or fears because of their environment and social pressures. When a girl?s immediate social environment, including her family and friends, emphasize the importance of thinness and weight she will feel more pressure to lose weight. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that girls who live in families that tend to be strict and place a strong emphasis on physicalShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Anorexia On Eating Disorders937 Words  | 4 Pages Binge eating is characterized by uncontrollable overeating in which people devour huge amounts of food while feeling ungovernable and incapable to stop. (HelpGuide 1) People with binge eating disorder don t have episodes of recovery like bulimia, As a result, those who suffer under the wrath of this eating disorder put on weight very quickly and are always trying to make themselves feel better about their weight. Binge eating is a coping mechanism, whereas bulimia is a compulsion where one divulgesRead More The Medias Influence on Eating Disorders Essay example1100 Words  | 5 PagesThe Medi as Influence on Eating Disorders The National Eating Disorders Association states that eating disorders are conditions that arise from factors including physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social issues. Media images help define cultural definitions of beauty and attractiveness and are often acknowledged as one of the factors that contribute to the rise of eating disorders (NEDA). The National Eating Disorders Associations website, The Effect of the Media on Body SatisfactionRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On Society s Actions, Personalities, And Beliefs Essay1476 Words  | 6 PagesComposition Per. 3 November 19 2015 Media in Our World The media today is one of the greatest influences on society’s actions, personalities, and beliefs. The Society conducts their lives to the point where they are just living a life that media has created for them. Sometimes this influence is taken into consideration to deeply and starts to harm society. The image of a woman in today’s society as portrayed by the media are one that is almost artificial. Mass media have come to develop this idea thatRead MoreEffects Of Social Media Essay1322 Words  | 6 Pagestypes of effects social media has on society, especially adolescent girls as that age group is mainly targeted. The role of media has changed drastically from when it first started to now. It was first created for the main purpose of communicating information. Although that is still true to this day, there are also other purposes for the media now. Media presents information through books, posters, the web and etc. One of the most popular forms of media today is social media. That includes FacebookRead MoreThe Media Is Responsible For The Increase Of Eating Disorders1452 Words  | 6 Pagesdemonstrate different viewpoints on how the media plays a role in today’s era. My research will study the influence of media on eating behaviors and the significant studies regarding this topic. My paper will also cover the outcomes of media portraying unhealthy body images, weight loss ads, and the influence of the internet encouraging eating disorders. Based on the research, it can be clear that the media is responsible for the increase of eating disorders in today’s society. Therefore, it is importantRead MoreMedia Eating Disorders1607 Words  | 7 Pagesreview is to describe the main causes of eating disorders among teenagers aged 12 to 18 years old in high schools globally, and to also explain to what extend do some of these causes influence eating disoders. Recent studies have indicated a major increase in the eating disorder hab its and body dissatisfaction in adolescence over the past few decades. This crisis seems most prevalent in females`` than males with 20 percent high school females exhibiting poor eating habits and about 60 percent undergoneRead MorePromotion Of Eating Disorders And Social Medi Research Prospectus1110 Words  | 5 PagesPromotion of Eating Disorders in Social Media: Research Prospectus Background Eating disorders are defined as any range of psychological disorders, characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. And in today’s society these disorders are fairly common. Anorexia is a disorder characterized by a desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. And bulimia is a disorder involving distortion of body image, and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depressionRead MoreWhy Do Teens Suffer From Eating Disorders1596 Words  | 7 PagesOctober 20, 2015 Why Do Teens Suffer from Eating Disorders: Annotated Bib It is no new discovery that teenagers in America tend to have a conflict with eating disorders. This problematic issue tend to affect many young teens just as the people that surround them, those who care for them. People might stop to think why teens struggle so much with eating disorders or how can this issue be wiped out. The thing is people need to be well aware of eating disorders and there definition and try to find aRead MoreInfluence of American Mass Media Ideals on Body Image and Eating Disorders in the U.S1243 Words  | 5 PagesMass media have an enormous impact on society and how people act, especially in developed countries. How do mass media influence views of body image and the development of eating disorders? People living in countries influenced by Western culture show concern for their appearance or dietary habits daily. This paper will analyze the effect of mass media on the issues of body image and eating disorders in the United States. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV-TRRead MoreMedia s Effect On Teenage Girls1196 Words  | 5 Pages Pressure to Look Perfect Growing up surrounded by media brings pressure to teenage girls to have what society defines as the ideal body. As a teenager one wants to fit in with the most popular group. Recent movies like â€Å"Mean girls†and â€Å"16 wishes†have shown the role of the popular girl to be thin, beautiful, and smart. As a media consumer, females assume that if they achieve this look they will become popular as well. Many teenagers go through stressing situations in order to accomplish the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Summary On Parkinson s Disease - 2850 Words
