Monday, September 30, 2019
Ethics Essay Essay
The theories of virtue, utilitarianism, and deontology are similar in some aspects but for the most part are very different. Each of the theories will be explained to show their differences and the type of person that would gravitate towards that theory. Through the explanations one would also be able to consider where there morals or ethics may lie but can also see themselves in each theory. The Virtue Theory, also know as Virtue Ethics, refers to the character of each person. This theory states that every person should try for excellence. The characteristics of each individual are made up from their environment that they are a part of. The theory would further suggest that it is not defined as a single moment in each individual’s life but their entire life as a whole. In thinking about the Virtue Theory, it can be explained by stating that each person needs to be the best they can and avoid the need or ability to hurt others. In Basic ethics: Basic ethics in action it talks about Aristotle and his view on virtue ethics to include characteristics or virtues of an individual. There are some that Aristotle would suggest to be the median or virtues such as courage, self-control, proper emotion, and friendliness to name a few. Reviewing these ideals of what characteristics a person should posses would or could be considered common traits of most individuals in the world today. In the simplistic form the virtue theory is about better one self and the other individuals that are around them. Deontology Theory states that there is a moral duty for one to act no matter the circumstances. This theory is furthered by the thought process of not thinking through any actions or the consequences but because it is action that is taken is right. â€Å"The word â€Å"deontology†comes from two Greek words, deion+ logos. Deion comes from the particle dei which means â€Å"must. †Logos (in this context) means â€Å"the account of†(Boylan, 2009). In breaking this down, it shows that is the account of the musts. In meaning one must act on the account of others or for themselves. Deontology theory can be seen within those persons that provide protection for another without question no matter the inherent danger. The will to act is shown through this theory such as that would be considered of the Spartan Army. The Spartan Army would not ask how many strong are the enemy but where the enemy is. Utilitarianism Theory is one that embodies the thought of taking care of the whole group and not the individual. This theory is a moral theory as we see wanting to make the group better. It can only be our morals to drive us to want what is best for a group. If one person is stronger in writing than another during the course of the project, then the weaker writer may ask the stronger one to take over. It is knowing your personal weakness and asking or foregoing your own glory to better the group that you are part of. One that can set aside their pride is a far better person and shows their true sense of morals. In thinking about a personal experience to be discussed in combination with one of these theories, I keep coming back to the theory of utilitarianism. The reason being that I know I have an alpha personality, meaning that I like to be in control and have the control. I tend to leave this part of me outside the classroom to have a clear head and to allow the learning teams to work more cohesive with the other members. It has been my experience that issues have arisen in each of the groups that I have been a part of. This is either due to lack of participation, inability to communicate or the plain fact of laziness. I have stopped from confronting the team member numerous times in order to keep the team moving in the right direction. Later in the class the issues continue to build and that is when I will confront the person and attempt to deal with the issue. I feel that in setting aside my alpha mentality and waiting to confront the individual is a way for the betterment of the learning team as whole.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Human Growth And Development Essay
Week One: Themes in Development: Physical: During this stage the child is learning to crawl and walk. Social/Cultural: The child recognizes his/her parents as safe people. Environmental: Improving socials skills, developing friendships, improving self-confidence, and aiding the care giver. Developmental: A central task of adolescence is to develop a sense of oneself as an autonomous individual. The drive for such autonomy derives from the internal, biological processes marking the transition to a more adult role (puberty and increasing cognitive maturity) and from the shifts in social roles and expectations that accompany these underlying physiological and cognitive changes. Spiritual: It is difficult to identify the infant’s spiritual needs because of their limited ability to communicate on a linguistic level. However, positive experiences of love and affection, and a stimulating environment may foster aspects of spirituality such as hope and security in an infant. Young children encompass the first three stages of Spiritual Development. Intellectual: This stage is essential for determine the learning pattern of the child. This stage the child also learns problem solving skills. Emotional: Growing in a safe and happy environment is also crucial for your child’s long-term development. The more exposure to these activities, the better developed your child’s brain and neural systems will be in coping with what life has to offer. Overall Reflection: A stage is a period of time, perhaps several years, during which a person’s activities (at least in one broad domain) have certain characteristics in common†(Broderick & Blewitt, 2010). This model really says that people develop at different level and stages. Being a teacher I can agree with this theory. I can tell a change with 7th graders that I teach and see some maturity from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. In the incremental model development is seen as a change that is made gradually over time. This is a contrast to the stage model which views change as abrupt. (Broderick & Blewitt, 2010) Both the incremental and the multidimensional model believe that change takes place more gradually and continuously. (Broderick & Blewitt, 2010) I think that the life wheel can help explain how as human throughout our lives we evolve over time throughout our lives. It also can show at different parts of our lives we focus on one or more aspects of the life wheel. Reference: Broderick, P.C., & Blewitt, P. (2010). The life span: Human development for helping professions (3rd ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Week Two: The Early Years: Physical: When a child is born they begin developing strength from large muscles to small muscles. When children are young they need to do many activities to strengthen their large and small muscles. Something I realized is that muscle skill development and maintaining healthy body are essential in life later for reading, writing and math. Social/Cultural: In this stage the child develop a sense of self and a sense of belonging to a family. They begin interacting with other children and they also play in stages (playing alone, playing near others but not really playing with them, not wanting to share, playing and sharing, and playing with a purpose). This stage is also were the child also learn to respect the rights and feelings of others. Environmental: A child’s environment plays a big role in their development. Exposure to different forms of activities that exercise the analytical and creative sides of the brain are important. Developmental: (Week 1-3 only: Reflection may i nclude characteristics of this stage) Spiritual: The pre-stage is infancy before & language and conceptual thought. Sometime between two and seven a child enters intuitive/projective faith marked by the rise of imagination, but lacks logic for questioning perceptions or fantasies. Next, children progress into mythic/literal faith. Here the child develops a way of dealing with the world and making meaning that now criticizes and evaluates the previous stage of imagination and fantasy. Intellectual: When a child is the brain is ready to learn and receive information. In essence the brain is like a computer, it has great potential for development. Having a great childhood greatly influences the way the child develops. Emotional: Doing this period the child will realize that the world does not revolve around them. They learn to trust and mistrust others. As toddlers, they become proud of things they accomplish and begin stating their opinions and desires. They also begin to learn to be away from their parents and they will often times participate in the classroom. They also begin to solve issues that may arise with others using words. They often control their angry and they learn that it is okay to make mistakes. Overall Reflection: After reading about development through the early years, I think that emotional and environmental developments are the most vital during this period. When we are first conceived the environment is the number factor influencing us. Piaget believed that the mind creates its own knowledge. â€Å"This constructivist stance takes the child to be an active participant in the learning process, constantly seeking out and trying to make sense of new information.†(Broderick & Blewitt, 2010) If you look at it from this point of view this is where teachers play an important part in making things catch the attention of students and making it reach them. New research is becoming available often over infant memory and recognition (Broderick & Blewitt, 2010). This is true in the way that the environment plays a major role in the development process; children are a product of their environment. The belief and behaviors of children are passed down from generation to generation. There are several things that I find myself doing that both my mother and father do. I have read research that says expectant mothers that read to their infants while in the womb have smarter children. Erik Erickson believed that the early years of a child’s life were important to their emotional well-being (Broderick & Blewitt, 2010). He had stated that the child should be nurtured, loved, and handled well to grow into an optimistic well rounded person (Broderick & Blewitt, 2010) This is a very true being a teacher I see that the students that have parents that are active and show that they care and support their child they care have the most well rounded students that I teach. While the students that have the parents that are focused on other things those students are not as much well rounded and willing to think outside of the box. Reference: Broderick, P.C., & Blewitt, P. (2010). The life span: Human development for helping professionals. (3rd ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Week Three: Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence: Physical: During the middle years, the child’s growth rate is somewhat slower than in previous years, and certainly less rapid than the growth anticipated during adolescence. These changes contribute to the child’s growing sense of competence in relation to his physical abilities and enhance his potential for participating in sports, dance, gymnastics, and other physical pursuits. Social/Cultural: A central task of adolescence is to develop a sense of oneself as an autonomous individual. The drive for such autonomy derives from the internal, biological processes marking the transition to a more adult role (puberty and increasing cognitive maturity) and from the shifts in social roles and expectations that accompany these underlying physiological and cognitive changes. Compared to children under age 10, teenagers are given new opportunities to experience independence outside of the home. They spend much more unsupervised time with peers which (compared to adult-child relationships) are relatively equal in terms of interpersonal power and authority. At the same time, however, they continue to rely on the support and guidance offered by adults in the family, in school, and in community-based programs or activities. Environmental: The environmental changes that students experience as they move into middle-grade schools are particularly harmful in that they emphasize competition, social comparison, and self-assessment at a time when the adolescent’s focus on himself or herself is at its height. The junior high school’s emphasis on discipline and teacher control, and its limited opportunities for student decision making, come at a time in development when adolescents are beginning to think of themselves as young adults who are becoming more responsible and deserve greater adult respect. A poor â€Å"fit†between the early adolescent and the classroom environment increases the risk of disengagement and school problems, especially for those early adolescents who were having difficulty succeeding in school academically prior to this school transition. Developmental: A central task of adolescence is to develop a sense of oneself as an autonomous individual. The drive for such auto nomy derives from the internal, biological processes marking the transition to a more adult role (puberty and increasing cognitive maturity) and from the shifts in social roles and expectations that accompany these underlying physiological and cognitive changes. Compared to children under age 10, teenagers are given new opportunities to experience independence outside of the home. They spend much more unsupervised time with peers which (compared to adult-child relationships) are relatively equal in terms of interpersonal power and authority. At the same time, however, they continue to rely on the support and guidance offered by adults in the family, in school, and in community-based programs or activities. Spiritual: Part of the child’s development as an individual includes an emerging understanding of the life cycleâ€â€of birth, growth, aging, and death. There is an increasing awareness that life fits into a larger scheme of relationships among individuals, groups of people, other living creatures, and the earth itself. School-age children become keenly interested in these topics, especially when confronted with personal experiences such as the birth of a sibling or the death of a grandparent. As children experience these even ts and learn to view their personal encounters as part of a larger whole, families and communities provide important structure. They define value systems that provide children with basic principles and encourage them to examine their personal actions in light of their impact on those around them. Intellectual: The most important cognitive changes during early adolescence relate to the increasing ability of children to think abstractly, consider the hypothetical as well as the real, consider multiple dimensions of a problem at the same time, and reflect on themselves and on complicated problems. There is also a steady increase in the sophistication of children’s information-processing and learning skills, their knowledge of different subjects, their ability to apply their knowledge to new learning situations, and their awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses as learners. These higher-order cognitive abilities help adolescents