Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Innocent Drinks Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Innocent Drinks - Case Study Example Additionally, it ensures the endorsement of recycling and sustainability of its products packaging. This paper, therefore, analyzes the business operations of Innocent Drinks Company including booms, bumps and the overall SWOT analysis of this company. The dominant market share of Innocent Drinks Company in the Juice and Smoothie market has been on the decline due to daily emergence of soft drinks companies into this industry. For example, in the recent past, this company’s market, which initially was over 70%, has been threatened by an unfair competition and consumer downturn (Sahlman 356). Even though Innocent Company upholds a higher degree of ethical standards towards natural, healthy, delicious and sustainable production, the only market worry is the identification of best marketing strategies that would decisively keep this company the market leader in soft drink production. Additionally, the development and success of this company continues to create its unusual share of challenges as the company adversely faces threat of consumer’s downturn and an inclusive out of business bigger rival efforts. In order to curb these market competition challenges, Innocent Drinks Company has resolved into being a flexible sof t drink organization with various branches. This strategy is primarily aimed at capturing wider markets. Fruit juice revolution may act as the best case study to analyze and understand the development and success of Innocent Drinks Company and their products. In the practical perspective, innocent drinks packages range from (250ml) to (1L). The appearance of this smoothie is plain one and unappealing, which is due to the natural nature of innocent drinks. Innocent soft drinks are in natural form hence lack chemical substances. This makes these soft drinks some of the best drinks for human consumptions. Labelling of Innocent Drinks juice
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Illustrated History Essay Example for Free
The Illustrated History Essay the name of Christendom and sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church against pagans, heretics and Muslims. The campaigns were accordingly religious in nature with the aim of recapturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslims. Madden though has given us an alternative examination on another possible and logical reason for the occurrence which is the search of wealth. A noble crusader would gladly risk his life and go to war if he believes that the fight is noble, true and greater than them (Madden, p. 13). For many, the sincere love of God could bring men to fight horrible wars A unprovoked Holy War against the Muslims became an acceptable idea when the concept of a unified Christian Kingdom under the Papal guidance evolved. The political concept that incorporated religion and belief was also hatched with another purposeful interest over the surrounding lands of Christ’s birthplace which was considered a valuable relic for the Christians. This was made plausible after the Arab empire under the Umayyads captured North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Spain from the foothold of the Byzantine Empire of the 8th century (Setton, 1958). An ideological concept was formed to recapture the lands lost to the Muslims which picked up potency after Spanish Kingdoms began to mobilize knights, armies and mercenaries across Europe to fight against the Muslims. Another idea which formed part of the reasons for the war was the success of the European forces against the Moorish caliphate at Cordoba little Muslim kingdoms arose in the region; they were subdued by the Normans. In effect, Europe was left with a stable class of warriors without a bloody war to fight and had little to do but cause havoc amongst them. 2) Discuss the First Crusade. Who were the principal players? Briefly describe what happened. What were the results of the First Crusade? The First Crusade which started sometime in 1095 was initiated by Alexius I call for help against the Seljuk Turks at the Council of Clermont (Arbor, 2004, p. 224). Under the guise of penance and pardon for sins, Pope Urban II called upon all Christians to fight a war against the Turks. The defeat of two Turkish armies in Dorylaeum and Antioch allowed the crusaders to march to Jerusalem half of their original men, dead or missing. The war ended in 1099 after and assault and massacre of Jerusalem’s population that were notably followed by less notable conquests (Runciman, 1952). Interestingly, the First Crusade was considered of the main reason for the Western power after its first and only capture of Jerusalem. The defeat of the Byzantine Empire in the East in the hands of the Seljuk Turks provided a substantial plan for assault against the Muslims. Although the Byzantine Empire followed a separate Orthodox religion, they did face many enemies including the Seljuks. Madden provided that the Turkish threat allowed the Protestants to flourish (Madden, p. 209). The empire was soon incorporated into the Great Seljuk territory. Alexius I saw a way to work with the Fatimids of Palestine and Egypt and advised the crusader to work with them believing that their sole purpose was to recapture Syria alone. Belatedly they sent their armies only after the crusaders were already in Jerusalem. The First Crusade brought forth a mass and organized violence of anti-Semitism that was existent in Europe for several centuries against the Jews. The German army was led by Gottschalk, Volkmar, and Emicho which proceeded to the Rhine valley and according to Riley-Smith (1986, p. 50) was the first Holocaust. Some preachers enhanced the idea that Jews and Muslims were enemies of Christ and should be converted to Christianity or die as an enemy. In some parts of France and Germany, Jews were blamed for Christ’s crucifixion for their immediate visibility than the Muslims. The Jews were massacred justified by Pope Urban’s speech at Clermont that promised reward from God for killing non-Christians and Muslims (Runciman, 1952). Later in 1096, a band of nobles and knights from different regions of Europe significantly led by Raymond IV of Toulouse, Adhemar of Le Puy; Bohemund of Taranto with his nephew Tancred, the Lorrainers under the brothers Godfrey of Bouillon, Eustace and Baldwin of Boulogne and Count Robert II of Flanders, Robert of Normandy, Stephen, Count of Blois, and Hugh of Vermandois the younger brother of King Philip I of France marched towards Jerusalem in December 1096. Along the way, they encountered machinations led by Byzantine Alexius who provided them with provisions if they return any land to him that was recovered from the Turks. With this in motion, Alexius agreed to send out a Byzantine army to accompany the crusaders through Asia Minor. After a lengthy siege in Nicaea, under Kilij Arslan I the crusaders won yet Alexius feared the crusaders sacking Nicea and destroying its wealth and secretly accepted the surrender of the city. In their march to Dorylaeum, Godfrey broke the Turkish lines and defeated the Turks and looted their camp. This enabled Kilij Arslan to withdraw and the crusaders marched unopposed through Asia Minor towards Antioch. Antioch was so large that the crusaders did not have enough troops to fully surround it. Since Bohemund wanted the city for himself, he bribed an Armenian guard to surrender his tower where the crusaders entered the city and killed most of the inhabitants. A monk psychologically renewed the gist of the fight claiming a Holy Lance was found thus providing for them a sign that they would be victorious. Personal ambition later paved the way for arguments that deviously disclaimed any allegiance to an oath before Alexius I. A plague which killed many and the refusal of the Muslims to give food to the crusaders recounted incidents of cannibalism. Baldwin of Boulogne though went on his own towards the Armenian lands around Euphrates and was adopted as heir by King Thoros, a Greek Orthodox ruler who was soon assassinated and Baldwin became the new ruler. This paved way for the County of Edessa, to be the first of the crusader states in Runciman (1952). The crusaders finally reached Jerusalem in May and put the city in a lengthy siege. Seven days later, the crusaders murdered almost every inhabitant of Jerusalem. Godfrey of Bouillon was made Protector of the Holy Sepulchre and refused to wear a crown. He also led an army of an invading Fatimid army at the Battle of Ascalon and was succeeded by his brother, Baldwin of Edessa who became â€Å"King of Jerusalem†. 3) Examine the Second Crusade. Explain the rise of Saladin. Why was he successful against European armies? The Second Crusade was marked as a response to the Fall of Edessa. Pope Eugene III with the European monarchs like Louis VII of France, Conrad III of Germany along with their army marched across Europe. Although they were defeated by the Seljuk Turks, they reached Jerusalem in 1148 an attacked Damascus. Jerusalem was recaptured by the Muslims. What failures the crusaders faced in Jerusalem were compensated by their efforts in converting people to Christianity. The Second Crusade however attracted popular figures such as Eleanor of Aquitaine, the Queen of France, Thierry of Alsace Count of Flanders; Henry, the future Count of Champagne; Louis’ brother Robert I of Dreux; Alphonse I of Toulouse; William II of Nevers; William de Warenne, Earl of Surrey; Hugh VII of Lusignan and numerous other nobles and bishops (Runciman; 1952). This was made possible after St. Bernard preached its importance to the people. However, the relations within the Crusade were poor and were faced with conflict. Complaints of plunder happened along the way while treachery and political aspirations summed up the greedy endeavors of nobles. King Baldwin III and the Knights Templar made Damascus their prime target where they all met in Acre on June 24 attended by Conrad, Otto, Henry II of Austria, future emperor Frederick I Barbarossa , William V of Montferrat of the Holy Roman Empire; Louis, Alphonse’s son Bertrand, Thierry of Alsace, and various other ecclesiastical and secular lords. Jerusalem King Baldwin, Queen Melisende, Patriarch Fulk, Robert of Craon as the Master of the Knights Templar, Raymond du Puy de Provence as Master of the Knights Hospitaller were among those present (Runciman, 1952). No one from Antioch, Tripoli, or the former County of Edessa attended. The crusaders then attacked Damascus from the west. Yet, the Muslims were prepared for the attack after the crusaders managed to fight their way through and chase the defenders back . Damascus had sought help from Saif ad-Din Ghazi I of Aleppo and Nur ad-Din of Mosul, who led an unsuccessful attack on the crusader camp. The Muslim camps also did not trust one another and the crusaders could not agree about who would receive the city if they captured it. Wrongful calculations made some tactical errors in their moves which later forced them to retreat back to Jerusalem. The siege of Damascus was disastrous for Jerusalem and the city was handed over to Nur ad-Din in 1154. Baldwin III seized Ascalon in 1153 and created conflicts with Egypt. Relations with the Byzantine Empire were rare after the disaster of the Second Crusade. In 1171, Saladin, a nephew of one of Nur ad-Dins generals, was proclaimed Sultan of Egypt and united Egypt and Syria which completely surrounded the crusader kingdom. In 1187 Jerusalem surrendered to Saladin. 