Introduction In 1817, James Parkinson first described a disease, later to be known as Parkinson’s Disease (PD) as a; neurodegenerative disorder affecting the physical, psychological, social, and functional status of individuals (Parkinson Society Canada Staff, 1965). In the time since the disease was first described, the frequency of individuals affected with the disease has increased, with no single cause yet to be identified as the culprit for the onset of the disease. According to the Parkinson’s society Society of Canada, approximately one hundred thousand Canadians live with this debilitating disease (Parkinson Society Canada Staff, 1965). Not only has no successful cure for Parkinson’s been developed, there has yet to be any diagnostic tools developed that prove any suredefinite diagnosis (Parkinson Society Canada Staff, 1965). To this point, Parkinson’s is a disease that continues to impact a higher percentage of the population each year, with no true hope being given to those that struggle with the impairment. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of our knowledge on PD to date, describing the physiology behind the deficits that PD is responsible for, the known causes and risk factors, the signs and symptoms, and finally any known treatments that help to reduce the impairments of PD. Physiology The origin of the impairments of PD disease start in the basal ganglia, the basal ganglia in laymen terms would be defined as the basic cluster of nuclei, locatedShow MoreRelatedNational Parkinson s Foundation : A Progressive Disorder Of The Central Nervous System1249 Words  | 5 PagesNational Parkinson s Foundation Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the central Nervous system and affects both motor and nonmotor functions. parkinson s is caused by a chemical imbalance within the brain. The brain produces a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the basal ganglia, which is structures linked to the thalamus in the base of the brain. If the Dopamine, Basal ganglia and Thalamus does not function properly then causes major damage,. A person having less and less dopamineRead MoreCbt For Depression And Parkinson s Disease941 Words  | 4 PagesAnother study that shows the effectiveness of CBT took a look at the use of CBT for depression in Parkinson’s disease. According to scientists depressed patients with Parkinson’s disease could show greater improvements in anxiety, quality of life, coping, and Parkinson s disease symptoms if treated with CBT. The purpose of their study was to examine the efficacy of individually administered cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), re lative to clinical monitoring (with no new treatment), for depressionRead MoreSports Concussions Are A Type Of Traumatic Brain Injury2144 Words  | 9 Pagesdisability from TBI which translates to approximately 5 million people[6]. Longterm Effects of Sports Concussions Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive disease associated with long-term repeated head trauma and may include altered behaviors, dementia, epilepsy, vertigo, personality changes and Parkinson’s disease[5]. Dementia pugilistica may affect boxers, wrestlers and athletes in other sports who suffer concussions. Kosta Karageorge, a 22 year old Ohio State University athleteRead MoreCoffee : The Magical Elixir750 Words  | 3 Pagesin Yemen. Throughout the next century, coffee makes its way all over the Middle East to turkey, Persia and northern Africa. It is not long after that coffee eventually ends up in Europe. In 1645 the first coffee house is opened in Venice. By the 1720’s coffee has found its way to America. Coffee was not a very popular drink among the colonists until after the Boston Tea Party of 1773 when it was believed to be unpatriotic to drink tea. b. Coffee today i. Did you know that with the exception of PuertoRead MoreHuman cloning and Immanuel Kant1114 Words  | 5 Pagespaths of inquiry and where to draw the line as to research that strikes many people as morally wrong. The basic question is: how does society determine what s right? While, of course, questions regarding human genetic research are new, this basic question is as hold as civilization and has been addressed over and over again by history s great philosophers. One of the most notable philosophers of the modern era is Immanuel Kant, who was born in Prussia in 1724. Kant paid a great deal of attentionRead MoreTopic On Benefits Of Drinking Coffee960 Words  | 4 Pagesof the many ways in which coffee can have a positive impact on your health. Thesis Statement: Drinking coffee can benefit your health in a number of ways, including lowering your risk of developing (1) cardiovascular problems, (2) neurological diseases, and (3) certain kinds of cancer. Introduction I. [Attention Getter] By show of hands, how many of you drink coffee on a daily or semi-daily basis? II. [Topic Justification] Everybody knows that coffee is great for waking up in the morning or keepingRead MoreCan Stem Cells Be Used For Cure Parkinson s Disease? Essay3847 Words  | 16 Pagesa neurological disease, namely; Parkinson’s Disease? The aim of this research is to determine if stem cells can be used to cure Parkinson’s disease. I too aim to determine if such may be achieved by using stem cells that are obtained in an ethically unchallenging manner, such as by using induced pluripotent stem cells, which are created from one’s own skin, to cure the disease. I chose to conduct research into this topic as currently there is no single cure for Parkinson’s Disease. All that currentlyRead MoreBureaucracy : A Perfect And Flawless Form Of Organization1605 Words  | 7 Pagescivilisation, without it probably the cities would not have been established, would not have developed as qucikly as they did. Bureaucracy is still relevant in everyday’s life, it is present in the multinational companies, governments, army etc.. In summary, bureaucracy often leads to dysfunction, but we can observe situations in which the bureaucracy as work organisation is effective and one should not draw hasty conclusion that it is always an inefficient system. However, Even though this system hasRead MoreThe Mediterranean Diet Of Food Essay1390 Words  | 6 Pagesthe health benefits it accommodates. Fittingly named The Mediterranean Diet, this compilation of foods including fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, high fiber breads, whole grains, nuts, oli ve oil and red wine are targeted to help prevent a number of diseases as well as promote health in different sectors of the body. This essay will touch upon each component, benefit, and precaution of the Mediterranean diet, in depth, all with a main focus on the nutritional factors. When I introduced the MediterraneanRead MoreHow are Concussions Effecting Football in High School Essay941 Words  | 4 Pagesneurodegenerative dementing disorders, including mild cognitive impairment(MCI), Alzheimers disease, and Parkinson syndrome (1,11,13,28,29,36) (Guskiewicz, 2007, pp. 903-909). They also can lead to depression which can and has caused suicide in former NFL players such as Junior Seau.Players have committed suicide by shooting themselves in the chest to preserve their brain so it can be studied on. These studies have show diseases that could be due to concussions from playing football. The long term effects of
The Dystopian Society Of Margaret Atwood s The Handmaid...