regulate their learning and behavior better to accomplish more complicated and elaborate tasks. Emotional: Children in this period need both the freedom of personal expression and the structure of expectations and guidelines that they can understand and accept. Opportunities to interact with other children during this period without excessi ve adult interference is important, although some neighborhoods or living arrangements restrict these chances. At the same time, children need to have positive interactions with adults, reinforcing their sense of self-esteem, self-worth, and belief in their capability of personal success Overall Reflection: Adolescence and middle childhood, although a time for exploration and the excitement of freedom and gaining maturity, is also a time of struggle when teens work endlessly to identify themselves and come to terms with forthcoming adulthood and separation from family (Berger, 2008). Changes in the intensity of peer relationships help the adolescents in self-discovery and surmount the difficulties of their heightened sense of self. Peer pressure supports the adolescent, although the choice of friends can be either a help or a hindrance depending on the interests of the peers. Adolescence is a time of self-centeredness and self-consciousness when peer pressure can be immense. As teens face social pressures that include experimentation with drugs and other substances, sexuality, and a changing perspective on relationships, their strong social network and the guidance of familial alliances are powerful relationships that mitigate stress during this time. These stages of development include significant changes physically, mentally, and emotionally. The choices made by individuals during these stages have both positive and negative consequences for the individual, his or her peers, and his or her families. Adolescence begins when a flood of hormones triggers pubert y, usually between the age of 10 and 14. The release of sex-specific hormones of androgens and estrogens by the gonads produce physical and psychological changes. Maturation and increased efficiency of organs and muscles follow a major growth spurt (Berger, 2008). Reference: Berger, K. S. (2008). The developing person through the life span (7th ed.). New York: Worth Week Four: Young to Middle Adulthood: Physical: In this stage young adults complete the process of physical maturation, usually attaining full adult height. Secondary sexual characteristics, such as size of penis and breasts, are completed. Your organs and systems are all operating at peak efficiency in young adulthood, roughly ages 21 to 39. Your body has grown, and your physical potential is set. You can take advantage of that by eating correctly and by working out to get stronger. This is the time in life when you can reach your peak physically. The growth spurt that came during puberty set the ground work for what you are capable of becoming as a young adult. Your body will respond to activities such as running, cardio training, weight training and diet more predictably during young adulthood than it could when you were in puberty. Social/Cultural: Some of the social changes include divorce, changes in employment (either reaching the peak of career or being unemployable for being â€Å"overqualified†), caring for elderly relatives, and difference in parental responsibilities (either taking them on for later life parents or starting over for some empty nest parents). Environmental: The first major group includes young adults who move early into forming their own families and invest little in post-secondary education. Doing this period the young adult moves out of their parents home and begin to start their own home. Leaving the parental home to establish one’s own residence, establishing financial independence, completing school, moving into full-time employment, getting married, and becoming a parent are considered key markers of adulthood (Booth, Crouter, and Shanahan, 1999). Occupational (Week 4 and 5): During this stage young adults move into adult roles and responsibilities and may learn a trade, work, and/or pursue higher education. They identify career goals and prepare to achieve them. Spiritual: Intellectual: In this stage of life adults fully understand abstract concepts and are aware of consequences and personal limitations. Often times they secure their autonomy and build and test their decision making skills. Often they develop new skills, hobbies, and adult interests. Emotional: Doing this stage of life children become adults, they move into adult relationships with their parents. They begin to see their friends as a less important and begin to think for themselves. They are more empathetic and have greater intimacy skills. Carry some feelings of invincibility. Establish lasting self image and begin to feel self-worth. Overall Reflection: Middle adulthood is a complex time period that requires a multidimensional outlook to understand all of the processes and changes that are taking place. The many changes during middle adulthood include physical, cognitive and social differences. During middle adulthood biological and physical changes become apparent. During this time visual perception, hearing and the reproductive system decline. Adults who have never worn glasses or contact lenses may start needing visual correction. During this time adults may also need more light to see than their younger friends. However, the actual time when one is considered an adult varies from theorists to theorists and can range anywhere from 18 to 25 years of age (Broderick & Blewitt, 2010). There are also cognitive changes during middle adulthood. There is a mixed pattern of positive and negative changes in cognitive abilities. Processing speed starts to decrease during this time period however crystallized thought d oes not decline until older age Working memory begins to decline however semantic memory continues to increase as we learning throughout our older years. Theorists such as Schaie, Erikson, Vaillant, Levinson, Jung, Gould, and soon have all described stages or phases in life- task change (Broderick & Blewitt, 2010). Theorist have shown that all adults seem to go through the same stages of changes in middle adulthood (Broderick & Blewitt, 2010). Reference: Broderick, P.C., & Blewitt, P. (2010). The life span: Human development for helping professionals. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:Pearson Education, Inc. Week Five: Late Adulthood: Physical: Often times the person become less active and the health begin declining. Sometimes at this age you will find older people that are very active and in better shape than some of the younger adults. Social/Cultural: The person has friends that they spend most of their time with and are very comfortable with the person that they are. Environmental: Often times at this age you will find older parents living at home with their students or either in a personal care home. Occupational (Week 4 and 5): Doing this stage in life the person has either retired from the career or job. Sometimes you will find older adults retired but working part time to remain active in not settle with the end of life. Spiritual: Most older adults often face many losses as they age, so doing the lifetime they often turn to religion and to spirituality as ways to handle their losses. A lot of older adults can often quote spirituals from the bible. Intellectual: Doing this stage the mind gets weaker. They become unable to react quickly, or solve puzzles quickly than they could when they were younger. They don’t think less, just become slower Emotional: Sometimes in this age the older adult is faced with depression since they often have faced many losses be that from children, spouses, and/or friends. Overall Reflection: Erikson felt that much of life is preparing for the middle adulthood stage and the last stage is recovering from it. Perhaps that is because as older adults we can often look back on our lives with happiness and are content, feeling fulfilled with a deep sense that life has meaning and we’ve made a contribution to life, a feeling Erikson calls integrity. Our strength comes from a wisdom that the world is very large and we now have a detached concern for the whole of life, accepting death as the completion of life. Aging starts during the middle adult stage then it will continue to intensify until the person reaches the end. As aging progress, the body also progress, we slowly die as our neurons in the brain die, and our skins sag. Aging is inevitable it happens to everybody, we suggest that we should be happy up to the last day we live and not live in the stage of Erikson, which is the despair. Maintaining good health becomes more challenging with age, as the immune system becomes progressively less effective†¦and as the cardiovascular, respiratory, and organ systems function less adequately†(Broderick & Blewitt, 2010). On the other hand, some adults may reach this stage and despair at their experiences and perceived failures. They may fear death as they struggle to find a purpose to their lives, wondering â€Å"Was the trip worth it?†Alternatively, they may feel they have all the answers (not unlike going back to adolescence) and end with a strong dogmatism that only their view has been correct. Reference: Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2010). The life span: Human development for helping professionals (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc. FINAL COURSE REFLECTION: This course overall was a good course. This course gave me insight to life changes that we all go through over the course of their lives. The course also reflects over the age group I am currently teaching and as to why they are acting the way they do. I like the flow of the course and the things that it emphasized on.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18
Ethics - Essay Example register required knowing the numbers item numbers for grains and produce; the customers were supposed to write them down, but many of them neglected this rule, and as such it was dependent on the cashier to either memorize or run and find the number when the customer forgot. Subsequently, during the busy periods the lines got long, and I had to rely on Joyce to help me with the item numbers. In addition to the item numbers, she helped me out with all the small things about the job that you don’t learn in training – which were the important managers, when to pretend you’re working hard, and when to slack off. Over the first few weeks we became very close and Joyce introduced me to her family. She had two daughters she was taking care by herself, as her husband had left her a few years earlier. One day Joyce came in visually distressed and wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. During our break I ate with her and finally got her to tell me the problem. She told m e that she had come on difficult times of late, as her husband had stopped paying child support and she was facing eviction from her apartment. Joyce was considerably older than me and I didn’t have much experience in these situations, but I felt very bad for her situation, and consoled her and told her that I’m sure things would be all right. The next day I worked Joyce was in and she seemed better. I noticed that she was much more standoffish than she had previously been, and I thought that maybe she just didn’t want to discuss what she told me before. During one of the busy periods one of Joyce’s daughters came through the checkout line, and I noticed Joyce not charging her for a number of items and place them in a bag. I wasn’t sure if I had seen the incident accurately, so I chose not to say anything. The next day I worked I watched Joyce closely and noticed that during the same time her daughter came through again, and Joyce similarly didn’t charge her for the items. At this point I was
Friday, September 27, 2019
Recognition and Diagnosis of Dementia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Recognition and Diagnosis of Dementia - Essay Example Normal changes in elderly people are that they have slower thinking and problem-solving processes, may not pay close attention and concentrate like they used to, and have a harder time recalling people or events that occurred in their lives (White et al., 2014; Patient, 2014). Other typical issues are that they may take time trying to find the right word and have some signs of forgetfulness, but still have the same personalities and still remember important events and conversations. Dementia, however, comes in a number of packages, with occasional overlays between two or more diagnosis. For example, in less common forms of dementia, there is Pick’s Disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Parkinson’s Dementia, or Lewy Body Dementia. In a combination of Pick’s Disease, which tends to be more common in women, and Lewy Body Dementia, an elderly female can have hallucinations about things that are happening or she thinks are happen ing, and she can also become extremely fearful of someone when there was no cause for that thinking process (White et al., 2014). Therefore, it is essential to have a diagnosis made so appropriate treatment can be started and the elderly can live a more healthy and happy life. Families may see the first signs of dementia but not fully understand what it is (Jeffries & Agrawal, 2009). A primary care physician (PCP), however, may see the same symptoms and realize that tests need to be made to determine for sure what is happening. Yet, in a growing society of elderly people.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Reasons for the Travelers' Discontent with the Service Quality in Case Study
The Reasons for the Travelers' Discontent with the Service Quality in Flight - Case Study Example In this paper, we will look at the major problems faced by customers and come with ways to overcome them in the light of HR. We will make a human resource strategy plan which these airlines should apply for their proper management.The world of the airline business is increasing rapidly. The customers demand and expectations of people from airlines are increasing. But the only focus of airlines these days is to increase their market share, and in this bid, they tend to neglect many other issues which impact customer satisfaction. According to HR, it’s a duty of every company to provide good and satisfactory services to customers. This service doesn’t only promote the business but also makes a loyal customer of the company.Today’s customers aren’t very happy and content with the services provided by airlines. And most of these issues are related to customer services which eventually come under the human resource department. The ironic thing is that where tod ay’s business world is paying a lot of importance and priority to a human resource, many companies are only focused to make profits.Some of the common issues faced by customers these days by airlines are as following:- Unfriendly services and behavior towards customers in flight; - Security measures are taken in a way that causes difficulties to passengers; - Staffs of airline services are unfriendly and impolite; - Biased treatment to customers on the basis of class that they are traveling;  -Unscheduled transit flights; - Slow action towards customers problem; - Unhelpful and hostile behavior towards customer demands and inquires.