4) Provide a brief summary of the Third Crusade. How does the rivalry between Phillip II of France and Richard I of England impact the crusading effort? How does the Third Crusade end and what are the consequences? The Third Crusade (c. 1189–1192 in Arbor, P. 224 Timelines) was an attempt by European leaders to regain the Holy Land from Saladin. The Crusade army was destroyed as they laid siege to the city of Tiberias. King Guy and Raynald were brought to Saladin’s tent and Guy was offered a goblet of water. Guy took a drink and Raynald who had not drank water grabbed the goblet from Guy’s hands. Saladin beheaded Raynald for past betrayals and an apparent disrespect for their customs. Saladin had taken Acre and Jerusalem by the end of the year which coincided with Pope Urban III’s death. By 1190, Richard the Lionheart captured Messina and fell out of terms with Philip in Richard’s decision to marry Berengaria of Navarre thereby breaking his long-standing engagement to Philip’s half-sister Alys (Setton, 1958). Philip left Sicily for the Middle East on March 30, 1191, and joined the siege of Acre on May 20. Meanwhile, King Guy who was released from prison by Saladin in 1189 attempted to take command of the Christian forces at Tyre. Conrad of Montferrat who held power there after a successful defense of the city from Muslims made Guy turned his attention to the wealthy port of Acre instead. Receiving aid from Philip’s newly-arrived French army, it was still not enough to subdue Saladin’s force. When Queen Sibylla and her young daughters died, Guy, who was made king by right of marriage tried to retain his crown which was to Sibylla’s half-sister Isabella who later married to Conrad of Montferrat and claimed the kingship in her name. When Richard arrived, Philip and Leopold quarreled over the spoils. The kingship of Jerusalem became a struggle with Philip and Leopold supported Conrad while Richard supporting Guy. Guy would continue to rule with Conrad as the crowned king. Philip and Leopold left the Holy Land in August. Saladin meanwhile was not willing to honor the terms at Acre so Richard had more than 3,000 Muslim prisoners executed on August 20 outside of Acre. On 1191, Richard won the battle against Saladin and was forced to accept Conrad as king of Jerusalem. Before Conrad could be crowned, he was stabbed to death and Richard became a suspect in his death. The arrangement of marrying off Queen Isabella who was pregnant to Henry II of Champagne triggered talks. Saladin suddenly attacked but was recaptured by Richard where they finally agreed that Jerusalem should be left to Muslim rule but allowed Christian pilgrims to visit the city. Richard left the Holy Land and his fleet was struck by a violent storm, carrying his new fiancee Berengaria, and vast amounts of treasure amassed for the crusade (Setton, 1958). Emperor Isaac Dukas Comnenus of Cyprus had held the treasure and despite an agreement to return them to Richard, instead ordered Richard to leave the island. This prompted Richard to conquer the island within days. In December 1192, Richard was arrested and imprisoned by Duke Leopold, for murdering his cousin Conrad of Montferrat and later transferred to the custody of Henry VI. Richard returned to England in 1194 and died after a wound in 1199 at the age of 41 (Setton, 1958). 5) Discuss the Fourth Crusade. Why is it launched? What does the Fourth Crusade accomplish? Often described as the most gainful crusade, the Fourth Crusade was originally designed to conquer Jerusalem through Egypt. Instead, the Eastern Orthodox city of Constantinople proved more alluring. None of the crusaders ever reached the Holy Land and in fact created a wide gap between the Catholics and the Orthodox. Fighting with each other ensued with the Latin Empire facing a number of enemies and the crusade energy dropped as the Latin instilled a sense of betrayal to the Greeks. Their fight for supremacy led to the capture and death of leaders in their own hands and displaying their own lunacy. Ironically, the Greeks thought that the Byzantine civilization centered at the Orthodox faith would be more secure under the Ottomans, and preferred to sacrifice their political freedom in order to preserve the religion. The fourth was the last major crusade directed by the Holy See after bickering led its collapse. 6) Discuss the crusades against other parts of Europe(e. g. the Reconquista, Albigensian, etc. ). What did the Crusaders hope to accomplish? The Pope had authorized a Crusade in Spain and urged the Spaniards to fight the Moors present in their own territory. Many believed though that it was not waged merely for to lessen Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula. It was seen the though rhat most noble births are identified in the relationships between Muslims and Christians. A war on the Iberian Kingdom which was faced with a deep economic crisis would lead to the expulsion of the Jews and confiscate their property. The Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade was initiated in 1209 by the Catholics to eliminate the heretics and the religion practicedby the Cathars of Southern France in an effort to extend the Church’s control southwards. Under Pope Gregory IX, the Inquisition gave unlimited power to suppress the heretics that started a ruthless campaign against the Cathars who were caught and burned. The Cathar strongholds gradually fell which ended the last known Cathar burning in Languedoc in 1321. 7) Discuss the later Crusades. How are the achievements of earlier Crusades dismantled? What new powers emerge? What finally defeats the ethos of the Crusades? The various succeeding Crusades presented a struggle for a supreme cause like the fifth which attempted to formulate a recovery of the Holy Land in 1215 joined by forces from Hungary and Austria that led to the destruction of the Nile in Egypt. The 6th Crusade of Emperor Frederick II met some success that delivered Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem to the Crusaders for ten years. The succeeding 7th crusade was represented by the Templars that came out a failure. While the 8th failed upon the death of Louis IX. Edward I undertook another expedition and accomplished very little in Syria with after a truce. The fall of Antioch in 1268, Tripoli in 1289 and Acre in 1291 marked the last traces of the Christian rule in Syria (Arbor, p. 224). The acts of barbarism and aggression coupled with the tension between church leader and monarchs became a controversy among the nobles. The brutal acts against one another belied the viewpoint of a defensive war against Muslim aggression as the ravages of war returned more benefits for the aggressor. 8) What are the legacies of the Crusades? How did the Crusades advance Western Christianity’s notion of the Kingdom of God (or did not)? The Crusades favorably for the Western culture dramatized their unity under the influence of the Holy See. The military experience drew out a certainty to protect European castles from outside invasion as massive stone structures were erected to surround the castle. It has also opened the European culture to the world and likewise the Middle East to Europe which for sometime Europe frowned upon. In the essence of knighthood and folkloric tales, the Crusades brought a Romantic zest in an otherwise clamor for power and wealth. Scientific advancement brought forth a new experience to speed the advancement in European universities. Economically, the transport of large armies in an otherwise less traveled road saw an increase in profit as colonies engage in trade that brought in unknown variety of spices, ivory, jade, diamonds, food and other Asian crops. Religiously, had it not been for the Crusades, Spain, Portugal, and the Balkans would be a predominantly Muslim country today and Christianity might have been largely replaced by Islam. The Crusades as a religious and righteous campaign to fight for a just cause against the perceived evil was used to actually justify the ambitious efforts of creating a unified control among nations under the guise of religion. 9) Finally, discuss your general impression of the Crusades. Within the context of the Crusades, how do you reconcile the statement `impelled by the love of God` with the actions of those who participated? The unnecessary deaths of many innocent beings under the hands of the Crusaders could not account and explain the apparent disregard for moral teachings of the bible that positively recommend â€Å"love for one another†. As crimes against another is committed to pave way for a religious war which reeks of control and subjugation of the weak we begin to see the hypocritical machinations to use religion as means to get what a group is most likely salivating salivate over. The participants of the Crusades clearly lack the civil capacity to uphold the rights of another being in order to exercise control over him. Work Cited Page Runciman, Steven. A History of the Crusades, vol. II: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187. London: Cambridge University Press, 1952. Setton, Kenneth. ed. A History of the Crusades, vol. I. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1958. Riley-Smith , Jonathan. The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1986, p. 50. Madden, Thomas F. General Editor. The Crusades: the Illustrated History. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2004.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality :: Race Racial History Historical Cuba Essays
The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality I. Introduction: The legacy of slavery and the legacy of systematic racial discrimination imposed on Afro-Cubans are grim realities that are imbedded in Cuban societal and cultural fibers. Despite the abolition of slavery in 1886 and its gaining of independence in 1902 Cuban society, politics, and ideology have been haunted with the specter of the ‘race issue.’ According to Aline Helg, "the myth of Cuban racial equality has proved remarkably enduring, even since the revolution of 1959" (p. 247). Thus, in order to comprehend the current political and social conditions in Cuba as well as the conditions that led to the revolution in 1959 one must examine the afro-Cuban struggle for equality that emerged at the turn of the 20th century. II. The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality (1886-1912): Jose Marti, in his idealistic pursuit for a free Cuba, envisioned a revolution that would not only allow Cubans to gain their independence from Spain, but also a revolution that would revitalize and redefine the Cuban social structures. This sentiment was indeed shared by the many Afro-Cubans who joined the ranks of the Liberation Army en masse in order to rebel against Spanish racism and inequality. In fact, as Helg states, "although few orientales were able to leave written testimony of their motivation to join the insurgency, their goal was probably not only independence from Spain but also the creation of a new society in which they would fully participate" (p. 57). Besides the Afro-Cuban motivations of ceasing racism and inequality were the motivations of members from other factions of society such as the landless peasants who desired land, the popular cabecillas who strove for political authority, and the orientales who fought to gain control of their regions destin y. This war for independence had the potential to become a social revolution, a revolution that would ultimately seek to alter the status quo of Spanish colonial order with its strict social and racial hierarchy. However, this social revolution never truly came into fruition for the many Afro-Cubans who fought and died en masse. Even though the Liberation Army seemed to consist of members of all classes and races, there ensued a systematic repression of Afro-Cubans.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Huckleberry Finn Ending Controversy