The dystopian society of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is a society where women are subjected to a life of childbearing. The toxins produced by humans themselves are the cause of infertility in most cases. To keep the population alive, the few fertile women are forced into a life where they are raped in order to bear children. These crude rapings are thought to be validated from the Bible. Genesis 30:1-3 is a passage that is relative to the Gileadean rationale, â€Å"And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. 2 And Jacob s anger was kindled against Rachel: and he said, Am I in God s stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb? 3 And she said, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her.†No emotions are present in these government sanctioned rapes. In fact, it is illegal for any affection to occur. Why has sex become so emotionless? Are women merely a tool for society to remain alive? The government of Gilead does not allow women to read, write, hold property or jobs, vote, or anything that might allow them to subvert their husbands and the government. Women are of no use besides to keep the government functioning. Offred, the protagonist, is commissioned to serve the commander Fred and his wife Serena Joy. A commander is a man of elite status whose wife is sterile. Each commander is designated aShow MoreRelatedThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1249 Words  | 5 PagesDystopian Research Essay: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood In the words of Erika Gottlieb With control of the past comes domination of the future. A dystopia reflects and discusses major tendencies in contemporary society. The Handmaid s Tale is a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood in 1985. The novel follows its protagonist Offred as she lives in a society focused on physical and spiritual oppression of the female identity. Within The Handmaid s Tale it is evident that through theRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale And Gattaca1106 Words  | 5 PagesA dystopian text is a manifestation of society s deepest fears. How is this explored in The Handmaid s Tale and Gattaca? A comparison of dystopian texts explores contemporary issues of society and integrates them into an alien world. The Handmaid s Tale by Margaret Atwood illustrates the nature of society as far from ideal, and the destructive nature of oppression. Similarly, Gattaca by Andrew Niccol epitomises the characteristics of a dystopian text, by highlighting the subversion of naturalRead MoreThe Handmaids Tale Men Essay1607 Words  | 7 PagesWomen’s Bodies as Political Instruments and Elimination of Sexual Pleasure: Oppression throughout Society In Margaret Atwood’s, The Handmaid’s Tale, the idea of women’s bodies as political instruments and elimination of sexual pleasure is explored. The republic of Gilead â€Å"depicts a futuristic society in which a brutal patriarchal regime deprives women of power and subjectivity, enslaving them through a sophisticated, ubiquitous apparatus of surveillance†(Cooper 49). Offred is a girl who lives withRead MoreThe Handmaids Tale By Margaret Atwood And Catching Fire By Suzanne Collins1522 Words  | 7 Pagesstate in which everything is unpleasant or bad typically in a totalitarian or an environmentally degraded one†( text, The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins deal with the main idea of societal restraint. Both authors portray a protagonist who is living in a totalitarian society. The protagonists in both novels have harsh limitations which they must abide to. The authors use setting , oppression, and symbolism as restraint for societalRead MoreThe Handmaids Tale Men Essay1666 Words  | 7 PagesWomen’s Bodies as Political Instuments and Elimination of Sexual Pleasure: Oppression throughout Society In Margaret Atwood’s, The Handmaid’s Tale, the idea of women’s bodies as political instruments and elimination of sexual pleasure is explored. The republic of Gilead â€Å"depicts a futuristic society in which a brutal patriarchal regime deprives women of power and subjectivity, enslaving them through a sophisticated, ubiquitous apparatus of surveillance†(Cooper 49). Offred is a â€Å"girl†who livesRead MoreThe Handmaids Tale Gender Inequality Essay1067 Words  | 5 PagesHandmaid’s Tale and Women in Modern Day Society Picture being in a world where women no longer have the freedom to purchase items, instead all of their money can be found in their husband’s account. This is the life of the Handmaids; their lives reflect those of slaves because they can’t go anywhere alone, have no money of their own, and live in constant fear of being sent to the Colonies. Small parts of gender equality can be seen in today’s society. The overall theme of The Handmaid’s Tale is genderRead MoreFeminism In The Handmaids Tale1709 Words  | 7 PagesThe Republic of Gilead, a dystopian world with a patriarchal society, is displayed in Atwood’s, The Handmaid’s Tale. More specifically, the novel takes place in what used to be considered the United States but is now being called the Republic of Gilead where freedoms and rights have been excluded, especially for women. The society nurtures a â€Å"theocratic, patriarchal, nightmare world created by men, with the complicity of women†(â€Å"Margaret (Eleanor) Atwood†). The separation of the freedoms betweenRead MoreCharacter Analysis OfThe Handmaids Tale911 Words  | 4 Pages The Handmaid’s Tale written by Margaret Atwood is a dystopian society, and it takes place in the Republic of Gilead. Most women here have trouble getting pregnant due to unexplained causes. Although unknown, the most likely causes are pollution and radiation. In The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood creates Offred, The Commander Fred, and Nick through direct description, action, and reaction. Atwood assigns these indicative colors as â€Å"black, for the Commander, blue, for the Commander’s Wife, andRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1256 Words  | 6 Pagesthe cavemen to now, societies have systematically oppressed people for various reasons. Oppression has happened to Jews in Germany, slaves during Christopher Columbus’s days, slaves in the early 1900s in America, etc. Whe n people systematically oppress one another, it leads to internal oppression of the oppressed. This is evident in Margaret Atwood’s book, The Handmaid’s Tale. This dystopian fiction book is about a young girl, Offred, who lives in Gilead, a dystopian society. Radical feminists complainedRead MoreIs Today s Society Becoming A Dystopian World?1313 Words  | 6 PagesIs today’s society becoming a dystopian world? Both the novels 1984 by George Orwell and The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood provide warnings of how each author sees certain problems in society leading to dystopian states. Civilizations are forced to live by rules and for certain purposes to ensure the governments own goals and aspirations, but arise for different reasons. Atwood is concerned with political groups and aspects of feminism; The Handmaids Tale illustrates how declining birth rates
Character Evaluation free essay sample