Risk management in British Airways Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Risk management in British Airways - Essay Example The overall process has been designed in a manner that it remains an iterative process wherein the changes and implementation of the existing and new risk management practices are scrutinized on continuous basis.( Goh, 2011). British Airways (BA) has a separate Corporate Risk Management Group in place which not only oversees the organization wide risk management practices of the firm but is also involved in managing internal control systems of the company. The Corporate Risk Group is overseen by a management board and senior key executives to ensure that the involvement of the key senior managers remains so that required improvements could be achieved and the process is managed strategically. The existing risk management practices of BA involve not only the identification of the key risks and their drivers but also their mitigation and management. The overall process is monitored at the Board Audit Committee level and involves senior management to provide an independent review and in sight into the risk management practices of the firm. Current Risk Management Process The current risk management process and its infrastructure within the organization are based on a combination of independence and authority. BA has put in place a separate risk management group which has the overall responsibility of managing the corporate risk affairs of the firm. The group is headed by the Head of Corporate Risk and Internal Controls and oversees different aspects of the risk management process. Further, there is a supervisory management board which comprises of the key senior managers of the firm to provide strategic insight and ownership to the strategic management process within the organization. (Rothwell, 2011). Company maintains a corporate risk register which is actually used for the purpose of identifying the risks and recording them for the purpose of review and assessment. The overall assessment process is based on quarterly reviews wherein the management board as well as the senior managers along with the Corporate Risk Managers evaluate the existing and new risks and determine the future course of action. It is also important to note that this is the highest level within the organization which actually assess and outlines the risk management processes within the organization. The work is further distributed to the individual departments and risk leaders within each department responsible for the management of risk at the departmental and individual level. It is also important to note that the risk at the individual level is measured through an internally developed matrix called Heat Map. Heat Map takes into account each individual risk based on its likely impact and the overall likely scale.1 This therefore allows BA to map its overall risk identification process according to the overall importance and impact of the risk on the organization. Once the different critical risks are identified, mitigating factors for managing the risk are identified and are each risk is individually managed. A report is finally produced which attempt to address different risk issues and responsibilities and accountabilities are than fixed at the individual level to ensure that the overall process is delegated to the lowest level of the organization. It is also critical to understand that this report usually do not contain the mapped results and critical actions required to be undertaken. This is purposefully done by BA in order to
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Comparison Between Energy Modeling Soft wares for Sustainable Building Article
Comparison Between Energy Modeling Soft wares for Sustainable Building Design - Article Example The importance of these building energy programs cannot be denied. These types of software provide users the real-time information of building performance like the use of energy, temperature, costs, humidity, and demand of energy. Some of the soft wares are IESVE, ECOTECT, HAP, REQUEST and ENERGYPLUS These tools have brought a lot of benefits energy modeling on your building such as ECOTECT is considered to be an entire environmental design software that has features for cost analysis, lighting, thermal, solar and interface for 3D modeling. ECOTECT has made the efficiency analysis more accurate and easy. It is based on the idea that environmental design ideology is most successfully addressed throughout the conceptual process of design. The tool provides necessary analytical and visual advice from the simple drawing model to more detailed model. The model is totally capable to handle effortless shading models to complete scaled cityscapes., ECOTECT is fine at coaching the beginner designers to design numerous significant concepts essential for competent building design. Broad assistance files and tutorials are also given with the ECOTECT. It has 3d CAD interface, which allows support of the simplest drawing design to extremely compound 3D models. It has the ability to import DXF and 3DS files. It can be run on Windows XP, 2000, 98 and 95. It can also execute on Visual PC or Mac. It permits the user to test the design ideas at the abstract phases by giving an important examination advice like whether the modeling geometry and data are used in a wrong way or which one is more important than the other. The build-in help file tends to inform the users about the errors or important tasks to do. EnergyPlus is basically a modular tool that is designed by gathering the abilities DOE-2.1 and BLAST. It is actually used as a simulation engine. It takes simple text files as input and output.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Project Design, Implementation & Evaluation Essay
Project Design, Implementation & Evaluation - Essay Example the Micron Software solves the situation by creating an interface through which the users of the system can maintain data for accountability, integrity, reliability, transparency and foe easy audit (Leffingwell 2000, p. 28). The system will therefore solve the challenges with paper based operations and produce fast tracking of reports in a customized manner. It will reduce or possibly eliminate the cases of data loss and mismanagement. The system to be developed in this project is expected to be interactive in accepting and processing the user input data, and generating output in form of dialogues and reports. The system has to be easy to study so that the clients, operators and users can learn it easily. Even without user guide or progress documentation, the system requirements have to be clear and comprehensive. There have to be consistency in the system functions such that it performs all the action indicated. For example, if the button is indicated as â€Å"Close†, then it has to close the current form. The system is expected to accept data input from the user, perform financial operations and then generate an output from the product and the data kept in its historical database. The system also must do data validation during the input to ensure that each field accepts the right form of data. For example, the field for date should not accept any form of data apart from date. The system has minimum requirement of features and hardware properties which limits its development for example, the size of the memory available, the speed of the processor and the size of the hard disk. The constraints can be caused by failure to meet the basic requirements of the development environment. Other constraints arise from information policy, system response times, and system interfacing with other related application software, the capacity of the networks and compliance issues. The minimum requirement of memory size for example is a RAM of 2GB and hard drive of 500GB. In
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Any student caught cheating on an examination should be automatically Essay - 1
Any student caught cheating on an examination should be automatically dismissed from college - Essay Example Students should be made to understand why cheating is wrong instead of just telling them it is wrong. This is done to prepare students for life challenges and make them understand the steps needed to succeed in life the honest way. This involves dealing with cheating cases in an intelligent way which supports and promotes honesty in the student. Letting students get away with cheating or imposing severe and destructive punishments does not favor them. Instead, Gardner et al., (2008) proposes that different punishments such as failing the students and calling their parents to talk to them may offer the best solution. The punishment issued should not affect the student’s future and thus requires the lecturers to be vigilant so that fairness can be achieved. Lecturers need to take a holistic view of exam cheating specifically in the current times where the students are brought up in a decadent society. Colleges need to devise better ways of solving students’ problems that prompt them to result in cheating during examinations. Automatic dismissal is too harsh and painful both for the students who are caught cheating and for the overall community. Cases of examination cheating have tremendously increased in colleges today which renders automatic dismissal inadequate solution. Students who cheat are prompted by the desire for higher grades and the fear of failure. Students cheat for various reasons some of which are psychological. As such, the foundation of the solution lies in understanding the core reason of cheating. Cheating has many forms ranging from copying from a friend’s works, using phones, the internet, plagiarism, sneaking books and other written materials and passing off as another person into the exam room. The severity of the punishment deserving of students cheating in an examination should be moderated depending on the gravity of their actions as opposed to dismissing all examination cheaters alike. College life requires hard work and
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Philosophy of Truth Essay Example for Free
Philosophy of Truth Essay There are many theories on the meaning of truth, and with those theories come beliefs and questions as to why one is more adequate than the others. The theory that I will discuss as the most adequate is the correspondence theory. Honestly, I dont possess the capabilities to fully determine the most sufficient theory of truth. I do, however, have empirical evidence and solid reasoning to support the correspondence theory. There are many valid arguments and questions of this theory that I am not qualified to completely refute. For the sake of this essay I am only able to continue this age old discussion, not to conclude with an exact theory of truth to follow. First I will introduce the basic ideas of the correspondence theory and then I will show why I support these ideas. Then I will present what some other philosophers have said in regards to the correspondence theory and how I interpret these statements. To end, I will discuss the basic arguments against the correspondence theory, and show reasons as to why these arguments are applicable to any theory. The concept of the correspondence theory says that a statement is true only if the facts given match up with reality. (Solomon p. 268) This can be a very simple approach to determining the truth. The basic idea is that if, based on my understanding of reality, the statement given matches that reality then the statement is true. If the statement does not correspond to reality then it is false. A statement is a sentence that can be determined to be true or false but not both at the same time. So ultimately I use past experiences and beliefs to determine my concept of reality. Then, based on my idea of reality, I determine if a statement is either true or false. To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, or of what is not that it is not, is true (Solomon p 268) This was Aristotles belief in Metaphysics and seems to be a very clear-cut statement on how to determine truth. Either a statement is true or false. The law of contradiction says that a statement and its denial cannot both be true. (Solomon p. 266) This reinforces the belief that a statement cannot be true and false at the same time. As Aristotle also said in Metaphysics It is impossible for the same man to suppose at the same time that the same thing is and is not. (Solomon p 266) This however, as some still argue, does not solve the problem that what may true to one, may be false to another. If reality is based on my experiences, then having different experiences can cause different perceptions of reality. The argument of whom or what would determine the final truth is well beyond my qualifications. This can cause a contradiction of truth. This contradiction, based on an individuals idea of reality, is another concept that I am able to only understand and take a position. I do not have the final answers to these arguments but I do have a perspective. An individuals concept of