Mark Twain is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the history of the United States, having spun many memorable and iconic tales in his own creative and unique style. Held high in this position as a great â€Å"American†novelist, Twain flirted with the creation of a universal masterpiece in his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. However, critics disagree on whether or not Twain’s work with Huckleberry Finn truly reaches the stature of a masterpiece, and that disagreement stems from the course the author chose for his conclusion. T. S Eliot finds Twain’s ending to be true to his style and the rest of the novel.Leo Marx finds that the ending abandons the apparent goals of the novel, leaving the work short of excellence. Twain ventured into the arena of greatness by combining two timelessly classic elements, and casting them as the central â€Å"characters†of his work. According to Eliot, Twain uses the â€Å"character†of the Mis sissippi River to relate to all nature, and he uses the title character of Huckleberry Finn to relate to the boy of mankind. Twain uses the former to guide the story and the latter to experience it. He engages the reader with his signature, easily accessed narrative and builds a strong foundation from these two universal elements.The only real question is the payoff; can the strength of the beginning be carried through to the end? This is where debate ensues, for Twain seemingly departs from the path he has laid throughout the novel to bring the story to resolution in a manner consistent with Twain’s writing, but not so much with the established course of this novel. Critics, such as T. S. Eliot, see the story’s ending, filled with the game-like attempts of the Tom Sawyer to free Jim, as a way to bring the reader back to the feelings of the beginning of the novel. It is a position with which I cannot disagree more.Instead, it is the view of Leo Marx that I see as the b est dissection of the ending of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, one filled with flaws, significant enough that they â€Å"jeopardize the significance of the entire novel. †(Marx 291) Marx points out that the beginning of Huck’s journey with Jim has one specific goal, the goal to get Jim to freedom. This is made clear when Huck discovers the Duke and the Dauphin have sold Jim, causing Huck to say: After all this long journey . . . here was it all come to nothing, everything all busted up and ruined, because they could have the heart to erve Jim such a trick as that, and make him a slave again all his life, and amongst strangers, too, for forty dirty dollars. (199) Marx states â€Å"Huck knows that the journey will have been a failure unless it takes Jim to freedom. (294) However, at the end of the book we discover through Tom that Jim is already free. The impact of this revelation threatens the entire purpose of the journey, and diminishes the events along the way . Possibly the most disappointing aspect of the ending is Tom’s plan to free Jim from the barn. Filled with humor and games, the freeing of Huck’s close friend is made into a joke.This comes after the fact that (1), Huck has made his journey down the river a quest for Jim’s freedom, and (2), Huck’s â€Å"growth in stature†(as characterized by Marx, p. 296) has elevated the tone of the story beyond farce. Two of the most prominent examples of this growth  Huck’s decision to â€Å"go to hell†rather than let Jim be sold back into slavery, and his sorrow felt for the Duke and Dauphin while seeing them run out of town, tarred and feathered, by the angry townsfolk – are trivialized for the sake of a few laughs at the end. We believe that we have experienced a metamorphosis of Huck.Starting as a naive and ignorant child, skeptical about the ways of society, we are lead to believe that Huck finally has a grasp on what it mean s to be human, as well as a â€Å"mature blending of his instinctive suspicion of human motives with his capacity for pity. †(Marx 295) Huck’s participation in Tom’s scheme not only sacrifices the character growth that seemed a central theme of Twain’s story to that point, but also seems to represent a mishandling of the conflict identified by Marx the difference between â€Å"what people do when they behave as individuals and what they do when forced into roles imposed upon them by society. (Marx 300) Huck is well aware of his goal: freedom for Jim. The relapse of his character without equal awareness is inexplicable without explanation from the author. As Marx points out: The conflict between what people think they stand for and what social pressure forces them to do is central to the novel. It is present to the mind of Huck and, indeed, accounts for his most serious inner conflicts. He knows how he feels about Jim, but he knows what he is expected to do about Jim. 300) The idea of freedom in the minds of Huck and Jim are different from the simple definition of freedom, â€Å"for freedom in this book specifically means freedom from society and its imperatives†according to Marx (p. 303) The freedom sought by Huck and Jim is freedom both in the literal sense of being free from slavery, and in the figurative sense of being free from society’s expectations. However, given Huck’s questionable decision to go along with Tom, Huck gives into social pressure once again.He has given in to they ways which we were lead to believe he had overcome; he has given into the one convention he set out to escape from in the first place. It is with the appearance of Tom, that Huck’s quest for freedom no longer seems so important, even though he was previously willing to â€Å"go to hell†for what he had so diligently fought for along the way. The idea, the goal, is devalued for no clear reason. Such a departure of character cannot go simply unaddressed by the author.With Huck shifting back into the childish role we observed in the beginning of the novel, we also see yet another character simultaneously regressing, Jim. The tedious, degrading actions of the boys, in an effort to free Jim, are at first noted by Jim as such. However, he quickly becomes inexplicably submissive and accepting of what the boys are doing to him. This bears no resemblance to the Jim presented to the reader when the two companions were on the river. Twice Huck plays practical jokes on Jim, and twice Jim calls him out as being disrespectful, hurtful, and inconsiderate.And now, with freedom ever so close, the reader is expected accept that Jim’s passion for freedom and intolerance of nonsense has too vanished along with the maturity of Huck. Exactly how Twain expects this to be believable by the readers is questionable, unfortunately an answer is never offered. Instead, Twain seemingly dismisses the growth of his protagonists and resorts to the easy western comedy style from earlier in the novel. In the view of Eliot, this return to the introductory feel of the novel is a perfect example of great literary form.Instead, this return is nothing more than the apparent defeat of our seemingly maturing protagonist. Eliot’s argument that this return is of great form causes Marx to note in rebuttal, â€Å"A unified work must surely manifest coherence of meaning and clear development of theme,†and this regression of character fails to do either. With the ending of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn being so clearly chronicled by Marx as a failure to complete the initiated theme, it is left only to see Eliot’s argument for the greatness of the ending as an argument refuted.As clear as Marx’s chronicle, it is equally clear that â€Å"Huck Finn’s besetting problem [is] the disparity between his best impulses and the behavior the community attempted to impose upon him †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Marx 304). It is this disparity that needs resolution in order to have a proper ending to Huckleberry Finn. It is the transformation of the character, Huck Finn, through progression, not regression that would make the book a pure work of excellence.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The butterfly and the banana skin
The banana skin lay slap bang in the middle of the road. Tommy a prison warden, riding his bike on his way back from the shops. Where he had bought 3 tins of organic peas and a frozen turkey, the inmates were having it for a little treat, he didn't spot it in time. The banana skin was too slippy he hit the ground softly along with the peas unfortunately the turkey hit a rock, and took off down the road at great speed. Round one corner and round the next, it eventually ground to a halt after causing à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½6,500 pounds worth of damage to vehicles back along its crash course route. Jennifer came to her door a look of amazement crossed her face, how could a frozen turkey cause so much damage she thought to her self. She glanced ten yards back up the road at her 1964 ford mustang convertible, which now needed a new rear tyre. Unfortunately the only place she new about in town where one of these rare items could be acquired was a place called big bobby's mustang palace, which would soon be shut. She hopped in her second car, a faded mint green Chevy coupe, reversed out of the drive and off she went. Tommy by this time had reached the bottom of the road and was now retrieving his turkey from some ones front garden. Jennifer was now travelling at a speed unacceptable for the type of road she was driving on. Poor Karen a twenty something year old cocktail waitress from Moca-Choca-Rinos around the corner didn't see the car that hit her. A witness bob Jones who saw the incident from his house across the street said, â€Å"The car was American, and light green in colour but I didn't get a close look†. Karen's boss Steve as he is known was now down a waitress, and it was happy hour in 10 minutes. At the end of the night his total loss was estimated at à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½689. In the morning there was a knock at the door, it was the bank. He needed à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4556 but he only had à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4256 he had 2 days to come up with the cash before he was declared bankrupt. He had no choice he knew what had to be done. The next morning the fireman were scraping through the burnt timber trying to find the source of the fire. Steve was there on the phone to the insurance company he was claiming à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½20,000 the case was up in court in 4 hours time. It flew by and before he knew it he was sitting in the courtroom in front of judge Malone. He had explained his case and the judge was about to give him the money when the doors to the courtroom opened. A firemen walked in with a can of petrol in his hand and big smile on their face. The new evidence proves that Mr Steven Donaldson was guilty of fraud and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment. He sat in his cell the little hatch in the door opened the food was pushed through. He was suddenly cheered up by the taste in his mouth yum yum turkey.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Top 7 Affordable Universities around the World to Study Management
Top 7 Affordable Universities around the World to Study Management Top 7 Affordable Universities around the World to Study Management A management degree will help you in almost any career, and almost any part of the world too. You will learn how to manage a group of employees and bring out the best of them. And who wouldn’t want to do that? But you don’t want to waste all your future income on expensive student loan debt or find yourself chronically broke during your years as a student. You need a degree program that’s excellent but also affordable. Here are our picks for the top 10 most affordable universities in the world to study management. Colorado State University-Global Campus. The Bachelor’s in Science in Business Management, consisting of 11 courses and 120 credit hours, can be earned entirely online. Choose a concentration in business administration, finance, marketing, or project management. Tuition is $8400 a year. The University of Dundee. The innovative Business Management BSc program at Dundee boasts courses taught by experts in the field and hands-on practice at financial institutions. They encourage the study of areas that are becoming increasingly important in today’s world, such as Human Rights Management and Managing Change. Students in the UK will pay  £9,250 per year for three years of a four-year degree. For all others, costs vary. Northeastern University. Another great online program, the Bachelor’s in Business Management at Northeastern University is certified by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. You can even achieve your degree in just 18 months, using their â€Å"Fast Track†option. Undergraduate tuition is from $796 to $1,518 per year. Indian River State College. This college offers its Bachelor of Applied Science in Organizational Management completely online. A low student-faculty ratio means you can be assured of getting all the attention and extra help you need, despite the online format. It has also been ranked 4th of the most affordable colleges in the US. Tuition is $2,764 per year for in-state and $10,201 for out-of-state students. The University of Bath. Bath’s School of Management ranks first for Marketing and second for Business and Management Studies in the UK. It is also renowned for its marketing research. In addition, it is among only 1% of schools in the world to be accredited by EQUIS, the quality improvement system run by the European Foundation for Management Development. Fees are  £15,200 for the arts and  £19,000 for laboratory subjects. The University of Alabama at Birmingham. The school’s online Bachelor of Science in Management from the Collat School of Business allows you to concentrate in Operations Management, Leadership, or Business and Society (to name just a few). Tuition varies from $793 to $938. Thomas Edison State College. This program is perfect for you if you need to continue working while earning your management degree. It prides itself on flexibility and on rigorous, high-quality curriculum. Students choose an area of study that reflects the field they want to enter; the list is extensive, including Accounting, Human Resources, Operations Management, and many others. Tuition is $8395. With any of these universities, you will gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in the management career without breaking the bank. Our company offers reliable Management essay writing service for university students all over the world.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Biography of Diane von Fürstenburg, Fashion Designer