The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Frank is something of a mad scientist, bent on creating the perfect life form to serve as his sexual plaything. He seems to be the leader of the Transylvanians on Earth. Frank is mainly concerned with himself and lacks the ability to see the consequences of his behavior. Though he did bring out the sexual creatures in a young, repressed couple, he did this with his own amusement in mind. He commits murder and cannibalism without a second thought, as well as locking Eddie in a deep-freezer. (http://www. imdb. com/character/ch0010150/bio) If you have ever seen this movie you will automatically know that it is a very strange movie. How Dr. Frank-N-Furter fits into the five personality traits: * Extraversion- means a person is, talkative, social and assertive. He does this all too well, in the movie he holds a convention for the Transsexual Transylvanians on Earth, and this describes the social portion. We will write a custom essay sample on Character Evaluation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How he classifies into being an assertive person is because he is the boss of everyone. In the movie it shows him being aggressive and assertive to his servants and fellow Transylvanians Columbia, Magenta, Riff Raff, Eddie-the ex-delivery boy and even his own creation Rocky. * Neuroticism- means a person is anxious, prone to depression and worries a lot. Frank-N-Furter has a lot of anger in this movie, to the point where he kills Eddie. He definitely has a hard time controlling his anger and hostility and does not think about the outcome of his actions. Openness to Experience- means a person is imaginative; independent minded and has divergent thinking. I think that this one fits him the best because he is very creative and for sure thinks differently. In the movie he is creating his own creation, a boy who he names Rocky Horror. By doing this it shows that he has a very imaginative mind and is creative. He is a fantasy character because he does not fit into the â€Å"norm†of what you would normally see. In the movie he is a transsexual, meaning he is dressed in a corset, fish netting stockings, and about 5-6 inch heels and he wears makeup. Agreeableness- means a person is good natured, co-operative and trusting. This one does not fit Dr. Frank-N-Furter at all. He is not a good natured person and you cannot trust him at all. He is a very hateful person and has a lot of psychological issues. * Conscientiousness – means a person is responsible, orderly and dependable. Like Agreeableness Frank-N-Furter does not fit into this one at all. He is not responsible; if he was he would not have murdered Eddie and then fed him to his guests. Also if he had a conscience at all he would not have made half of the choices that he did.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Recent Trend of Online Retail Marketing
Question: Discuss about The Recent Trend of Online Retail Marketing. Answer: Introduction The purpose of the concerned report is to make a critical evaluation of certain aspects related to the recent trend of online retail marketing and its future opportunities. Additionally, the critical discourse has concentrated on to identify and analyze the impact of the growing trend of online retail trading on the traditional retail shopping. In the present era of rapid development through the hand of globalization, e-business is one facet that is growing in fast pace in both the developing and developed nations of the world. Fast technical growth and easy access to the internet has accelerated the emergence of online retail marketing (Gallino Moreno, 2014). This critical assignment therefore aims to understand whether online retail trading is the ultimate future of retail marketing or there is any scope for the re-emergence of traditional retail trading. Comparison and analysis of the recent trend of online retail marketing in developed and developing countries Over last few years, the online retrial marketing around the world is achieving an impressive growth as growth of the e-business has increased more than 20% in the year 2014, which amounts to near about $840 billion (Siqueira et al., 2014). Probably the reason behind this boom in both developing and developed countries is the continuous support from the stock markets and growing success of public offerings. In the developed countries like the United States, Australia and European continent the online retail trading has already set its foot and rapidly dominating the overall retail market. The developing countries on the other side has started to encounter a progressive growth in online retail shopping in an active pace as the rapid development of this aspect in developed countries have contributed a fruitful impact over developing nations. It is fortunate that developing countries are now giving tough competition to the most developed countries. According to the global index of 2013, China and Japan have scored highest than developed countries like US, Germany, Canada, UK, Italy and other ones. The prominent features of the online retail sector in developing countries like China, Hong Kong and United Arab Emirates rely not only upon the consumer behaviour and infrastructure facility but also upon the organized health of their domestic physical retail industries. It is unfortunate at the same time that in comparison with other South East domains, India who is considered to have second biggest population could not make its list in the tip 30 position in global online retail index (Wischenbart, 2013). Nevertheless, instead of grabbing top position developed countries have acquired the top half list of the global index. However, there are certain differences in terms of retailers between developed and developing countries. Retailers in the developed countries who both have virtual and physical stores are concerned more to integrate their in-store with the online ones to maximise customer engagement. On the contrary, the retailers of the developing countries are struggling to develop the logistic and economic infrastructure to break down the barriers related to online retail purchasing (Wischenbart, 2013). However, customers of both the countries possess same purchasing attributes. Critical views regarding online retail trading in future According to Fernie and Sparks (2014), the online retail purchasing sector is expected to grow on fast velocity as the account for retail spending around the world in 2015 will experience a growth by 8.8% in the year 2018 and further by 13% in the year 2019. Therefore, it is understandable that in case of having bright scope in future, both developed and developing countries will found themselves fortunate. The reason behind expecting rapid growth in online retail marketing is the increasing development in the technology and rising consumption of electronic gadgets like tablets, smart phones and laptops. Consumption rate of laptops and personal desktops is high as around 53.9% of the online user access to online stores through them and 33.7% use smart phones for the access (Clemes et al., 2014). Other chief reasons behind this expectation is most of the giant in store retailers like Wal-Mart, Sears and Kmart are going hand in hand with online successors like Amazon. Most of the physi cal stores concentrating on online marketing are implementing smart systems like in store pick up facility, home