reality is unique to that individual. Based on ones experiences comes that persons concept of reality. Just because someones experiences cause them to believe one truth, doesnt mean they are wrong if I believe another truth. This idea of reality is what causes philosophers to discuss different theories of truth and their credibilitys on many different levels. These extreme cases and abstract ideas is where the correspondence theory draws in the critics. I feel that some of these arguments, though valid, are applicable to any theory. The first argument of this theory roots from the name itself. This argument of the correspondence theory states that there is no such thing as a statement or belief that by itself is capable of corresponding to anything. (Solomon p268) This means that mainly because our words have different meanings in different languages there is not one single statement that can correspond to anything. I feel that this is a weak argument in that it would mean that nothing can be true. There are many different languages and there is no single word I know of that is universal. This argument could be applied to any theory of truth. If what I say is not true to everyone, then it is false. That seems to be the basis of this argument and because of this belief nothing could be true. To me that is an outrageous and un-realistic argument. The next point critics of the correspondence theory make is that there in some cases may be physical implications with verifying correspondence. One example of this for me may be my diabetes. If I say my blood sugar is low the only way to verify if that is true is through the use of my glucose meter. Without the correct equipment there is no way to tell if that statement is true. (At least until Im in a coma! ). To me this still seems to have a simple solution; the truth isnt known until it can be verified. I truly do not know if my blood sugar is low until I have tested it. This may cause me to have to rely on another persons statement but then I can only form an opinion. If I cannot verify the truth physically then I do not know if it is true. This brings up the next argument. The final point I will talk about is that of abstract ideas. Some people will argue that the correspondence theory does not work for abstract ideas, such as love and feelings. These are difficult to verify since they are mostly feelings. There is no concrete source to match them up with. To find the truth in these areas is very difficult with any theory of truth. The best answer I have to counter this objection is that the truth to these abstract ideas is unique to every individual and is really more of an opinion. If someone says I am hungry that is really more of an opinion than a statement. Therefore these claims cannot be either true or false, they are a feeling and that is not for me to judge as truth or not. This leads me to conclude that the correspondence theory is the most adequate theory for determining truth. As long as a belief or statement corresponds with my perception of reality then it is the truth. Though there are valid arguments against this theory I feel that they are a stretch and can be argued against any theory of truth. Bibliography Solomon, Robert, Introducing Philosophy, 8th edition, (Oxford University Press, NY 2005) pp266-279.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Effectiveness of Terrorism Campaigns
Effectiveness of Terrorism Campaigns Much of the theory surrounding terrorism states that it works as a communication strategy signalling the costs of not giving in to the coercers’ demands (Abrahms 2001). Bonnie Cordes goes against this way of thinking by saying that â€Å"although terrorism is often described as a form of communication, terrorists are rather poor communicators because the violence of terrorism is rarely understood by the public†(p.1). During the 70’s and 80’s the emergence of terrorism was used as a tool of coercion being the preferred choice in warfare in the hopes of furthering an Islamic group to being the main ruling power of a country. Many analysts have exposed terrorism as sometimes reaching the outlined goals while many others argue that terrorism depending on whether it uses guerrilla warfare or strikes on civilians, reaches no positive outcomes for the coercer. Much of the literature has focused on pre-Iraq and pre-Afghan conflicts both of which contained a lot of terrorism. We have now entered the twenty first century and at present the Middle Eastern countries are engulfed in numerous ideological and religious based wars. Different Islamic groups are fighting within their own countries to reach and end that sees their preferred religious group becoming the ruling governing party. As of this year terrorism against both civilians and military still remains the preferred tool of warfare. As terrorism has failed to wane in the present it is relevant to see whether its use has become any more positively coercive against the targeted country or state. Max Abrahms (2001) is a researcher who has delved in to terrorism data to uncover whether it is a useful tool in coercing governments to giving into groups’ demands. He first outlines two types of targeted conflicts – those that are guerrilla who take aim at military targets which are found to be the more successful at coercing governments into meeting demands. The second type is ones targeting civilians and these are less successful due to the perception that by targeting civilians the groups through their aggressive nature will be impossible to bargain and reason with. The goals the groups attempt to achieve are also indicative of future success. Maximalist goals are often not achieved whilst minimalist goals are. The aims of the group also need to be clear. Often outcomes goals are not easily understood as they are tied up in ideological or religious reasons. In this case outcomes are often not reached. Although terrorism was used frequently during the 80’s and 90’s terrorism specialists stated that the use of terrorism rarely achieved the outcome goals demanded of governments (Cordes et al., 1984 in Abrahms 2012). Abrahms (2012) finds that terrorist campaigns are an inherently unprofitable coercive tactic because governments resist complying when their civilians are the focus of substate attack. When Abrahms assessed the goals of terrorists he found two types; process goals and outcome goals. Process goals are a ploy to gain extra individuals to the group, to gain media attention, and financial support from likeminded people with attempts at hampering peace-processes and boosting morale. As we will see in examples from Iraq, their civil war is based on both types of goals. Their outcome goals are stated political goals which aim to overthrow the current Shia government and instil a caliphate leader of Sunni background. The difference between the two is the latter requires the compliance of the target government which at present is not happening under current Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki. In order to statistically test the effectiveness of terrorist campaigns Abrahms used a sample of 42 cases of terror attacks. He found that attacks carried out on civilians as done by Hamas versus ones carried out against a military such as the Tamil Tigers lead to differences in favour of the Tamil Tigers. The difference being governments tended to comply more often when attacks were not aimed at innocent people. Unlike guerrilla campaigns terrorist campaigns are seen as a losing political tactic (Abrahms 2012). He further expanded his study to include 125 campaigns carried out by 54 groups. Roughly half of the campaigns were guerrilla using their attacks on military personnel. He first looked at the Foreign Terrorist Organisations (FTO) capabilities and found certain criteria were relevant for future success. These included the peak membership size, the FTO life span; older groups had more highly developed organisational skills, whether or not the group received external support and lastly whether the group employed suicide missions as these enhanced the lethality of attacks, required additional manpower which enhances coercive effectiveness (Pare 2003, 2005). The target country’s capability was also a future predictor of a campaigns success, as a country with great capability was less susceptible to coercion (Drezner 1998, Hart 2000 in Abrahms 2012). Much of the terrorist activity used at present is within the Middle East and is being used in a civil war. In these cases the size of the objective is the key variable affecting the political outcomes of these substate campaigns (Abrahms 2006b, Pape 2003, 2005). In order for a government to make concessions to terror groups it is important they know what the objectives are. In the current literature there appears to be a general consensus on how governments rank political objectives. Campaigns found to have maximalist objectives seek to induce target governments into relinquishing their power or changing their ideology. Campaigns with limited objectives tend to not directly affect the government or its citizens fundamental way of life (Abrahms 2006b, George 1971). There is some research that finds FTO’s to be successful on certain occasions. Of the 125 campaigns Abrahms looked at, 38 successfully coerced the target country into at least partially complying with the policy demands. There is a clear difference however based on whether guerrilla tactics were used over terrorist attacks. The number is practically half of those that used guerrilla versus terrorism. The guerrilla campaigns which targeted the military accounted for 36 successful cases of coercion. The only case where terrorism partially succeeded on its policy demand was the highly publicised Spanish decision to withdraw from Iraq in response to the March 11 2004 Madrid train station bombings. Here the Moroccan Islamist group attacked Spanish commuters days before the prime ministerial election, helping to elect anti-war candidate who then fulfilled his pledge to bring Spanish troops home. However researchers tend to agree on the conclusion that the 11-M campaign was an outlie r. Regardless of terrorist capability, guerrilla groups appear to be the only group that achieve their political demands. Terrorist campaigns would therefore seem to be an ineffective coercive tool. Comparativists are finding that rebel campaigns against civilians in protracted civil wars reduce the likelihood of gaining compliance of either the government (Fortna 2008) or the local population (Kalyvas 2006) again which can be observed from an Iraq perspective. The PM Maliki has consistently resisted the demands of the terrorist groups while also condemning all attacks. Equally, studies assessing the media coverage of terrorism, consistently finds that it seldom amplifies the political demands of its perpetrators. Equally the coverage is portrayed as acts of senseless bestiality (Hewitt 1993 p.52). Less than 10% of coverage sided with the grievances of the terrorists (Kelly Mitchell 1984p. 287). Lastly, the number of people killed is always higher for civilians than against assaults on a military in guerrilla campaigns. Putting terrorism into context and taking the year 2012 as an example, there were a total of 6771 attacks worldwide resulting in over 11,000 deaths and more than 21,000 injuries ( Of these attacks civilians were the biggest victims accounting for 2073 lives. Police fatalities accounted for 1700 while government staff accounted for 971. Military personnel only accounted for 379 ( despite the research carried out by Abrahms suggesting that for terrorist groups to achieve any success being determined by attacks carried out on military staff. In January alone Iraqi terrorist groups were responsible for the brutal deaths of over 1300 people ( Globally, Iraq ranks second in the total number of attacks combined in the year 2012 however they are number one for the amount of people killed (2436), the greatest number seen since 2006-2008 civil war. As previously mentioned, the Middle East is geographically the mostly heavily concentrated area of terrorist attacks even though the attacks occur in 85 countries. The highest proportion of attacks occurred in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan with over half the occurrences happening in these countries. Of the targets aimed at 2073 out of 7467 are civilians whilst police account for 1699, government 971 and military comes at 379 after business at 480. In Iraq just over 27 percent of attacks were targeted at civilians whilst 24 percent against police. Journalists were targeted most frequently in Somalia (26%), Pakistan (18%) and Syria (13%). Taking Iraq as an example and using Max Abrahms criteria for successful campaigns the following will outline whether after all these years terrorism really is the only viable way of coercing governments to a groups demands. reports that like Pakistan over 81% of attacks in Iraq are attributed to unknown perpetrators. The remaining attacks were identifies as those belonging to Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) or