Biography of Diane von Fà ¼rstenburg, Fashion Designer Diane von Fà ¼rstenberg (born December 31, 1946) is a business executive and fashion designer. She is most famous for her wrap dress, made out of knit jersey fabric, which was first popularized in the 1970s. Fà ¼rstenbergs clothes have been worn by such influential figures and celebrities as Michelle Obama, Madonna, Kate Beckinsale, Susan Sarandon, and Jessica Alba. Fast Facts: Diane von Fà ¼rstenberg Known For: Fà ¼rstenberg designed a wrap dress that had a huge influence on womens fashion.Also Known As: Diane Prinzessin zu Fà ¼rstenberg, Diane Halfin, Diane Simone Michelle HalfinBorn: December 31, 1946 in Brussels, BelgiumParents: Leon Halfin and Liliane NahmiasEducation: University of GenevaSpouse(s): Prince Egon von Fà ¼rstenberg (m. 1969-1972), Barry Diller (m. 2001)Children: Prince Alexander von Fà ¼rstenberg, Princess Tatiana Desirà ©e von Fà ¼rstenbergNotable Quote: Fashion is mysterious, as a rule. Why are blue jeans a classic? You just hit on something that happens to be timeless and right. Early Life Fà ¼rstenberg was born Diane Simone Michelle Halfin in Brussels, Belgium, on December 31, 1946. Her father Leon Halfin was a Moldavian emigre, and her mother Liliane Nahmias had been liberated from Auschwitz only 18 months before Dianes birth. Both parents were Jewish. Education Fà ¼rstenberg was educated in England, Spain, and Switzerland. She studied at the University of Madrid and later transferred to the University of Geneva, where her field of study was economics. After college, Fà ¼rstenberg worked as an assistant to Albert Koshi, an agent for fashion photographers in Paris. She then moved to Italy, where she worked for textile manufacturer Angelo Ferretti and designed silk jersey dresses. New York and Independence At the University of Geneva, Fà ¼rstenberg met a German prince who was born in Switzerland, Egon zu Fà ¼rstenberg. They married in 1969 and moved to New York, where they had a high-profile society life. The princes family did not like that Fà ¼rstenberg was of Jewish heritage. Two children were born in quick succession: a son Alexandre in 1970, six months after the wedding, and a daughter Tatiana in 1971. In 1970, with the princes support and likely influenced by the rise of feminism, Fà ¼rstenberg sought financial independence by opening the Diane von Fà ¼rstenberg Studio. She designed her own prints and made easy-to-wear dresses made out of silk, cotton, and polyester knits. The Wrap Dress In 1972, Fà ¼rstenberg designed the wrap dress that was to bring her so much recognition. The dress was made of cotton jersey fabric; Furstenbergs intent was to create something both feminine-looking and easy to care for. The iconic original dress is now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (alongside famous garments by Thom Browne, Rei Kawakubo, Marc Jacobs, and other designers). Fà ¼rstenberg has described her design as simple, effortless, and classic: The wrap dress is the most traditional form of dressing: Its like a robe, its like a kimono, its like a toga. It doesnt have buttons or zippers. What made it different was that it was jersey; therefore, it was close to the body and it was a print. The design had a huge influence on 1970s fashion; by the middle of the decade, Fà ¼rstenberg had sold millions of dresses and made herself a household name. Divorce and Business Expansion In 1972, Fà ¼rstenberg and her husband divorced. She lost the right to the title of Princess zu Fà ¼rstenberg and rebranded herself as Diane von Fà ¼rstenberg. In 1975, she created the fragrance Tatiana, named for her daughter. The fragrance sold well, and by 1976 Fà ¼rstenberg was so well known that she appeared on the cover of Newsweek. Fà ¼rstenberg sold her studio and licensed her name to be used on other products. In 1979, products with her name represented sales of $150 million. By 1983, however, she had closed her cosmetics and fragrance business. Comeback From 1983 to 1990, Fà ¼rstenberg lived in Bali and Paris. She founded a publishing company in Paris called Salvy, which released works in translation by authors such as Vita Sackville-West, Barbara Pym, and Gregor von Rezzori. In 1990, she returned to the United States, and the next year launched a new home shopping business, Silk Assets, which sold products on the cable channel QVC. Her first product did $1.2 million in sales in two hours. Selling on QVC was a success. In 1997, Fà ¼rstenberg went into business with her daughter-in-law Alexandra, re-launching her eponymous company. With the revival in the 1990s of 1970s fashions, Fà ¼rstenberg brought back the wrap dress in new prints and colors. Fà ¼rstenberg published a memoir in 1998, Diane: A Signature Life, recounting her life story and business successes. In 2001, she married businessman Barry Diller, who had been a friend since the 1970s. Fà ¼rstenberg also became involved in books and movies, producing Forty Shades of Blue, which won a prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival. Fà ¼rstenberg released another memoir in 2014, The Woman I Wanted to Be, which one reviewer described as an honest an introspective look into the labyrinthine history behind one of the most iconic female entrepreneurs in fashion. Fà ¼rstenberg has also released a series of coffee table books, including Beds, a look at the intimate spaces of the rich and famous. By 2005, Diane von Fà ¼rstenberg boutiques were in operation in New York and Miami in the United States, and in London and Paris in Europe. Fà ¼rstenberg has served on a number of corporate boards. Her company is currently headquartered in the Meatpacking District of Manhattan. Fà ¼rstenberg has been named one of the most powerful women in the world. Notable Clients Fà ¼rstenbergs clients include a range of celebrities, artists, and other luminaries. former First Lady Michelle Obama- a woman known for her taste in fashion- wore a Fà ¼rstenberg wrap dress in 2009 for the White House Christmas card. Other major clients include Gwenyth Paltrow, Rooney Mara, Bella Thorne, Demi Moore, and Marisa Tomei. Causes Fà ¼rstenberg has supported numerous causes, among them the Anti-Defamation League and the Holocaust Museum. She has been honored for her work in redeveloping space in New York City and for her work against AIDS. With her husband, she funds a private family foundation, The Diller-Von Fà ¼rstenberg Family Foundation. In 2010, as part of an initiative by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, she pledged to donate half her fortune to philanthropic efforts. Sources Ferla, Ruth La. â€Å"The Dress Heard Round the World.†The New York Times, 15 Jan. 2014.Fà ¼rstenberg, Diane Von. Diane: a Signature Life. Simon Schuster, 2009.MacFarquhar, Larissa. â€Å"The Huntress.†The New Yorker, 25 Sept. 2006.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Savoir Is About Certainty, So No French Subjunctive
Savoir Is About Certainty, So No French Subjunctive The French verb savoir (to know) does not take the subjunctive. Very often used with que to introduce a dependent clause, savoir and savoir que are all about certainty. Thus, they do not fulfill the subjunctives basic requirement of uncertainty and emotion. The subjunctive mood is used to express actions or ideas that are subjective or otherwise uncertain: will/wanting, emotion, doubt, possibility, necessity, judgment. The French subjunctive is nearly always found in dependent clauses introduced by que or qui, and the subjects of the dependent and main clauses are usually different. Savoir Savoir means to know information and facts or to know how to do something. In the passà © composà ©, savoir means to learn or to find out, again with no subjunctive. (The verb is quite different from the French verb connaà ®tre, which means to know a person or to be familiar with a person or thing.)   Je sais oà ¹ il est.   I know where he is.   Je sais conduire.   I know how to drive.   (The conjugated savoir is followed by an infinitive when the meaning is to know how.) Savoir Que Savoir que is the conjugated savoir plus a dependent clause beginning with que.    Je sais quil la fait.    I know he did it.   Jai su quil la fait.   I found out that he did it. Savoir que is not normally used in negative and interrogative statements; its far more natural to use a si clause in such cases, which means, once again, that the subjunctive is not used:   Je ne sais pas si vous avez raison.   I dont know if youre right.   Sais-tu sil a raison ?   Do you know if hes right? Additional Resources The Subjunctivator!Quiz: Subjunctive or indicative?Conjugate savoir
Saturday, October 19, 2019
New Zealand Milk Powder problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
New Zealand Milk Powder problem - Essay Example The paper discusses food security and sovereignty in New Zealand. I choose New Zealand because it has experienced various instances of food insecurity especially from the dairy sector. There have existed several instances of hunger and malnourishment in New Zealand. The paper looks into the causes of food insecurity in New Zealand and discusses the political, social and economic issues related to food insecurity. The major issue considered by the paper is the problem faced by milk powder production in New Zealand, having been the largest country in milk powder export. This country is suited in the Southwest Pacific Ocean and constitutes three major islands; Stewart, North and South Islands. It constitute of about half a million of Maori (The People) together with two million Pakeha (New Zealand European) in the north, and about 800,000 Pakeha in the south. The group is culturally a subdivision between the English and Scottish. The population recorded in 1996 was 3,681, 546 people with the North Island having 2,749, 980 and South island constituting about 931, 566 people. The urban dwellers were approximated to occupy about 85% with the city of Auckland constituting about 1 million people (Finfer et al 2004: 589). The European origin provided about 80% of the population majorly from Poland, Germany, UK, Australia and Sweden; with 14.5 stating to be from Maori decent and Pacific islanders forming the remaining. The country is under the British Commonwealth, and the head of the government is the governor general. The country is under the House of Re presentatives with 120 members and six parties. The country is no longer seen as a welfare state with all people in the same classes. Three are evidence of ethnic poverty in the areas with slums around large cities with large numbers occupied by the Maori. The country has a society that is well organized when it comes
The Acculturation Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