delivery and designing retail based websites. Amazon, who is considered as the most dominating online retailers of the world, has opened a physical bookstore in the university village of Seattle as a brick and mortar extension. Hence, it is understandable that the future of online retail marketing is hugely depending on the race between online retailers like Amazon and those retailers who are trying to win over both the on line and off line retail stores (Meeker Wu, 2013). To give competition to each other, retailers will implement more technologies and infrastructure in the field of online retailing and through this process the industry will continue its growth. Impact of online retail shopping on traditional retailing It is unfortunate that the growing trend in consumer behaviour to address online retail shopping is affecting negatively upon the physical retail parlours. Instead of trying hard to compete with the online retailer by developing several new channels, most in-store retailers are having rapid reduction in sales density in both developed and developing countries (Labrecque et al., 2013). The reason consumers prefer to buy retrial products online is that online retail purchasing is more convenient and easy. For evidence, in the year 2014, commerce department of US had noticed that e-retailers have consumed near about 8.3% of the unadjusted sales of retail excluding service sector of food and automobile. Consequently, the community retail stores are lagging and struggling. Because of the impact of online retailing, first in-store retailers have encountered decreasing sales for books and toys then reduction of sales have been found in the clothing and thereafter in the grocery system (Morg an-Thomas Veloutsou, 2013). It can be recommended that off line retailers should implement offers that are more lucrative and discount to keep their target market in hand. Conclusion The discourse has bring out some key points which suggest that in the world of online retail marketing, developing countries like China, Japan, Hong Kong are giving hard competition to the developed countries like US, UK and Canada. Most importantly, online retail trading will find a potential buyers market in future as recently physical retail stores are approaching the online retail trading to increase the revenue margin and to give seamless shopping experience. However, the report has pointed out that because of the rapid increase in online shopping, in-store retailers are encountering rapid decrease in sales. References Clemes, M. D., Gan, C., Zhang, J. (2014). An empirical analysis of online shopping adoption in Beijing, China. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(3), 364-375. Fernie, J., Sparks, L. (2014). Logistics and retail management: emerging issues and new challenges in the retail supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Gallino, S., Moreno, A. (2014). Integration of online and offline channels in retail: The impact of sharing reliable inventory availability information. Management Science, 60(6), 1434-1451. Labrecque, L. I., Patrick, V. M., Milne, G. R. (2013). The marketers prismatic palette: A review of color research and future directions. Psychology Marketing, 30(2), 187-202. Meeker, M., Wu, L. (2013, May). Internet trends. In Proc D11 Conference. Rancho Palos Verdes. Morgan-Thomas, A., Veloutsou, C. (2013). Beyond technology acceptance: Brand relationships and online brand experience. Journal of Business Research, 66(1), 21-27. Siqueira, A. C. O., Webb, J. W., Bruton, G. D. (2014). Informal entrepreneurship and industry conditions. Entrepreneurship Theory and practice. Wischenbart, R. (2013). The global eBook market: current conditions future projections. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Essay on Family Motivation
Essay on Family MotivationSample essays of family motivation, a topic we have covered before, needs to be specific and easy to read. A sample essay will not give you enough material to write about how to look at your family, who your family is, what your family does, or what your family needs. You will need a lot more in a sample essay of family motivation than that.In some ways, the hardest part of writing a sample essay of family motivation is deciding on what family to include. You will need to know if it is just yourself and the children or a whole family. Maybe you have grown up with some siblings who are older or younger than you, and it is time to tell them how much they mean to you. It is not just about the people in your family, but how your family makes you feel as well.There are many types of family, and all of them have different problems. A good sample essay of family motivation will talk about one or two of those types. Many families are not all the same, but they are p robably very similar in a lot of ways.Most families are made up of three people, and that is usually the case until later on. People usually live together and do the things that they enjoy doing. This family is probably a large family, although there is a chance that only one member of the family can grow up to have kids. For the first part of the essay, you might want to just include yourself and one or two of your siblings in the family.It is important to remember that this family is not what you would consider a typical family. Some family members are more serious, some are more casual, and others are older or younger than you. The essay of family motivation will also have to be realistic. It will have to show what is realistically possible for your family, and how you or your family could change things to make them happen.You will also have to decide what type of family you have. Is your family more involved in the business world or would the college degree be more important? Th ese are all decisions that you will have to make if you have decided to write an essay on family motivation. You might have to learn some information that you would not have ever thought of on your own. If you want to, you could even look at other family members to see what type of lives they lead, and what their families do, just to see if you are getting the picture.Once you have written a sample essay of family motivation, it is time to find a topic. You can find lots of information on family motivation at your local library. You can also find articles in various magazines and newspapers that talk about family.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Gun Control Essays (1537 words) - Gun Politics In The United States