The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Terrorism in Iraq was identified as some of the most lethal with three out of 10 being the most lethal of 2012. Although a single attack on any given day would be severe in Iraq there was often a concentrated and coordinated attacks that happened across the same day at multiple different locations. One particular day there were 30 attacks across the country. The tactics and targets were highly concentrated with more than 6 percent of all attacks targeted at either innocent civilians and property or police. An additional 10 perce nt were targeted at government officials. Over 80 percent of the attacks were bombings. Worldwide the perpetrators that accounted for the most fatalities were the Taliban (1842) with Al Qaeda in Iraq and the ISIL coming in third (892). Of the tactics used bombing was the most preferred choice accounting for 65 percent used worldwide. At present the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Security (OSAC) reports that the main target of terror in Iraq are government personnel and assets. Due to the groups protracted attempts at overthrowing the democratically elected Iraqi government and replacing it with a Sunni led Islamic caliphate such as in Iran. In 2013 9571 Iraqi civilians were killed and 2006 since the beginning of this year according to Iraq Body Count (Counterpunch). At present ISIS is taking over Sunni populated areas such as Fallujah and Mosul, this however is not getting the media attention that is required due to the threats and attacks on journalists, of which five have been killed since October last whilst over 40 have fled to Kurdistan and Turkey (Counterpunch). There has been a major increase in the occupation of Sunni led groups such as ISIS taking control over Sunni Iraq however the government seems to be struggling to regain control. Shia civilians continue to be killed en masses however the biggest problem is finding the whereabouts of the groups. Civilian deaths appear to have outnumbered military fatalities despite the fact that research has shown this type pf warfare to be ineffective in achieving any coercive outcomes. Despite thousands of Shia’s being mortally wounded Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has numerous times stated that he â€Å"will not enter negotiations with terrorists†saying â€Å"that crushing terrorists is one of the priorities of the current Iraqi government†. He further explained why negotiating with these groups (ISIL/Al Qaeda) would be futile saying these groups are not and will not be a negotiating side†. He went on to stress that â€Å"whichever side that is not opposed to terrorist groups, is not worthy of partnership in running the country’s affairs†. (REF) At present the Iraqi army has been working closely with both ethnic and local police in the al-Anbar province in an attempt to defeat the terrorists and al-Qaeda. The fighting is due to divisions between the Sunni and Shia population remaining after the civil war. Prior to which the Sunni minority were leading the country through Saddam Hussein. Add to this also the Kurdish minority who also want a say in how the country is governed. Sunni’s accuse the current government of exclusion despite their presence in parliament. The government ignored a protest in December 2013 stating that it was a ploy for the sectarian and territorial division of the country (REF). In November 2010 a power sharing agreement was made between all three parties however the Sunnis felt the government was marginalising them by having more Shia representatives. The cultural divisions appear too difficult for the government to handle which has led to the current uprising in the country and their inability to handle the security crisis. Although the massacring of civilians has proven ineffective in the past, 8,000 people died in 2013 of which most of them were civilians. Abrahms outlined the possible coercive abilities of groups being dependent on the outcome or process goals. For ISIL and al-Qaeda, process goals have managed to garner some support from the mainly Sunni peoples and they have been receiving funding from external sources such as Iran who are happy to help out the opposition in order to create instability within the Sunnis. Recruits were increased during the past number of years and the group is claimed to have 2500 members. Although the groups hope for media attention, as Abrahms has pointed out this is seldom in favour of the group’s plight and this has been the case in Iraq. Journalists are afraid to print negative stories in fear of their lives with many as shown fleeing to neighbouring countries. Equally, when looking at the outcome goals which is looking at what the group wishes to achieve politically they are aiming for maximalist goals that are not so much based on territory alone but rather a forceful attempt at overthrowing a government in the hopes of dividing the country into sectarian divisions based on ideological and religious goals of transforming he country into a Shia state following Sharia Law. These goals have proved to be impossible to achieve whether peaceful or violent means are attempted due in part to the lack of compliance of the current government. Iraq’s capabilities also are strong with the US having trained them and provided them with numerous arms and ammunition and vehicles (REF). The higher the capability the less susceptible the target country is. The size of the objective is a key variable in the future success of the group. As can be seen in the Iraq example the objectives are vast which makes the likelihood of any concessions highly unlikely.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
Freedom of Speech is what this country’s constitution gives its people. Even so, we have to be conscious that putting into effect these right require sense of duty. For that reason, the media is a essential element in today culture and has turn out to be the primary impact and it has an outcome on our nations’ future, viewpoint, and the globe’s view of us. As a result, the media are responsible for mainstream America ideals and the familiarity of the image based on the impact from the media. The media are fundamental of social influence and political decisions. Additionally the media has the responsibility to give readers, viewers and listeners accuracy and accountable. Nonetheless, the media should uphold fairness and meticulousness (Pulliam, 1996-2012). For this purpose, the media has assembled into the most crucial aspect of our era, influencing every citizen settling the unease relating to media responsibility today, but also challenging to characterize t he importance of the responsibility. The media are what we read, listen to and watch; the foremost impact is psychological, intellectual and share commercial implications. A utilitarian purpose can be proficient only through an endeavor to add diverse ethical standards established by the social order to improve our society. â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances â€Å" (Bhagwat, 2011). Hence, the media is responsible for the way we perceive and build our own personal views of the world and the way it operates. Thereupon ... ...ia to make sure the information is presented in a fair, balanced and truthful manner (Voakes, 2004). As journalists and the media itself we all have the responsibility to seek truth and report it, minimize harm, and act independently (Pulliam, 1996-2012). Hence, the Media has the responsibility to give readers, viewers and listeners’ accuracy and accountability of information. In addition the media has built into for the most part crucial aspect of our era, influencing every citizen rather it is politics, the law, or other social issues. As a future journalist the media has three roles of responsibilities of regarding the media. They must act as a mirror of society to inform the people. Furthermore to help bridge the communication gaps between different sections of society. Lastly, also critically analyze public policies, social and cultural issues in the society.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Women as Sexual Objects in Metropolis :: Movie Film Essays
Women as Sexual Objects in Metropolis In the film Metropolis, I feel women are basically represented as a sexual object. Also in my opinion certain male figures were the dominant images throughout the whole movie. Some may believe that at one point, the robot-Maria was a dominant figure but I believe the robot was just a technological advancement to increase the view that women are seen as sexual objects. Why was the robot created in Metropolis in the form of a woman? This is a question that is portrayed in Huyssen's article. In my opinion, Rotwang wants to create a woman robot so he can have complete control over her actions. Huyssen even states, "After all, Rotwang creates the android as an artifact, as an initially lifeless object which he can then control." In creating a woman robot, Rotwang figures he can use her sexuality in order to receive the attention of the male workers. Power and dominance is what Rotwang wants and he found away to achieve it by the use of his creation. There are other males who display these dominant ways just as well as Rotwang does. Take the Master of Metropolis for instance. He orders Rotwang to create a robot in order to replace the human workers. He also has the control of all the workers because he is their employer. Now let us look at where sexuality and technology come into play in this movie. In the first part of the movie, Jon Frederson (the son of the Master of Metropolis) sees Maria for the first time. By the way he looks at her, you can see that he is having sensual feelings for her. Huyssen also expresses this idea in his article. In my opinion, Frederson does not really see her as the saint she is suppose to be playing, but only as an object that he desires and would like to pursue. As the movie progresses, Rotwang decides he is going to capture Maria and take her as a prisoner in his home. He does this so he can create a robot that exactly duplicates the features of Maria. As a result of this creation, technology is now mixed with the sexuality that Maria had inside of her in order to obtain control and power. The robot-Maria, uses her sexuality to obtain the attention of all the male workers.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Portrayal of Socially Destructive and Over-Ambitious Richard, in Sh
Richard, the main character of the Shakespeare’s play, Richard III is portrayed as socially destructive and politically over-ambitious. His destructive potential is depicted by the way he relates with the other protagonists in the play and also by what he confesses as his intentions. Richard’s political ambition is revealed through his strategic calculations based on the order of birth in his York family which puts him third away from the throne. Ahead of him is his elder brother, George Clarence, a barrier which will have to eradicate. His brother, King Edward, is another political barrier, by simply being alive, in power and equally by being the father of the two young princes . Richard’s creates a political mistrust between his two brothers without directly implicating himself to clear his way to power. The main objective of this essay is to show how well Richard fits the figure of vice character in the Shakespeare’s play. We are going to examine this aspect of Richard from two dimensions. First of all, through his expressed intentions, motivations and deeds. Secondly, through what other characters accuse him of and their attitudes towards him. It will not be possible for us to revisit each character and how he or she relates with Richard. However, Anne, Margaret, the Duchess of York, citizens, the ghosts and finally Richmond will be examined. Richard, the villain From the beginning of the play, the character of Richard is depicted as amiss. Thomas More’s account of King Richard states that King Richardâ€Å"was malicious, wrathful, envious, and, from afore his birth ever forward†(More, 2005:10).King Richard’s mother, the Duchesse of York is said to have had a hard labour at his birth. Richard is said to have come into the wor... ...ueen Margaret, England will remain in turmoil. Conclusion Shakespeare introduces to us a character who is evil according to the moral judgement of the moment. He does not respect the social values and norms. For him social taboos such as incest and crimes such as murder cease to be wrong once they become instruments of power. He is Satan incarnated, cunning, greedy and destructive. He has no respect for those who observe social, norms, family ethics and political loyalty. As a King, he governs with terror and assassinates those whose views differ from his. To us he is a dictator. The citizens are scared at the idea of being ruled by him. Their future is doomed with Richard in power. His own relatives and ghost shower him with curses and wants his downfall. Those who remain by his side are governed by fear lest they loose their lives and those of their loved ones.