The Acculturation Model - Essay Example Schumann’s model is a valiant attempt at describing the process that individuals go through in acquiring a second language. Specifically, it focuses on members of ethnic minorities, being described by Schumann as including immigrants, migrant workers, and their children. His study revolved around how these individuals learn their target language by being immersed in the natural setting of the majority language, with little access to their own native language (Ellis, 1994). This analytical essay aims to provide a thorough and critical analysis of the Acculturation Model, followed by an evaluation of how this theory specifically can best be incorporated into the second language classroom of today. Description and Discussion of Main Claims Schumann’s theory originally began as a study of six students who were non-English learners. One of those students was making little to no progress in terms of actually acquiring the English language. Since his language skills were sorel y lacking, Schumann ascertained that the student’s cognitive development was stunted as a result. ... With rapidly advancing globalization, research in the area of second language acquisition has expanded in recent years. The Acculturation Model continues to be of particular interest because of its approach to assimilation and direct contact with the target language. At its most basic level, acculturation is primarily defined as a combination of social and psychological factors that are commonly understood to be critical to the acquisition of a second language in a natural environment (Berry, 1997, p. 8). According to Barjesteh (2012), â€Å"The major claim of the model is that acculturation, which is a cluster of social-psychological factors, is the major cause of Second Language Acquisition†(p. 580). In making this claim, the Acculturation Model takes the position that any second language learner can be placed on a continuum in a natural setting with speakers of the target language. The speed and fluency with which a learner acquires the language, then, can be seen as a dir ect correlation to the proximity that learner has with native speakers in a social or psychological context (Larson-Freeman, 2007, p. 781). A further claim of this particular model is that the process of acculturation is not directly linked to second language acquisition, but should rather be looked at as the first of several factors that contribute to the successful learning of a second language. Again, acculturation in this context is viewed as the â€Å"integration of the L2 learner into the target linguistic community†(Barjesteh, 2012, p. 580). Acculturation, then, should as be viewed as a cause of L2 acquisition, one that brings a student into contact with native speakers of the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Swans Reflecting Elephants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Swans Reflecting Elephants - Essay Example Swans Reflecting Elephants is similar to a brain teaser, or an optical illusion, which is what Dali was aiming at when he painted this piece. At first glance, the painting seems to consist of three swans sitting on a lake. They are surrounded by leafless trees, suggesting that the painting takes place in autumn, and some cliffs, and a few stray clouds drift across the sky. Despite the washed-out appearance of the colors, it is a very serene image. However, the closer that one looks at the painting, the more of the subject matter that they can make out. While the image is clearly that of swans sitting on a lake, a second, more closer examination of the piece reveals that the swans and the trees behind them reflect elephants on the lake. The bare trees become the legs of the elephants and the swans become their trunks and bodies. The perfect placement of the trees and swans allow for this double image, essentially offering two paintings, or two stories, in one. In his Swans Reflecting Elephants, Salvador Dali wanted to show that life is not always what it seems at first glance. His use of the double image, with the swans fading so seamlessly into elephants, reveals that our perception can pick up on aspects or features of life that are not immediately recognizable. This is similar to finding constellations among a smattering of stars, or picking out images or designs in the stucco of walls. Our eyes are capable of finding more than just the original image. Furthermore, Dali gives evidence.
Cross ultural ommunications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cross ultural ommunications - Essay Example The committee will then be undertaken through a rigorous training to satisfactorily prepare them for the task. The discussion will entail the steps that will be involved in formation, modalities of establishing the committee charter and the strategies necessary in ensuring that the committee accomplishes a long term goal of greater diversity. The steps that will be involved in preparation of the diversity committee will be member selection, planning for the preparation program, selecting trainers and facilitators, and training. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Step 1: The President Needs to Clearly Identify the Current Situation of Diversity in this Bank and Develop Clear Objectives 4 Establishing the Committee Diversity Charter 5 Step 2: Invite the Managers and Key Team Leaders to Come for a Meeting to Brain Storming the Ideas and Discuss Workplace Diversity Improvements 6 Step 3: Send Employees Surveys or Ask for Feedbacks about Diversity at Work and how th ey would like the Diversity Program to be in the Future 6 Step 4: Talking To the External Audiences 6 Step 5: Send Emails to All Key Managers of Each Department to Come For the Formal Meeting to Share, Contribute the Ideas for Diversity Program and Create the Diversity Committee 6 Creating the Diversity Committee 7 Member Selection 7 Planning for the Training Program 8 Selecting Trainers and Facilitators 8 Training 10 Conclusion 11 Recommendations 12 Appendix 14 Cross Cultural Communications for Leadership Management Formation of a hiring and network diversity committee is an integral contributor in jumpstarting the diversity imitative in a business institution. This requires ample training of the committee members on diversity management and cross cultural communication within the organization. This will help them to boost the company’s goal of addressing both the customer and employee diversity concerns. The diversity concerns are related to the bank’s recent globali zed status and increase in the student customer base who demands banking services in remote areas. Cross cultural communication is an eminent competency for all business leaders aspiring to succeed in business. They should possess the ability to establish successful teams and connect people in an organization. As the new president of Omni bank, establishment of cross cultural competency will require the input of an effective committee capable of improving the general business diversity. The crucial strategies of the committee include the establishment of collaboration, trust and instilling a sense of belonging among the bank employees. Steps that will be involved in the creation of the committee will be: Step 1: The President Needs to Clearly Identify the Current Situation of Diversity in this Bank and Develop Clear Objectives Before commencing the actual preparation and formation of the committee, the president should; 1. Review the bank’s policies, objectives and goals to i dentify their role in supporting the workforce diversity. This will ensure that the training conforms to the stipulated objectives and that they address the loopholes that exist in the management of diversity. This will offer the guidelines on the review of recruitment and retention of the committee members, recognition and incentives, promotion and performance management. 2. Cultural audit of the bank will then be
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Case Study 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Case Study 2 - Essay Example rs, since the Casino is located on Indian land that falls outside the jurisdiction of the New Mexican Courts and it is the location where the under cooked food was served. She can file on the same grounds of negligence and breach of warranty by a restaurant which sells food to its customers and it can be sued as a third party which caused the sale of contaminated food through its apathy. Robin may have a cause of action against Beauty for trespass and damage to his property in the local District Court at Texas, to claim damages and reimbursement of the cost of the sign which was damaged, since the amount in question is 100000$ and will not fall within the purview of a small claims Court. However, since Beauty was ill when it occurred, the Court may mitigate the damages. However Beauty can also file a counter suit against Robin for bodily assault, and the issue of provocation may also be taken into account by the Court in determining damages, however it will nevertheless mitigate the extent to which beauty may have to reimburse Robin . Beauty can file a suit against Elmer Fudd in the small claims Court in Florida and make a claim on damages caused to the body of her car, in the event that Elmer Fudd is not covered by insurance. The costs of bodywork must be less than 5000$. However, it may also be possible for Elmer Fudd to file a counter claim alleging that he is not responsible for the entire $12,000, since only part of the damage was caused due to his negligence and that he is not responsible for the engine damage. The case against Beasty Boys for recovery of monies Beauty has paid for repair of the car engine could be filed in a small claims court in Delaware where the Company is incorporated, since Delaware state allows for claims up to 15,000$. Beauty could file the suit including the head office in Delaware as well as the local branch of Beasty in Nevada that was responsible for the default. The cause of action would be on the basis of the tort of
Research methodology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Research methodology - Case Study Example For experimental quantitative research, the question has to be set in a way that it seeks to capture the relationship between the independent and dependent variables under the specified conditions. A causal relationship between variables is indicated by one variable following the other logically. On the other hand, the question for quasi-experiment, descriptive and correlational quantitative research does not seek to manipulate variables. Rather, it seeks to guide the gathering of existing data and deduce the relationship between variables without going by causality. There are categorical, ordinal, and continuous variable measurements in quantitative research (Swanson & Holton 2005, p.29). The choice of the participants of a study is guided by the need to ensure a sample size and composition that is representative of the population to which the findings of the study are generalized. The choice of participants is also influenced by the consideration of the nature of participants – whether human or nonhuman – because of ethical issues and this impacts the choice of the most appropriate research design. The decision of which methods to use in answering the research question posed is guided by the variables, research design and participants. This decision considers the quantity and quality of the source of the data, validity and reliability. The findings of a study can be invalidated or undermined by the lack of validity and reliability. The analysis and interpretation of data is founded on the statistical significance deduced. Data analysis in quantitative research utilizes statistics to explain how variables predict, associate, compare, and describe how th e outcomes of a study answer the propositions of the study. Data analysis tools are chosen on the basis of the propositions of the study, the type of data and type of research