Gun Control In addressing new laws of gun control, one has to look at both sides of the argument. How will new guns laws affect violence in schools and on the streets? How do loyal, law-abiding gun owners feel about these new laws. These news laws are set as all sales of firearms must be registered, all purchasers must be licensed, and no individual may purchase more than one gun per month. There will always be arguments on both sides on such controversial laws like these. Pros and Cons can be thrown about every which way from decreasing school violence, to breaking the law of the second amendment. It can be easy to take sides, but one must look to both sides' arguments before reasoning. The gun control issue has really blown up since the Columbine High School Shooting incident. This incident has sparked a nationwide debate fueled by Sarah Brady and Bill Clinton to enforce newer gun control laws, and keep these weapons out of the hands of the wrong people (such as juveniles). One way to help keep guns out of the wrong hands is just simply not to make them available to young people. A new CAP law has been set in 16 states already, where the accidental shooting death rate has dropped by 23%. This CAP law in states all handguns to have trigger locks, and for penalties to be set for adults selling guns to juveniles. US shooting deaths are higher now than all of the other 25 industrialized countries combines, the Clinton administration is trying to crack down on this unfortunate face by enacting this CAP law along with others. Another law of limiting one purchase of a gun per month by the California Assembly by Wally Knox in Los Angeles. The Senate is still expected to approve on upon this law. The purpose of this is to halt the people who buy large amounts of guns, and then go and sell them on the black market. These black market sales flood the streets of everywhere from Maine to Washington, these black market sales also contribute to getting guns into the wrong hands. Three other states have already enacted this law including Virginia, Maryland, and South Carolina. A study shown has proved that Virginia's transferring of firearms was more than cut in half. The Brady Bill is another strong argument for the Pro - side. This law requires a five - day waiting period for cooling off for purchasing a gun. This law has already expired though, but President Clinton is reimbursing the law by issuing a minimum three day wait period before purchasing a handgun. This law is a prevention for adults who were convicted of serious crimes from ever possessing guns again. It does this by giving the police force two extra days to check records and backgrounds of criminals. The NICS does not have all records available, but this two day extension gives police more time to do checkups. Without such a waiting period, police would have no time to do background checks giving criminals much easier access to guns and easier ways to kill. Gun buyers contemplating heinous crimes or suicide would no longer have time to cool off and think over about protecting themselves and future victims if not for this law. In light of the Columbine incident, gun control was already in full swing, nothing could have probably been done from letting those kids from acquiring guns. If Clinton and Brady just want to continue and enforce this gun control, what will stop guns from still getting into the wrong hands though. Guns have really gotten a bad profile from the criminals using them unlawfully, unlike the true law - abiding gun carriers and owners in the US. Is does not seem fair to limit the sales of guns when the second amendment allows the right to bear arms. Gun control may actually be backfiring, and taking more lives in public schools than they are saving. Juveniles bearing arms in school would be scared to death if teachers and principals could conceal guns in a briefcase or purse. These new ban laws founded are only worsening the problem by having juveniles easily conceal
Monday, March 9, 2020
Guide to Writing a Dialogue in an Essay
Guide to Writing a Dialogue in an Essay Composing a dialogue is one of the most intricate parts of essay writing. Many students instantly realize that crafting a good dialogue within the context of a story takes a lot of time and requires more work that simply describing the events. And thats not surprising as a dialogue should not simply present the direct quotations from different characters but bring the story to life. If you are unsure about how to use dialogue in your essay, read on. Lets figure out the main rules and standards together! Moving the Story Forward The main role of a dialogue is to help the story move forward by presenting conversations and thoughts. You can use a dialogue to speed up the pace of your essay if you feel that the narration slows it down or you can use it as a break between the long and overwhelming paragraphs. When writing conversations, you need to remember a few important things: Dialogues move the action, set the scene, explain the descriptions and predict the reactions and activities. They can do all these things at once, so dont use the conversations to just convey the information. Remind yourself of the characters voice to write a dialogue that sounds like a real speech. You may even use some grammatical mistakes to show the realistic conversation but make sure that you keep the balance between the actual talk and readability. Always use the speech as a characterization tool. From your words, a reader should understand a lot about the character: morality, background, appearance, etc. To advance the story, your dialogues should sound natural, not forced, and clear. At the same time, the conversations have to convey the characters emotions and show the reader how they interact with each other. Using Thoughts in Dialogue Using thoughts and memories in the conversation can also show the important details of your story. This indirect dialogue is another way to change ideas without the quotations. You may also use a combination of direct and indirect dialogue for emphasis. It looks like this: Billy and I moved on to the next painting.â€Å"That’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.†He curled his lip in disgust. Well, I thought he was the ugliest thing I’d ever seen, and told him so.â€Å"And also, you stink. But most of all, your taste in art stinks.†To reveal emotions and thoughts, you need to use the sensory details: tasting, smelling, hearing, seeing. Try to show what is going on, dont tell. Thus, your essay will be more realistic and engaging for your reader. Formatting Your Dialogue The right format and style are key to the successful dialogue. Correct punctuation, tags and paragraphs are even more significant than the quotations themselves. Without following the main rules, it would be hopelessly confusing to understand who is speaking. Therefore, make sure that you format your dialogue accordingly. Rule 1: Punctuation goes inside quotations. â€Å"Ill call you tomorrow!†Anna screamed. Make sure to use two quotation marks for speech and one mark for speech within the speech. Even such a small thing as using the quotation marks can poorly reflect on your essay. Rule 2: A new speaker – a new line. If you have several characters in your essay, its important to know who is speaking. With the line break, your reader wont be confused. â€Å"I wish I could fly,†John said longingly.â€Å"Why don’t you grow wings, then?†Sarah snapped back. If there is the action connected with a character, describe it in the same paragraph, then start a new line. Rule 3: Break up dialogue in two parts. Its annoying to wait until the end of a speech to put a dialogue tag because it is unclear for a long time who is speaking. Thats why is it better to write the first thought, place a comma and tag, and then continue the dialogue. â€Å"I can’t believe I failed the exam,†said Ben. â€Å"I studied and studied, but somehow I choked and left most of it blank.†As you see, all dialogues follow a simple guideline. Keep the main rules in mind and start writing a dialogue to convey your message!