Impormasyon Tungkol sa Silangang Asia Essay
Our vision is to become the premier company in the baking industry and related food and beverage industry, known and emulated for our best quality products that delight the consumer. It is the pride of every employee, investor, trade partner and stakeholder. Our mission is to serve consumers with the best quality assortment of great-tasting bakery and related food and beverage products, with world-class manufacturing facilities and an efficient nationwide distribution network, thereby providing a fair return on shareholder investments. – Gardenia Our Vision is to be world class company and service provider of choice. Our mission is to provide our customers the best value in energy, products and services. – Meralco To create new value, excite and delight our customers through the best automotive products and services. With passion, pride and speed, we actively communicate with our customers to deliver insightful automotive products and services that exceed their expectations. – Mazda To take the lead in realizing San Miguel Corporation’s commitment to social development in the Company’s effort to contribute towards the improvement of life in the communities in which it operates and the public it serves. San Miguel Foundation, Inc. is committed to the empowerment of San Miguel host communities and various stakeholders by harnessing corporate social responsibility among the various San Miguel businesses in pursuing mutually beneficial programs that lead to self-reliance and sustainability. – San Miguel Corporation Our vision is put into an action through programs and focus on environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company. To be the world’s premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce financial reward to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honestly, fairness, and integrity. – PepsiCo Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. – Coca Cola By 2018, Landbank will be the top universal bank promoting inclusive growth and improving the quality of life especially in the country side through the delivery of innovative financial and other services in all provinces, cities and municipalities. To our clients: We will use the best technology and solutions to deliver responsive financial and support services to our clients while promoting sustainable development and environmental protection. To our Employees: We will develop and nurture talents that will exemplify the highest standards of ethics and excellence consistent with the best in the world. – Landbank of the Philippines PNOC by 2025: A world class organization that executes the country’s energy strategy toward self- sufficiency, sustainability, stability of prices, and security of supply. Through the efforts and initiative of world class professionals, PNOC is committed to: 1. Develop and implement projects and programs in a financially prudent and responsible manner aimed at increasing the country’s self sufficiency level in oil, gas and other energy sources 2. ENSURE SECURITY OF SUPPLY: CONTRIBUTING TO ENERGY PRICE STABILITY AND AFFORDABILITY. 3. Foster sustainable and environmentally – friendly sources of energy: 4. Promote and maintain the highest standards of service and corporate governance – Phil. National Oil Company Be the leader in sustainable world – class transport infrastructure and services. We build and provide quality transport infrastructure and services to enable customers to experience the joy of safe travel, to drive and trade and commerce that stimulates the country’s socio – economic growth. – Manila North Tollways Corporation Mission We find creative ways to make every click, call and touch work for you in every stage of your life in a way that is always human, meaningful and fun. VISION: Happiest employees, customers, shareholders. – Globe telecom
Monday, September 16, 2019
Antagonist Analysis of The Great Gatsby Essay
Tom Buchanan, the antagonist in the book, The Great Gastby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald is the darker side of the main character, Jay Gatsby. Where as Gatsby is an agreeable, attentive gentleman, Tom is the abrasive, physically powerful, and careless man who is concerned about one thing†¦himself. Tom is introduced as an arrogant and abusive husband to his wife Daisy Buchanan, who states, â€Å"That’s what I get for marrying a brute of a man, a great, big, hulking physical specimen of a â€â€-,â€Å" as she tries to deal with his selfish and emotionally abusive ways (F. Scott Fitzgerald 12). The Great Gatsby explores the dynamics of relationships between the love (or lack thereof) between man and woman. Fitzgerald portrays antagonist Tom as self-centered human being, not only through the emotional abuse and negligence of his wife, but likewise through the sexual encounters and philanders of various women. One of Tom’s lovers, Myrtle Wilson, is so engrossed and enchanted by Buchanan that she is willing to risk her own marriage and is no longer attentive as some of her actions include â€Å"walking through her husband as if he were a ghost, shook hands with Tom, looking at him flush in the eye†(Fitzgerald 26). Unlike Tom, whose life revolves around no one other than himself, Gatsby’s life centers on finding the long lost love of his life, Daisy, and engulfing her with the true endearment of love between a man and woman. His one desire to fulfill his life with true love is interrupted twice by Tom Buchanan. Having loved Daisy as a young teenage boy and loosing her to life’s circumstances, Gatsby is determined to continue his search in hopes of locating this special woman who can never be replaced by no other beautiful face or body. Gatsby’s adoration and respect for Daisy drives him to cast all his possessions and even his life into securing her love and saving her name, as he did after the accident shifting blame from her to him, â€Å"but of course I’ll say I was†[driving the car that hit and killed Myrtle] (143). Tom and Gatsby are black and white images of one another. Tom, the darker character, is a cold heartless man who moves people around like pegs on a game board. He continually rolls the dice to calculate his next moves giving no thought to the human lives he has at stake. After the death of Myrtle, Tom shows his lack of interest for the welfare of the woman he has been having an affair with and uses an opportunity to shift conflict between George, Myrtle’s husband, and Gatsby, â€Å"Wilson’ll have a little business at last†(137). Unlike Tom, Gatsby’s bright image of love, concern, and devotion carries throughout the story. Gatsby holds onto love until the dire end, electing to protect Daisy from the wreck and the reckless relationship with her husband Tom, â€Å"I’m just going to wait here and see if he tries to bother her about that unpleasantness this afternoon (144). Tom is the perfect character to represent the antagonist in, The Great Gatsby. His selfish acts toward each character in the story shows his lack of respect for human relationships and his indulgence for self.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
My last farewell Essay
My Last Farewell (Mi Ultimo Adios) Farewell, dear fatherland, clime the sun caress’d, Peal of the Orient seas, our Eden lost! Gladly now I go to give thee this faded life’s best, And were it brighter, fresher, or more blest, Still would I give three, not count the cost. On the field of battle, ‘mid the frenzy of fight, Others have given their lives, without doubt or beed; The place not mattersâ€â€cypress or laurel or lily white, Scafold or open plain, combat or martyrdom’s plight, ‘Tis ever the same, to serve our home and country’s need. I die just when I see the dawn break Though the gloom of night, to herald the day; And if color is lacking my blood thy shalt take, Pour’d out at need for they dear sake, To dye with its crimson the waking ray. My dreams, when life first opened to me, My dreams when the hopes of youth beat high, Were to see thy lov’d face, O gem of the Orient sea, From gloom and grief, from care and sorrow free; No blush on thy brow, no tear in thine eyes. Dream of my life, my living and burning desire, All hail! Crisis the soul that is now to take fight; All hail! And sweet it is for thee to expire; To die for thy sake, that thou may’st aspire; And sleep in thy blossom eternity’s long night. If over my grave some day thou seest grow, In the grassy sod, a humble flower, Draw to thy lips and kiss my soul so, While I feel in my brow in the cold tomb below The tough of thy tenderness, thy breath’s warm power. Let the moon beam over me soft and serene, Let the dawn shed over me its radiant flashes, Let the wind sad lament over me keen; And if on my cross a bird should be seen, Let it thrill there is hymn of peace to my aches. Let the sun draw vapos up to the sky, And heavenward in purity bear my tardy protest; Let some kind soul o’er my untimely fate sigh, And in the still evening a prayer be lifted on high From there, O my country, that in God I may rest. Pray for all those that hapless have died, For all who have suffered the unmeasr’d pain; For our mothers that bitterly their woes have cried; For widows and orphans, for captives by torture tried; And then for thyself that redemption thou mayst gain. And when the dark night wraps the graveyard around, With only the dead in their vigil to see; Break not my repose of thy mystery profound, And perchance thou mayst bear a sad hymn resound; ‘Tis I, O my country, raising a song unto thee. When even my grace is remembered no more, Unmark’d by never a cross not a stone; Let the plow sweep through it, the spade turn it o’er, That my ashes may carpet thy earthly floor, Before into nothingness at last they are blown. Then will oblivion bring me no care, As over thy wales and plains I sweep; Throbbing and cleansed in thy space and air, With color and light, with song and lament I fare, Ever repeating the faith I keep. My fatherland ador’d, that sadness to my sorrow lends, Beloved Filipino, hear now my last goodbye! I give thee all; parents and kindred friends; For I go where no slave before the oppressor bends, Where faith can never kill, and God reigns e’er on high! Farewell to all, from my soul torn away, Friends of my childhood in the home dispossessed! Give thanks that I rest from the wearisome day! Farewell to thee, too, sweet friend that lightened my way; Beloved creatures all, farewell! In death there is rest!