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Case Study 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Case Study 2 - Essay Example rs, since the Casino is located on Indian land that falls outside the jurisdiction of the New Mexican Courts and it is the location where the under cooked food was served. She can file on the same grounds of negligence and breach of warranty by a restaurant which sells food to its customers and it can be sued as a third party which caused the sale of contaminated food through its apathy. Robin may have a cause of action against Beauty for trespass and damage to his property in the local District Court at Texas, to claim damages and reimbursement of the cost of the sign which was damaged, since the amount in question is 100000$ and will not fall within the purview of a small claims Court. However, since Beauty was ill when it occurred, the Court may mitigate the damages. However Beauty can also file a counter suit against Robin for bodily assault, and the issue of provocation may also be taken into account by the Court in determining damages, however it will nevertheless mitigate the extent to which beauty may have to reimburse Robin . Beauty can file a suit against Elmer Fudd in the small claims Court in Florida and make a claim on damages caused to the body of her car, in the event that Elmer Fudd is not covered by insurance. The costs of bodywork must be less than 5000$. However, it may also be possible for Elmer Fudd to file a counter claim alleging that he is not responsible for the entire $12,000, since only part of the damage was caused due to his negligence and that he is not responsible for the engine damage. The case against Beasty Boys for recovery of monies Beauty has paid for repair of the car engine could be filed in a small claims court in Delaware where the Company is incorporated, since Delaware state allows for claims up to 15,000$. Beauty could file the suit including the head office in Delaware as well as the local branch of Beasty in Nevada that was responsible for the default. The cause of action would be on the basis of the tort of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Gender Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Gender Issues - Assignment Example This paper describes situational gender issues relating to differences in communication, problem-solving and leadership. In addition, the paper proposes the best practices and action plans to strengthen the behaviors of both men and women in the workplace. It was at around 8 am on the day I observed an issue on gender at a renowned company. The manager had just walked in and his secretary, a very cute, petite woman with dimples, was busy arranging files in the office. She had a backlog on her desk. Suddenly, I heard a slap and then yelling sound. I quickly rushed into the room. On arrival, I found the secretary lying on the floor holding her cheeks and crying out to the top of her voice. I raised my voice to inquire what had conspired. The manager began talking to himself saying that the secretary had delayed his work, which was a deadline. He also claimed that the work was to determine his firing. On my investigation, I found out that the manager had some issues with his wife. The wife had relocated to her new apartment with another new boyfriend planning to engage in few months’ time. The situation was very daunting until the security officer walked in and took the manager away as everybody else waited for an ad hoc board mee ting to discuss the way forward. On further investigation, I found the manager had tried many times to seduce the secretary, but to no success. The situation clearly shows the differences in communication, solving problem and leadership between men and women. The styles of communication between women and men differ in many ways. Firstly, in times of a problem, women tend to talk to other women, unlike men who keep their problems to themselves or just see no reason for sharing personal issues. Secondly, women are relationship-oriented and always look for ways to connect with other women. Most
Monday, October 14, 2019
Ancient history Essay Example for Free
Ancient history Essay Lebanon French: Republique libanaise), is a country on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east, and Israel to the south. Lebanons location at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Basin and the Arabian hinterland has dictated its rich history, and shaped a cultural identity of religious and ethnic diversity. [8] The earliest evidence of civilization in Lebanon dates back more than 7,000 yearsâ€â€predating recorded history. [9] Lebanon was the home of the Phoenicians, a maritime culture that flourished for nearly 2,500 years (3000–539 BC). Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the five provinces that comprise modern Lebanon were mandated to France. The French expanded the borders of Mount Lebanon, which was mostly populated by Maronite Catholics and Druze, to include more Muslims. Lebanon gained independence in 1943, and established a unique political system, known as confessionalism, a power-sharing mechanism based on religious communities. French troops withdrew in 1946. Before the Lebanese Civil War (1975–1990), the country experienced a period of relative calm and prosperity, driven by tourism, agriculture, and banking. [10] Because of its financial power and diversity, Lebanon was known in its heyday as the Switzerland of the East. [11] It attracted large numbers of tourists,[12] such that the capital Beirut was referred to as Paris of the Middle East. At the end of the war, there were extensive efforts to revive the economy and rebuild national infrastructure. [13] Until July 2006, Lebanon enjoyed considerable stability, Beiruts reconstruction was almost complete,[14] and increasing numbers of tourists poured into the nations resorts. [12] Then, the month-long 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah caused significant civilian death and heavy damage to Lebanons civil infrastructure. However, due to its tightly regulated financial system, Lebanese banks have largely avoided the financial crisis of 2007–2010. In 2009, despite a global recession, Lebanon enjoyed 9% economic growth and hosted the largest number of tourists in its history. Etymology The name Lebanon comes from the Semitic root lbn, meaning white, likely a reference to the snow-capped Mount Lebanon. [15] Occurrences of the name have been found in texts from the library of Ebla,[16] which date to the third millennium BC, nearly 70 times in the Hebrew Bible, and three of the twelve tablets of the Epic of Gilgamesh (perhaps as early as 2100 BC)[17]. The name is recorded in Ancient Egyptian as Rmnn, where R stood for Canaanite L. [18] Ancient history Main article: History of ancient Lebanon Evidence of the earliest known settlements in Lebanon was found in Byblos, which is considered to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world,[9] and date back to earlier than 5000 BC. Archaeologists discovered remnants of prehistoric huts with crushed limestone floors, primitive weapons, and burial jars left by the Neolithic and Chalcolithic fishing communities who lived on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea over 7,000 years ago. [19] Lebanon was the homeland of the Phoenicians, a seafaring people that spread across the Mediterranean before the rise of Cyrus the Great. [20] After two centuries of Persian rule, Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great attacked and burned Tyre, the most prominent Phoenician city. Throughout the subsequent centuries leading up to recent times, the country became part of numerous succeeding empires, among them Persian, Assyrian, Hellenistic, Roman, Eastern Roman, Arab, Seljuk, Mamluk, Crusader, and the Ottoman Empire.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The road not taken Essay -- essays research papers
Life is a long road, where there is a lot of obstacles to go through and decisions to make, even if it is really hard sometimes because it plays with our future. Every choice we make, guides us to a different destiny and often leaves us in doubt, asking ourselves constantly questions starting with "what if?". Would not it be nice to always have signs to tell us which road to take when we face important decisions? Unfortunately, most of the time there is not, probably because we have to find out what reserves us our future. The poem "The Road Not Taken" written by Robert Frost, made me discover a new side of me. I had never been really interested to poetry until I read this poem, which totally changed my vision of life, inspired me, and touched me very deeply. To begin with, when I read the poem "The Road Not Taken", I noticed there were two different ways to understand it, literally and figuratively. Literally, the poem is about a wayfarer who is walking in the woods and has come to a fork which has two roads. The wayfarer has to make a big decision, choose one of the two roads because he cannot travel both. He analyses both roads and decided to go with the road less traveled and realized that he cannot back. At the end of the poem, the wayfarer says that his choice, the road less traveled, has made all the difference. Figuratively, the poem can be associated to a person’s life. In the poem, the wayfarer is someo...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Solar Cell Experiment :: Papers
Solar Cell Experiment Introduction: Solar Cells convert light energy to electrical energy, so are transducers. Aim 1: To investigate any relationship present between the distance between a solar cell and a lamp, and the current output of the solar cell, at a fixed voltage. Aim 2: To investigate any relationship present between the power supplied to a bulb, and the current of a solar panel, at a fixed distance apart. When investigating a solar cell, there are several variables we could investigate. Below, I have analysed all the variables that could be investigated, and evaluated which one I will investigate. When considering what variables of the light I could investigate, several things come to mind. Variable 1: Light Light has different colours, and different coloured lights are known to have different frequencies. This in turn would cause the different coloured lights to emit different levels of power. We know that this is the case because when combining the two below formulae, we can see that energy and frenquency are related. Wavelength x Frequency= Wave Speed Planck's Constant x frequency= Energy The second formula states that frequency is directly proportional to energy. When rearranging the first formula to display frequency as the subject of the formula, and then substituting the value for frenquency given (wave speed/wavelength) into the second formula, we get: Planck 's constant x wavespeed/wavelength= energy Using this formula, we can find out what kinds of light give out the most energy. As all light travels at the same speed (300,000 m/s), we know that the wavelength of the light will determine how much energy is given out from the light. The wavelength and frequency are directly related in light, because both multiplied must give a product of 300,000 m/s. We can gather by the formula that lights with a smaller wavelength will give out more energy, because when a smaller number is divided by the wavespeed and multiplied by the constant, a higher value for the
Friday, October 11, 2019
India’s Sacred Cow Essay
The cultural practices of other people often seem strange, irrational, and even inexplicable to outsiders. In fact, the members of the culture in question may be unable to give a rationally satisfying explanation of why they behave as they do: they may say that â€Å"the gods wish it so,†or that â€Å"it is always done that way.†Yet a fundamental assumption of social science is that no matter how peculiar or even bizarre human cultures may appear, they can be understood at least in part. To Americans and Europeans, the attitude of most people in India toward cows is perplexing. Hindus regard the animals as sacred and will not kill or eat them. In India a large population of cows wanders freely through both rural areas and city streets, undisturbed by the millions of hungry and malnourished people. Why? Marvin Harris suggests an answer to such puzzles. In this quite famous article, he suggests that India’s sacred cow is in fact quite a rational cultural adaptati on  because the cow is so extraordinarily useful. News photographs that came out of India during the famine of the late 1960s showed starving people stretching out bony hands to beg for food while cattle strolled behind them undisturbed. The Hindu, it seems, would rather starve to death than eat his cow or even deprive it of food. Western specialists in food habits around the world consider Hinduism an irrational ideology that compels people to overlook abundant, nutritious foods for scarcer, less healthful foods. Many Western observers believe that an absurd devotion to the mother cow pervades Indian life. Many Indians agree with Western assessments of the Hindu reverence for their cattle, the zebu, a large-humped species of cattle prevalent in Asia and Africa. M. N. Srinivas, an Indian anthropologist states: â€Å"Orthodox Hindu opinion regards the killing of cattle with abhorrence, even though the refusal to kill the vast number of useless cattle which exists in India today is detrimental to the nation.†Even the Indian Ministry of Information formerly maintained that â€Å"the large animal population is more a liability than an asset in view of our land resources.