Friday, February 21, 2020
DISCUSSION QUESTION RESPONSE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 36
DISCUSSION QUESTION RESPONSE - Essay Example I think the use of hand gestures is also very true for communication with a peer. Do you think that slang or jargon might also be an appropriate in this type of scenario too? I think because of the informality of this type of communication, these elements would be all right to use. I think the easiest type of person to communicate with in a persuasive manner would be an open-minded person. This type of person will be willing to listen to what you have to say no matter what approach you might use. At the same time, however, I think this type of freedom can be a bit overwhelming. I also like what you said about body language and non verbal communication being an important component of persuading a challenging person. If this person sees you with a confrontational stance or attitude, they are likely to also remain confrontational or challenging. Therefore, I think a person would have to be hyper aware of everything that they are doing when communicating with this type of person. Good
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Domestic violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Domestic violence - Research Paper Example In this paper is illustrated one of the most popular, but in the same time - the most reticent problem of society - violence in the family. It is important to note that domestic violence does not always manifest as physical abuse. Emotional and psychological abuse can often be just as extreme as physical violence. The researcher will apply mailed questionnaire for the present study. Twenty males and females each will be taken as the units of analysis in order to accept or reject the hypothesis. The researcher will select the respondents from different socioeconomic classes in order to give representation to all social strata. After the completion of the research process, the data will be tabulated and results would be interpreted, in the light of which conclusion and suggestions would be made. Domestic violence refers to the antagonism, aggression, and anger practiced by the family members against their own family in one way or the other. Domestic violence not only creates differences and hatred among the family members but also turns the most secure place i.e. home as the most unsafe and dangerous zone on the very face of the earth. The researches also view poverty and financial problems also cause domestic instability and invite hostility and aggression in the family. Though it is not only pecuniary problems that bring violence in the family, yet people’s inability to keep the wolf from the door certainly aggravate the uneven situation and cause the increase the mental agony of the individuals. ... at domestic level, which creates serious problems within this basic and most important social institution. Domestic violence not only creates differences and hatred among the family members, but also turns the most secure place i.e. home as the most unsafe and dangerous zone on the very face of the earth. The report presented by the UNICEF describes the same by stating that the domestic violence inflicted by the males aptly put women and children in great danger in the place where they should be safest: within their families. For many, ‘home’ is where they face a regime of terror and violence at the hands of somebody close to them – somebody they should be able to trust. Those victimized suffer physically and psychologically. ( The researches reveal the very fact that domestic violence is the outcome of belligerence and haughtiness observed by the males at home. Ingkintja Congress of Male Health suggests that over 95% of reported violent offences ar e committed by males. This is a male problemâ€â€it's up to men to take the lead in fixing it. ( The dominant role played by male stratum is actually the main reason behind their being responsible in domestic violence. Another reason behind men’s displaying violence at home is partly due to the strong desire for maintaining their supremacy and authority over women and children at large against the financial support they are rendering for the family. The researches also view poverty and financial problems also cause domestic instability and invite hostility and aggression in family. Though it is not only pecuniary problems that bring violence in family, yet people’s inability to keep the wolf from the door certainly aggravate the uneven situation and cause in
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Link Between Inflation And Unemployment Economics Essay
The Link Between Inflation And Unemployment Economics Essay The two main goals of economic policymakers are low inflation and low unemployment, however often these goals conflict. For instance, if the policymakers decided to use monetary or fiscal policy to expand aggregate demand then this would move the economy along the short-run aggregate supply curve to a point of higher output and a higher price level. The higher output mean lower unemployment as firms would need more workers when they produce more. On the other hand a higher price level, given the previous years price level, means higher inflation. Therefore, when policymakers move the economy up along the short-run aggregate supply curve, they reduce the unemployment rate and raise the inflation rate. Similarly, when policymakers contract aggregate demand and move the economy down the short-run aggregate supply curve, unemployment rises and inflation falls. The trade off between unemployment and inflation is often referred as the Philips curve. The Philips curve is an inverse relationship between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation in an economy. In another word, it is a reflection of the short-run aggregate supply curve so as policymakers move the economy along the short-run aggregate supply curve, unemployment and inflation move in opposite direction. The Phillips curve is a useful way to express aggregate supply because unemployment and inflation are such