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Article on Statue of Liberty Awaits and Analysis
Statue of Liberty Impatiently Awaits Repairs On November 30 2012, New York’s, Statue of Liberty, was brutally disturbed by Mother Nature powerful waves, Sandy. Hurricane Sandy has made an impact on the grounds of The Statue of liberty worth about $56 Million. About 75% of the island flooded, damaging the island, but the statue itself emerged unscathed. Up till today, the New York Harbor landmark still remains closed as workers repair the damage wreaked on Liberty Island.With money being tight for the repairs there will be little amounts left for the repairing damages of the retail stores and other commercials on the island. Not only did the president of the Statue lose a great deal of money, but so did the market, retail and concession owners as their business literally goes down the drain. With furious tourist along with this disaster concludes to the question of, when will New York’s Statue of Liberty reopen? Analysis The main focus of the article is the reopening con cern of, The Statue of Liberty.This article clearly demonstrates a global interaction among tourism. Many tourists are furious and extremely disappointed that they will have to further wait till the release date for the reopening of Liberty Island. However, this occurrence does affect many Canadians -Canada, being a French/English country acquires many tourists that love visiting the beautiful gift from the French to the Americans, Ms. Liberty. Though, this does not only affect Canadian tourists; but all tourists who wish to see the beautiful Statue of Liberty, presently. ?
Friday, September 13, 2019
Codeine Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Codeine - Research Paper Example f the ancient tool kit in medicine for its therapeutic effects, and hence euphemistically called as the â€Å"plant of joy.†Codeine has a number of medicinal uses besides as pain reliever, such as antitussive (to suppress coughing), anti-hypertensive (lower blood pressure), anti-anxiety, to help control diarrhea, delay premature labor contractions, as a sedative (helps in relaxation and sleeping), and for its hypnotic properties too. Its availability as an oral medication (as opposed to injectable medication) make it the widest prescription drug, with about 157 million written prescriptions annually and its sales reached approximately $3.3 billion in 2005 alone, and still continues to gain in popularity. However, identification of the chemical composition of codeine as a distinct compound is fairly recent; it was first identified in 1832 by the French chemist Pierre-Jean Robiquet which closely followed the first identification of morphine a few years earlier, back in 1806 by German pharmacist Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Serturner (Kane & Triggle, 2007, p. 10). Codeine is isomer of morphine, which means both have the same molecular components but are structured different hence it is known for its chemical name, 3-methylmorphine. It can be made or manufactured in the laboratory in commercial quantities from morphine, using a semi-synthetic process. Morphine is the most abundant alkaloid (the chemical compounds that contain basic nitrogen atoms) found in opium, at 8 to 17% by weight, and followed by codeine, at .07 to 5%. Codeine is the chemical precursor of most opioids (any compound that acts like morphine) such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, and tramadol. It is classified similar to opioids produced by human bodies like the endorphins and enkephalins (ibid. p. 13). Although it has many legitimate uses in medicine, codeine has a potential to be misused and abused as a â€Å"recreational†drug because of a â€Å"high†feeling it generates among drug users; that feeling is
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Philosophy of Science and The Problem of Confirming Scientific Essay
The Philosophy of Science and The Problem of Confirming Scientific Hypotheses - Essay Example What philosophy of science does is to examine these concepts and to ask questions about them. In this essay, I shall focus on the problem of understanding how observation and theory confirm scientific hypotheses. â€Å"What connection between an observation and a theory makes that observation evidence for the theory†(Godfrey-Smith, 2003, p.39)? Herein, I shall argue that although science fails to provide certainty and reliability in confirming scientific hypotheses, a theory of confirmation is not impossible; what is impossible is to model a scientific theory of confirmation to that of a formal theory of confirmation. In this light, despite the problems induction poses, confirming scientific hypotheses is necessarily inductive. Given this, I shall divide my paper into four main parts. The first part will discuss with the problem of confirmation in relation to induction. Herein, I shall discuss David Hume’s (1978) problem of induction, a theory closely related to the pr oblem of confirming scientific hypotheses. The second part will discuss the theory of confirmation in relation to scientific explanations. Herein, Carl Hempel’s (1965) model for scientific explanation will be emphasized. In the third section, I shall focus on Nelson Goodman’s (1983) â€Å"new riddle of induction.†... Confirmation and Induction â€Å"The confirmation of theories is closely connected to another classic issue in philosophy: the problem of induction†(Godfrey-Smith, 2003, p. 39). Scientists reason inductively in order to confirm their hypotheses. But does it mean to reason inductively? An Inductive argument on the other hand is one wherein even if the premises are true, the conclusion can only be probably true. For example: The swan I saw last Monday was white. The swan I saw last Tuesday was white. The swan I saw last Wednesday was white. Therefore, all swans are white. Given the said example, it can be said that the conclusion, â€Å"all swans are white†is not a conclusion that is absolutely true, because its contrary is possible. Case in point, in Australia, there are swans, which are black. This in effect, questions the validity of the conclusion. Now according to scientists, it is better to reason deductively rather than inductively, because in deductive reasoning , we can be certain if we start with true premises, the analysis will be true as well. Inductive reasoning can take us to false contradictions. Now the problem of induction is magnified in Hume’s (1978) â€Å"problem of induction.†Here, Hume uses the process of induction to question inductive reasoning itself. To his view, how sure are we that induction works? Just because induction worked in the past, it does not follow that induction will work in the future or in reference to future events. Hume’s view is founded on his explanation of the uniformity of nature. This assumes the rational order of the universe. This type of order is characterized in a spectrum of regularities wherein the events and relations among things that we have not examined yet, will be the same
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Civil Rights Revolutions of the 60s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Civil Rights Revolutions of the 60s - Essay Example Since then, leaders and critics have already ceaselessly demanded that people, regardless of race and gender, should be accorded the respect that Whites have so far exclusively enjoyed. However, it was only during the 1960s when black Americans collectively demanded on the street, in churches and dialogues their rights as citizens under the United States Constitution. This mass movement was sparked by several important developments such as the efforts of four Southern students who initiated the Woolworth lunch counter to protest racial discrimination. (Farber and Bailey, p. 13) Then, there was also the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, 1954-1955, wherein it was found that school segregation was unconstitutional. (Sargent, p. 2) Finally, there was also the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What was originally intended as anti-racial discrimination movement, the Rights Revolution came to cover several other issues that made the movements complic ated and far-reaching, especially in the context of reforms achieved. There was the clamor for economic, political and cultural policy-reforms, effectively highlighting the manner by which the Rights movements took the cudgels for several other causes.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Cancer - Essay Example Cancer was initially completely untreatable. With medical advances, such as autopsies, anesthesia and the microscope, scientific oncology was born. Finally, in the eighteenth century, the understanding of molecular epidemiology led to the modern study and treatment of cancer (American Cancer Society). The origin of cancer lies in abnormal cell division. In normal cell division, new cells are produced as and when needed for a healthy body and when cells become old or damaged, they die and are replaced with new cells. Sometimes, there is damage to the cell DNA, the basic material in genes. These defective genes may be caused by mutations or may also be inherited. Instead of dying, these damaged cells lead to the formation of groups of malignant clones, or duplicates of the abnormal cells. These groups form a mass of tissue called a tumor. A benign tumor is harmless and its cells do not spread to other parts of the body. A malignant tumor is cancerous. Its cells invade adjoining tissues and spread to other parts of the body in a process called metastasis. Cancer cells spread through the blood and lymph systems. There are more than 100 different types of cancer. The main types of cancer are: Carcinoma - cancer which originates in the skin or the lining of tissues; Sarcoma – cancer which begins in in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue; Leukemia – cancer in the blood and bone marrow; Lymphoma and myeloma - cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system; Central nervous system cancers - cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord (National Cancer Institute). The types of cancer are named according to the name of the organ or tissue in which they originate. The main types are: Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, Adrenal Gland Tumor, Amyloidosis (blood), Anal Cancer, Appendix Cancer, Astrocytoma
Monday, September 9, 2019
MECHANISMS FOR EVALUATING FINANCIAL HEALTH OF HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS CS - Essay Example The total revenue for Pearland Medical Center reduced by $250,000,000 in the year 2013, compared to the revenue the firm had generated in the year 2012. At the same time, the operating expenses reduced by $200,000,000, which means that the net income of Pearland Medical Center reduced by $50,000,000 between the two years. The net revenue for 2012 and 2013 was $915,000,000 and $865,000,000 respectively. On the other hand, the total profit for the same period was $965,000,000 and $915,000,000 for 2012 and 2013 respectively. The cash flow of the Medical Center was equal to the total profit of the company since the inflow of the business was only through revenue and the cash outflow was through marketing, operating, research and education expenses. However, sinceBut depreciation is a non-cash flow item in this scenario, it should be used to establish the total profit and the net cash flow of Pearland Medical Center (Fridson & Alvarez, 2011). The profit margin measures how much every dollar revenue a firm keeps in its earnings (Albrecht & Albrecht, 2008). The total profit margin of the firm stood at 69% and 61% in 2013 and 2012 respectively. This means that the firm realized a net percentage of $0.69 and $0.61 for every dollar of sales. This showed that Pearland Medical Center’s ability to control its expenses, improved in 2013 as compared to 2012, and it is attributed to a reduction in operating expenses by $200,000,000. On the other hand, the total profit margin, excluding grants and investments, stood at 59% and 48% in 2013 and 2012 respectively. This implied that the firm’s earnings from every dollar it had invested reduced to 0.59 and 0.48 per dollar as a result of the exclusion of grants and investment in its revenue. Based on the income statement report, the firms financial health is not badly off because Pearland medical center made some positive returns from its investments. But if they are