†Accounts from many different sources point to the same conclusion: India, one of the world’s great civilizations, is being strangled by its love for the cow. The easy explanation for India’s devotion to the cow, the one most Westerners and Indians would offer, is that cow worship is an integral part of Hinduism. Religion is somehow good for the soul, even if it sometimes fails the body. Religion orders the cosmos and explains our place in the universe. Religious beliefs, many would claim, have existed for thousands of years and have a life of their own. They are not understandable in scientific terms. But all this ignores history. There is more to be said for cow worship than is immediately apparent. History of Cow Worship The earliest Vedas, the Hindu sacred texts from the Second Millennium B.C., do not prohibit the slaughter of cattle. Instead, they ordain it as a part of sacrificial rites. The early Hindus did not avoid the flesh of cows and bulls; they ate it at ceremonial feasts presided over by Brahman priests. Cow worship is a relatively recent development in India; it evolved as the Hindu religion developed and changed. This evolution is recorded in royal edicts and religious texts written during the last 3,000 years of Indian history. The Vedas from the First Millennium B.C. contain contradictory passages, some referring to ritual slaughter and others to a strict taboo on beef consumption. Many of the sacred-cow passages were incorporated into the texts by priests in a later period. By 200 A.D. the status of Indian cattle had undergone a transformation. The Brahman priesthood exhorted the population to venerate the cow and forbade them to abuse it or to feed on it. Religious feasts involving the ritual slaughter and consumption of livestock were eliminated and meat eating was restricted to the nobility. By 1000 A.D., all Hindus were forbidden to eat beef. Ahimsa, the Hindu belief in the unity of all life, was the spiritual justification for this restriction. But it is difficult to ascertain exactly when this change occurred. An important event that helped to shape the modern complex was the Islamic invasion, which took place in the Eighth Century A.D. Hindus may have found it politically expedient to set themselves off from the invaders, who were beefeaters, by emphasizing the need to prevent the slaughter of their sacred animals. Thereafter, the cow taboo assumed its modern form and began to function much as it does today. The place of the cow in modern India is every place – on posters, in the movies, in brass figures, in s tone and wood carvings, on the streets, in the fields. The cow is a symbol of health and abundance. The Economic Uses of The Cow The cattle are not just worshiped and revered in India. They are also extraordinarily useful. The zebu cow provides the milk that Indians consume in the form of yogurt and ghee (clarified butter), which contribute subtle flavors to much spicy Indian food. This is one practical role of the cow, but cows provide less than half the milk produced in India. Most cows in India are not dairy breeds. In most regions, when an Indian farmer wants a steady, high-quality source of milk he usually invests in a female water buffalo. In India the water buffalo is the specialized dairy breed because its milk has a higher butterfat content than zebu milk. Although the farmer milks his zebu cows, the milk is merely a by-product. More vital than zebu milk to South Asian farmers are zebu calves. Male calves are especially valued because from bulls come oxen which are the mainstay of the Indian agricultural system. Small, fast oxen drag wooden plows through late-spring fields when monsoons have dampened the dry, cracked earth. After harvest, the oxen break the grain from the stalk by stomping through mounds of cut wheat and rice. For rice cultivation in irrigated fields, the male water buffalo is preferred (it pulls better in deep mud), but for most other crops, including rainfall rice, wheat, sorghum, and millet, and for transporting goods and people to and from town, a team of oxen is preferred. The ox is the Indian peasant’s tractor, thresher and family car combined; the cow is the factory that produces the ox. If draft animals instead of cows are counted, India appears to have too few domesticated ruminants, not too many. Since each of the 70 million farms in India requires a draft team, it follows that Indian peasants should use 140 million animals in the fields. But there are only 83 million oxen and male water buffalo on the subcontinent, a shortage of 30 million draft teams. In other regions of the world, joint ownership of draft animals might overcome a shortage, but Indian agriculture is closely tied to the monsoon rains of late spring and summer. Field preparation and planting must coincide with the rain, and a farmer must have his animals ready to plow when the weather is right. When the farmer without a draft team needs bullocks most, his neighbors are all using theirs. Any delay in turning the soil drastically lowers production. Because of this dependence on draft animals, loss of the family oxen is devastating. If a beast dies, the farmer must borrow money to buy or rent an ox at interest rates so high that he ultimately loses his land. Every year foreclosures force thousands of poverty-stricken peasants to abandon the countryside for the overcrowded cities. If a family is fortunate enough to own a fertile cow, it will be able to rear replacements for a lost team and thus survive until life returns to normal. If, as sometimes happens, famine leads a family to sell its cow and ox team, all ties to agriculture are cut. Even if the family survives, it has no way to farm the land, no oxen to work the land, and no cows to produce oxen. The prohibition against eating meat applies to the flesh of cows, bulls, and oxen, but the cow is the most sacred because it can produce the other two. The peasant whose cow dies is not only crying over a spiritual loss but over the loss of his farm as well. Religious laws that forbid the slaughter of cattle promote the recovery of the agricultural system from the dry Indian winter and from periods of drought. The monsoon, on which all agriculture depends, is erratic. Sometimes it arrives early, sometimes late, sometimes not at all. Drought has struck large portions of India time and again in this century, and Indian farmers and the zebus are accustomed to these natural disasters. Zebus can pass weeks on end with little or no food and water. Like camels, they store both in their humps and recuperate quickly with only a little nourishment. During droughts the cows often stop lactating and become barren. In some cases the condition is permanent but often it is only temporary. If barren animals were summarily eliminated, as Western experts in animal husbandry have suggested, cows capable of recovery would be lost along with those entirely debilitated. By keeping alive the cows that can later produce oxen, religious laws against cow slaughter assure the recovery of the agricultural system from the greatest challenge it faces – the failure of the monsoon. The local Indian governments aid the process of recovery by maintaining homes for barren cows. Farmers reclaim any animal that calves or begins to lactate. One police station in Madras collects strays and pastures them in a field adjacent to the station. After a small fine is paid, a cow is returned to its rightful owner when the owner thinks the cow shows signs of be ing able to reproduce. During the hot, dry spring months most of India is like a desert. Indian farmers often complain they cannot feed their livestock during this period. They maintain cattle by letting them scavenge on the sparse grass along the roads. In the cities cattle are encouraged to scavenge near food stalls to supplement their scant diet. These are the wandering cattle tourists report seeing throughout India. Westerners expect shopkeepers to respond to these intrusions with the deference due a sacred animal; instead, their response is a string of curses and the crack of a long bamboo pole across the beast’s back or a poke at its genitals. Mahatma Gandhi was well aware of the treatment sacred cows (and bulls and oxen) received in India: â€Å"How we bleed her to take the last drop of milk from her. How we starve her to emaciation, how we ill-treat the calves, how we deprive them of their portion of milk, how cruelly we treat the oxen, how we castrate them, how we beat them, how we overloa d them.†Oxen generally receive better treatment than cows. When food is in short supply, thrifty Indian peasants feed their working bullocks and ignore their cows, but rarely do they abandon the cows to die. When cows are sick, farmers worry over them as they would over members of the family and nurse them as if they were children. When the rains return and when the fields are harvested, the farmers again feed their cows regularly and reclaim their abandoned animals. The prohibition against beef consumption is a form of disaster insurance for all India. Western agronomists and economists are quick to protest that all the functions of the zebu cattle can be improved with organized breeding programs, cultivated pastures, and silage. Because stronger oxen would pull the plow faster, they could work multiple plots of land, allowing farmers to share their animals. Fewer healthy, well-fed cows could provide Indians with more milk. But pastures and silage require arable land, land needed to produce wheat and rice. A look at Western cattle farming makes plain the cost of adopting advanced technology in Indian agriculture. In a study of livestock production in the United States, one scientist at Cornell University found that 91 percent of the cereal, legume, and vegetable protein suitable for human consumption is consumed by livestock. Approximately three quarters of the arable land in the United States is devoted to growing food for livestock. In the production of meat and milk, American ranchers use enough fossil fuel to equal more than 82 million barrels of oil annually. Indian cattle do not drain the system in the same way. In a 1971 study of livestock in West Bengal, India, by a professor at the University of Missouri, found that Bengalese cattle ate only the inedible remains of subsistence crops – rice straw, rice hulls, the tops of sugar cane, and mustard-oil cake. Cattle graze in the fields after harvest and eat the remains of crops left on the ground; they forage for grass and weeds on the roadsides. The food for zebu cattle costs the human population virtually nothing. â€Å"Basically the cattle convert items of little direct human value into products of immediate utility.†In addition to plowing the fields and producing milk, the zebus produce dung, which fires the hearths and fertilizes the fields of India. Much of the estimated 800 million tons of manure produced annually is collected by the farmers’ children as they follow the family cows and bullocks from place to place. And when the children see the droppings of another farmer’s cattle along the road, they pick those up also. The system operates with such high efficiency that the children of West Bengal recover nearly 100 percent of the dung produced by their livestock. From 40 to 70 percent of all manure produced by Indian cattle is used as fuel for cooking; the r est is returned to the fields as fertilizer. Dried dung burns slowly, cleanly, and with low heat – characteristics that satisfy the household needs of Indian women. Staples like curry and rice can simmer for hours. While the meal slowly cooks over an unattended fire, the women of the household can do other chores. Cow chips, unlike firewood, do not scorch as they burn. It is estimated that the dung used for cooking fuel provides the energy-equivalent of 43 million tons of coal. At current prices, it would cost India an extra 1.5 billion dollars in foreign exchange to replace the dung with coal. And if the 350 million tons of manure that are being used as fertilizer were replaced with commercial fertilizers, the expense would be even greater. Roger Revelle of the University of California at San Diego has calculated that 89 percent of the energy used in Indian agriculture (the equivalent of about 140 million tons of coal) is provided by local sources. Even if foreign loans were to provide the money, the capital outlay necessary to replace the Indian cow with tractors and fertilizers for the fields, coal for the fires, and transportation for the family would probably warp international financial institutions for years. Instead of asking the Indians to learn from the American model of industrial agriculture, American farmers might learn energy conservation from