important measures of economic performance. The Phillips curve in its modern form states that the inflation depends on three forces and they are; expected inflation, the deviation of unemployment from the natural rate also known as cyclical unemployment and supply shocks. These three forces can be express in the follow equation: À = À e ÃŽ ²(u-u n ) + ʆ¹ Inflation = Expected Inflation (ÃŽ ² x cyclical unemployment) + supply shock Where ÃŽ ² is a parameter measuring the response of inflation to cyclical unemployment. There is a minus sign before the cyclical unemployment as high unemployment tends to reduce inflation. The equation above basically summarises the link between unemployment and inflation. The diagram below is an example of a short-run trade off between unemployment and inflation. When unemployment is at its natural rate, inflation depends on expected inflation and the supply shock. The parameter ÃŽ ² determines the slope of the trade-off between unemployment and inflation. In the short-run, for a given level of expected inflation, policymakers can manipulate aggregate demand to choose a combination of inflation and unemployment on this curve which is called the short-run Phillips curve. In the short run, inflation and unemployment are negatively related. In the long-run, the Phillips curve is vertical. This is because when actual inflation equals expected inflation, there is no trade-off between inflation and unemployment. In long-term equilibrium the actual rate of inflation must remain equal to the expected rate. Unemployment, u Inflation, À Long-Run Phillips Curve Short-Run Phillips Curve Inflation, À Unemployment, u There are two main causes of rising and falling inflation; they are demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation. Demand-pull inflation occurs when aggregate demand in an economy outpaces aggregate supply. This is when the inflation goes up as a result of real GDP rises and unemployment falls which move the economy along the Philips curve. The demand-pull inflation diagram below illustrates that according to Keynesian theory, firms will employ people and the more people are employed, the higher the aggregate demand will become. Greater aggregate demand will lead to firms employing more people in order to meet the higher output. This is when the unemployment falls and the price increases therefore AD0 shifts to AD1. Cost-push inflation occurs when the price of goods or services increases which doesnt have and close substitutes for example oil. The cost-pull inflation diagram below illustrates that according to Keynesian theory, many prices are sticky downwards, so instead of price fa lling there would be a supply shock causing a recession. This is when unemployment rises and GDP falls and therefore SRAS0 shifts to SRAS1. Cost-Pull inflation Demand-pull Inflation SRAS1 AD0 Price level AD1 E2 E0 AD0 SRAS0 Y* Y0 P2 P0 SRAS0 Price level E0 Real GDP E1 P1 P0 Real GDP Y0 Y* A good example of link between unemployment and inflation can be seen in the United States. The graph below shows the history of unemployment and inflation in the United States since 1961. The four decades of data illustrates some of the causes of rising or falling inflation. As we can see from the graph, during 1960s policymakers were able to reduce unemployment in the short -run, however this caused the inflation to rise high. This was achieved by cutting tax in 1964, together with expansionary monetary policy which expended the aggregate demand and pushed the unemployment rate below 5%. Moreover, due to government spending as a result of Vietnam War, this expansion of aggregate demand continued in the late 1960s. Consequently, unemployment fell lower and inflation rose higher than intended. In 1970s, policymakers started off with trying to lower the high inflation of 1960s. The government imposed temporary controls on wages and prices and the Federal Reserve engineered a recession through reducing monetary policy but the inflation rate only fell slightly. By 1972, unemployment was same as 1962 however the inflation rate was 3 percent higher. At the start of 1973 policymakers had to deal with the large supply shocks caused by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). During mid-1970s, OPEC raised their oil price pushing the inflation rate up to 10 percent. With the supply shock and temporary tight monetary policy, led to recession in 1975. High unemployment during the recession reduced inflation rate however further OPEC price raise pushed inflation back up again in the late 1970s. During 1980s there was high inflation and high expectation of inflation. So the Federal Reserve was determined to aim monetary policy at reducing inflation. Consequently, in 1982 and 1983 the unemployment rate reached its highest level in 4 decades. Fall in oil price in 1986 has helped reduce the unemployment rate and lowered the inflation rate down from 10 percent to near 3 percent. By 1987, unemployment reached 6 percent which was close to most estimates of the natural rate. The unemployment rate continued to fall throughout the late 1980s and reached to 5.2 percent in 1986 which led to a new round of demand pull inflation. The 1990s began with a recession as a result of contractionary shocks to aggregate demand. However, unlike the recession in 1982, unemployment in 1990 recession wasnt far above the natural rate therefore the effect on inflation was small. By the end of 1990s, both unemployment and inflation reached their lowest levels in many years. This could be due to a combin ation of events which helped keep the inflation in check despite low unemployment. However in 2000, inflation rate started to rise up again. The example of United States macroeconomic history displays the many causes of inflation. The two sides of demand pulled inflation can be seen during the 1960s and 1980s. In the 1960s low unemployment pulled inflation up and in the 1980s high unemployment pulled the inflation down. During 1970s the rise in oil price showed the effects of cost push inflation.
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