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Human Systems - Respiration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Human Systems - Respiration - Essay Example It provides the energy needed by cells of the body. The following diagram shows the structure of the human respiratory system. The air then passes onto the interior of the nose called the Nasal Cavity/ Passage. It is lined with a sticky mucous membrane and contains tiny, surface hairs called cilia. The mucus and cilia collect dust, bacteria, and other particles in the air. The mucus also helps in moistening the air.  Under the mucous membrane there are a large number of capillaries.  The blood within these capillaries helps to warm the air as it passes through the nose. Thus, the nasal cavity serves as a moistener, a filter, and to warm up the air before it reaches the lungs. Then comes the Pharynx, or the throat, which is followed by the Larynx, which is the voice-box. There are two pairs of membranes that are stretched across the inside of the larynx called the vocal cords. When air is expired, these cords vibrate and by controlling these vibrations, one is able to produce different sounds. Also, epiglottis, a cartilaginous flap prevents food from entering the wind-pipe during swallowing. Both the pharynx and larynx form part of the respiratory tract. The larynx opens up into the Trachea, or the wind pipe. The trachea is a tube approximately 12 cm in length and 2.5 cm wide.  Rings of cartilage within its walls prevent it from collapsing during expiration. It is also covered with a ciliated mucous membrane, which keeps foreign particles and mucus out. The trachea divides into two cartilage-ringed tubes called Bronchi. Also lined with ciliated cells, they form the two main passages for entry of air into the lungs. After entering the lungs, the bronchi divide and spread in a tree-like manner into smaller tubes called Bronchial Tubes. The bronchial tubes divide and then subdivide, becoming thinner and having less and less cartilage in their walls.  Eventually, they become a tiny group of
Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Relationship - Essay Example It puts us in a category of our own where we see things from the same eyes, even though we are two separate individuals who have their own respective worldviews (Holt 2005). Even though Austin likes to communicate with me on a consistent level, I have always asked him to meet me more than calling me on the phone because I believe our friendship is on such a level that phone calls could just demean us in someway. Hence it is best that we enjoy each other’s company and this can only happen when we meet regularly. Some important things that govern and essentially define our relationship include the respect that we have for our elders and the love and support to our mutual friends and colleagues. Both of us like to interact with kids, which automatically make us people who like to hang around children quite a lot. Austin and I are known to be extroverts which implies for our comprehension that we like to go out more and more, and thus enjoy the festivities of eating out, partying by the beach as well as a range of other fun-filled activities (Azzarone 2003). We sincerely love the feeling of being close to one another because this is how we view life in its own meticulous way. It also makes us enjoy the world around us together. These important aspects developed with the passage of time as we started knowing each other more and thus we found out that our common traits were very uncommon amongst the people around us. The exceptional two that we were actually made us feel good about our own selves, which strengthened our friendship all the same. Our relationship is more supportive than being defensive at any point in time. This is because we understand each other quite well and it makes our lives easier in contrast to how other best friends live their lives. Our relationship has blossomed with the passage of time and I cannot recall a single instance where we ended up arguing between our selves. I believe this is because both of us respect one another and look up to our unity for the help and assistance that we so may require. Our relationship has thus become a potent force because our trust levels have been tied to who we are and how we view our friendship (White 2002). Some of the specific factors that contribute to the situations which take place on a day to day level comprise of our interaction with the people around us. We both believe in giving our best when it comes to our elders, since we respect them a lot. We always make an effort to help the underprivileged and needy around us, which is something that I and Austin gain satisfaction from. If ever there was a conflict between me and Austin, we would resolve it amicably. This is because both of us believe in keeping away from conflicts and rifts. Fortunately, we have never had a fight as yet which gives us the edge to understand each other better. This is one way to know how much respect I hold for Austin and likewise (Costley 2007). We may have difference of opinions but this has never transpired into conflicts and hence the duration is of no use as far as its mention is concerned. The strategies that we use to resolve conflict would essentially take into perspective listening to one another and giving the other individual the much needed space so that he can think through things and get back. It is an important consideration and both I and Austin are well aware of that. I believe these methods have been quite satisfactory as conflicts are something that can literally mar the basis of any
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Unrequited Love Essay Example for Free
Unrequited Love Essay Everyone eventually meets the man or woman of their dreams. Whether it’s online or in your local grocery store, everyone is bound to meet their perfect match. According to Harville Hendrix, the author of the article The Mystery of Attraction, he mentions that there are three theories that he has noticed or have looked more into and he also has his own theory. The three theories that he mentions are as follows: biological theory, exchange theory, and the persona theory. When it comes to his own theory, Hendrix states that of the conscious theory. Although Hendrix provides in depth detail of the three theories, I do not agree in those theories and therefore believe in Hendrix’ own theory. The first theory that Hendrix describes is that of the biological theory, which means that women select men who are that of â€Å"alpha†qualities. They choose men who will provide for their future family or supply themselves with nourishment. Society makes men feel that they have all the weight on their shoulders and men are made to fulfill the manly duties. When I look for certain men, I choose men that have an attractive personality. Some people just choose the looks, but I focus more on the way he portrays himself in front of me and other people. My dating experience has been bumpy and slow these past years. I have only had one boyfriend and have learned nothing. As everyone always says that you always find your soul mate in college, I believe that to be true. As I have not found one yet, I still believe in that opinion. As I see everyone else going out with their boyfriends/girlfriends, it makes me feel sad. I was never much of a social person when it comes to meeting other people. Therefore, I do not agree with this theory because I believe that it is not all about choosing your mate on their physical traits, but more on their personality. The second theory Hendrix explains in detail is that of the exchange theory. He clarifies that the selection of our mates is determined by the equivalence of our choices. We focus more on the physical appearance rather than the personality he/she portrays. I have noticed that a lot in my eighteen years of life. A lot of my former friends and classmates would say, â€Å"Oh, he/she is hot, I am going to go for him/her! †They already pick out their â€Å"future†boyfriend/girlfriend at first sight. They try to get that guy/girl as close as to themselves as they can! Some go to extreme measures like the story my friend told me. This story was about a guy who carefully picked out his girlfriend on the beautiful qualities she possessed. He was dumbfounded on the perfect qualities she portrayed when they hung out. As he got to know her more, she was not as what she seemed to be. He realized that the beauty she possessed on the outside was not as pretty on the inside. She acted very horribly to him and treated him like he was garbage. After that, he focused more on the personality of a girl, rather than the beauty. Going off that story, I disagree with the exchange theory because if you go off this theory, it will lead to the destruction of love. The third and final theory that Hendrix concludes with is that of the persona theory. This theory states that whoever your mate is they should boost up your self-esteem when you are seen with this person. A persona, which is a second image we portray to other people, comes in effect when we are with our soul mate. We act a certain way around our boyfriend/girlfriend, but when we are around other people or in public, we tend to have a second personality towards them. It is sort of like a two faced person. Society likes to see an all-around good person in public. They do not like to see a person who is contradictory towards themself. Not being yourself is making yourself seem that you are not confident with your self-esteem and want to become this sort of person. Concluding with the final theory, I disagree with this theory because you are not supposed to be a second person around society but not portray the same self that you usually do around your boyfriend/girlfriend. Hendrix states 3 theories that do not seem to work. His own theory, the conscious theory, seems to go along to what seems to be the personality of the person, rather than the looks. Seeing my friends getting asked to prom and homecoming throughout my high school career was brutal. Always seeing them happy and having so much fun every time was horrible. Always being the third wheel was terrifying. Everyone experiences this sometime in their life, whether it is towards themselves or seeing it on television or in society. The internet is also a good way a person can meet their partner. It is so much easier online because you can pick out a guy that suits your specific needs. It will minimize to an amount that is perfect for viewing and you can even go on dates! It really gets you to know the guy without the looks, but focusing on the personality. The article states the theories that Hendrix explains are that of the biological, exchange and persona theories. He states that he observed the relationships between others and came up with these 3 theories. Even though I disagree with these 3 theories, I know I believe in the theory that Hendrix came up with on his own, which is the conscious theory. He says that people should not focus on the looks of the person, but rather the personality that the person possesses. I agree with Hendrix’s theory because your decision should not be based on the looks but more of the personality because it could go wrong in the end. In conclusion, the conscious theory is more of a better decision.
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