the Indians. Every step in an energy cycle results in a loss of energy to the system. Like a pendulum that slows a bit with each swing, each transfer of energy from sun to plants, plants to animals, and animals to human beings involves energy losses. Some systems are more efficient than others; they provide a higher percentage of the energy inputs in a final, useful form. Seventeen percent of all energy zebus consume is returned in the form of milk, traction and dung. American cattle raised on Western range land return only 4 percent of the energy they consume. But the Americ an system is improving. Based on techniques pioneered by Indian scientists, at least one commercial firm in the United States is reported to be building plants that will turn manure from cattle feedlots into combustible gas. When organic matter is broken down by anaerobic bacteria, methane gas and carbon dioxide are produced. After the methane is cleansed of the carbon dioxide, it is available for the same purposes as natural gas – cooking, heating, electricity generation. The company constructing the plant plans to sell its product to a gas-supply company, to be piped through the existing distribution system. Schemes similar to this one could make cattle ranches almost independent of utility and gasoline companies, for methane can be used to run trucks, tractors, and cars as well as to supply heat and electricity. The relative energy self-sufficiency that the Indian peasant has achieved is a goal American farmers and industry are now striving for. Studies often understate the efficiency of the Indian cow, because dead cows are used for purposes that Hindus prefer not to acknowledge. When a cow dies, an Untouchable, a member of one of the lowest ranking castes in India, is summoned to haul away the carcass. Higher castes consider the body of the dead cow polluting; if they do handle it, they must go through a rite of purification. Untouchables first skin the dead animal and either tan the skin themselves or sell it to a leather factory. In the privacy of their homes, contrary to the teachings of Hinduism, untouchable castes cook the meat and eat it. Indians of all castes rarely acknowledge the existence of these practices to non-Hindus, but most are aware that beef eating takes place. The prohibition against beef eating restricts consumption by the higher castes and helps distribute animal protein to the poorest sectors of the population that otherwise would have no source of these vital nutrients. Untouchables are not the only Indians who consume beef. Indian Muslims and Christians are under no restriction that forbids them beef, and its consumption is legal in many places. The Indian ban on cow slaughter is state, not national, law and not all states restrict it. In many cities, such as New Delhi, Calcutta, and Bombay, legal slaughterhouses sell beef to retail customers and to the restaurants that serve steak. 6
Thursday, October 10, 2019
If I Was Given A Second Chance To Visit This World
Birth and death are neither under our control nor a matter of choice People are born without much effort on their part and die without any choice of their own. I look upon life as a game and, when I have finished it, I will leave the field without any hesitation and complaint. The life on this earth is quite enough for any reasonable man. But there is no harm in getting a new base of life, if one can have all the good things of life.Every child during early years of school read stories and fancy many of the characters portrayed in them. I once read a Chinese story illustrating this point of view. There was a man who was in hell and about to be reincarnated, and said to the King of Reincarnation, â€Å"If you want me to return to the earth as a human being, I will only go on my own conditions. †â€Å"And what are they? †asked the King. The man replied, â€Å"I must be born the son of a cabinet minister and father of a future cabinet minister.I must have ten thousand a cres of land surrounding my home and fish ponds and fruits of every kind and a beautiful wife, good and loving to me, and rooms stocked full of grain and trunks full to the top with money, and I myself must be a Grand Councilor or Duke of the First Rank and enjoy honor and prosperity and live until I am hundred years old. †And the King of Reincarnation replied, â€Å"If I were such a lot on earth, I would go and be incarnated myself, and not give it to you.This is a very reasonable answer to any man who wants to have all the good things of life. Life is to be accepted with all its joys and sorrows, with its sunny days and cloudy nights. The world in which we live is necessarily an imperfect world, and man is, as it were, sandwiched between. Therefore, I do not seek at any moment in my life a world which is perfect in all respects. If I am given the chance (I wonder, if it ever happen) to be born again, I will not lay down any unreasonable conditions unlike the man in the Chi nese story which may embarrass my Creator.I shall be glad if I am delivered upon this beautiful earth as its transient guest and asked to leave after seventy five years (I ask only for this much concession) of rough and tumble life. After I have seen two generations of children and grand children I should be perfectly satisfied to rise from my seat and go away saying: It was a good game and I have really played well and enjoyed my innings to the full. But before my second earthly life comes to an end, I must make amends for the mistakes that I had committed in the first life.This time I will choose a country where people enjoy greater peace and facilities of life like United Kingdom or United States of America, or Switzerland or Norway; any will do provided they do not object to my skin color. I will not go to a school where teachers take students as pitchers and try to pour into what they deem necessary. Unfortunately, some time teachers take a conscious pleasure in insulting stude nts with their sly remarks. It does a little good to the mental advancement of back benchers and average students.I will go to a school where cricket is considered more important that literature or physics. I had enough of literature and physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics in my first life. All these subjects are good in their own way, but for myself, I am content to be less studious and more practical. After I have finished my education, I should like to become a business executive. I do know that the life of business executive in America or any European country is not easy. I have examples of lives of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.But what makes me comfortable is that a business executive is always too busy to think of higher things such as poetry, art and contemplation on scientific notes. But I do not care for art and science if I have obvious things like the enjoyment of food, a laughing party of friends, my children ramping about on my grassy lawn or playing on merry go ro und. After all life is not spirit but matter. Some of us who are spiritually inclined towards life, may not like this picture of life, but they can have their own type of life when they are born again.A business executive, as you know, makes a good deal of money, by many clever tricks. When I have made a few millions I will charter a plane and go round the world. Singapore and Siam, Honolulu and Tokyo, Geneva and New Jersey will offer all their enchantments to me. I may even go to Africa and do a bit of big hunting. But I am terribly afraid of lions and rhinos. I will ask somebody to kill them for me and then get myself photographed while sitting on a big lion! I know the reader would be laughing at my cowardice, but this is how we big business executives do lion hunting.Now comes the sad part of the story. When I come back from my travels around the world, I go for a medical checkup. My doctor, who has specialized in all types of cancers, tells me that I am â€Å"ripe†for a cancer. It may be a ‘tropic of cancer’ but nobody can laugh at his own indisposition. I take his word for granted and apply for a bed in one of the most modern hospital. The doctors kill me in order to find out the cancer which never existed. I die without a word of protest, because I had enough of life. I have no regrets or remorse leaving this world.
Lord of the Flies Quotes
â€Å"We did everything adults would do. What went wrong? †â€Å"Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. †â€Å"We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything. †â€Å"The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away. †â€Å"What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages? †â€Å"The rules! †shouted Ralph, â€Å"you're breaking the rules! †â€Å"Who cares? †â€Å"the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist. â€Å"Which is better–to have laws and agree, or to hunt and kill? †â€Å"Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in! †â€Å"If I blow the conch and they don't come back; then we've had it. We shan't keep the fire going. We'll be like animals. We'll never be rescued. †â€Å"If you don't blow, we'll soon be animals anyway. †â€Å"This is our island. It's a good island. Until the grownups come to fetch us we'll have fun. †â€Å"Are we savages or what? †â€Å"This toy of voting was almost as pleasing as the conch. Jack started to protest but the clamor changed from the general wish for a chief to an election by acclaim of Ralph himself.None of the boys could have found good reason for this; what intelligence had been shown was traceable to Piggy while the most obvious leader was Jack. But there was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that marked him out: there was his size, and attractive appearance; and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch. The being that had blown that, had sat waiting for them on the platform with the delicate thing balanced on his knees, was set apart. †â€Å"He became absorbed beyond mere happiness as he felt himself exercising control over living things. He talked to them, ur ging them, ordering them.Driven back by the tide, his footprints became bays in which they were trapped and gave him the illusion of mastery. †â€Å"We musn't let anything happen to Piggy, must we? †â€Å"The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way toward the lagoon. †â€Å"I believe man suffers from an appalling ignorance of his own nature. I produce my own view in the belief that it may be something like the truth. †â€Å"And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. Ralph and jack are a good form of Duality, when good and evil come together in conflict. savages barbarians brutes thugs beasts this unlawfully behavior. Dark; violent; pessimistic; tragic; unsparing 1 †rising action The boys assemble on the beach. In the election f or leader, Ralph defeats Jack, who is furious when he loses. As the boys explore the island, tension grows between Jack, who is interested only in hunting, and Ralph, who believes most of the boys’ efforts should go toward building shelters and maintaining a signal fire.When rumors surface that there is some sort of beast living on the island, the boys grow fearful, and the group begins to divide into two camps supporting Ralph and Jack, respectively. Ultimately, Jack forms a new tribe altogether, fully immersing himself in the savagery of the hunt. †2 †climax  Simon encounters the Lord of the Flies in the forest glade and realizes that the beast is not a physical entity but rather something that exists within each boy on the island.When Simon tries to approach the other boys and convey this message to them, they fall on him and kill him savagely. †3 â€Å"falling action Virtually all the boys on the island abandon Ralph and Piggy and descend furthe r into savagery and chaos. When the other boys kill Piggy and destroy the conch shell, Ralph flees from Jack’s tribe and encounters the naval officer on the beach. †themes Civilization vs. avagery; the loss of innocence; innate human evil motifs Biblical parallels; natural beauty; the bullying of the weak by the strong; the outward trappings of savagery (face paint, spears, totems, chants) major conflict Free from the rules that adult society formerly imposed on them, the boys marooned on the island struggle with the conflicting human instincts that exist within each of themâ€â€the instinct to work toward civilization and order and the instinct to descend into savagery, violence, and chaos.
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