Saturday, August 31, 2019
Beauty Pageants May Not Be Safe
In countries all around the world, beauty pageants are held as a long-standing tradition. Often, young women participate in these pageants. While pageants are said to present a sense of self-esteem and value for the participants, these competitions often cause damaging emotional issues for an already trying adolescent life. One young participant anonymously said, â€Å"I used to think I was pretty, but once I got on stage and didn't hear my name called the world came to an end and from then on, I've called myself ugly everyday†(Anonymous, 2010).When a girl feels as if she is being valued solely on her looks, she may change her personality and dietary habits to an unsafe level to continuously garner attention. The beauty pageant process is far from the safe harmonious competition it attempts to promote. As the rest of this essay suggest, damaging emotional scars often remain after the competitions are long gone, and pageants themselves harbor predatory dangers to young naive g irls. The first kind of emotional damage young girls face is an overemphasis on physical appearance and a willingness to maintain beauty at any cost.When a female participates in a beauty pageant, she is taught to win by looking attractive. These young girls are conditioned to believe that the only way to look pretty is to starve themselves so that they can achieve a ‘perfect figure’. Although there are many different types of eating disorders in the world, the biggest one of all for beauty pageants is anorexia. Anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among adolescents (Mirasol). Outside of eating disorders, anxiety and stress are common for participants.In a 2009 interview on Good Morning America, Brooke Breedwell, a pageant queen at the age of five, now twenty, explained there was a price to pay, â€Å"Pageants have put a lot of stress and anxiety on my life I feel the need to be perfect at everything, and I know that's not realistic. You can't be perfect a t everything. †Brooke Breedwell also claimed her mother â€Å"pushed her too hard. †When a mother enters her daughter in a pageant she expects her to win.Most girls receive the ‘no other girl is your friend here’ speech, which cause them to be untruthful by offering fake smiles and false hugs around other participants. It also creates a distant form of interaction causing the females to be shallow, hyper-competitive adults who are never satisfied. The second kind of emotional damage young girls face is an uncharacteristically elevated ego for a teenage or even pre-teenage girl. When a female wins a pageant, she may conclude that she is better than everyone all of her peers.While some might believe it to be healthy to compete in pageants because it creates confidence and it builds character, it’s not. Pageants teach young girls that self worth is in physical beauty only. Parents encourage their daughters to compete in these competitions and do whate ver it takes to win. In some cases, mothers try to live vicariously through their daughter, by entering their daughter in such competitions. This confuses many girls because they don’t know if their mother is their coach or their parent.With young girls participating in televised beauty it is hard to keep pedophiles away. Some pedophiles are driven out to live their fantasies and with young girls on air exploiting themselves it’s easy too. When girls participate they put on clothing that is meant to look ‘sexy’ and ‘inviting’. Girls prance along a stage in alluring clothing welcoming anyone to watch. Girls in pageants have yet to develop their own sense of self and are conditioned to be more pleasing to adults for attention and rewards. An entire television show is dedicated to young girl’s beauty pageants.Each week, viewers are able to watch little girls dress up in bikinis, mini dresses, and other revealing clothing that their mothers choose for them to wear. In conclusion, beauty pageants cause self-hatred and uncertainty of a female’s own body, which could create shallow adults who are never satisfied. Carleton Kendrick, a family therapist says, â€Å"†¦the hard fact remains they are called beauty pageants and they have been and always will be based on using arbitrary standards of ‘beauty’ to make one contestant better than all the rest†(Kendrick).Beauty pageants can cause eating disorders and unrealistic expectations of a female’s own body. Beauty pageants can also cause a female to self-hate if she doesn’t win, or enlarge an ego to an unhealthy level. Unfortunately, if a child participates in beauty pageants that may air on television, anyone can watch including pedophiles. Females should love their own bodies and not care how others judge them upon their appearance.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Atheistic Existentialism †Life Domains Essay
Directions: Complete the â€Å"Atheistic Existentialism†column in the table below by filling in the cells from information provided in the textbook. Atheistic Existentialism / REALITY The only reality for an AE is the one they create for themselves†¦everything is matter – everything is connected as some form of matter or energy and in a cause and effect relationship Atheistic Existentialism / KNOWLEDGE The only knowledge comes from our own senses. Atheistic Existentialism / HUMAN NATURE To an AE – humans are allowed free-will, personalities and consciences – but don’t have any reason to do anything with it Atheistic Existentialism / HUMAN PROBLEMS Their problem is that they can’t deal with the fact that they have human personalities and tendencies – but don’t know why, or what to do with it Atheistic Existentialism / SOLUTIONS TO HUMAN PROBLEMS Humans alone have the only solution to their problem and the more they evolve the better they’ll be at fixing them, so live as if your inner desires do have some meaning and try to make an impact on the world. Atheistic Existentialism / HUMAN VALUE Truly there is no ultimate value of a human life, but Humans can have value because they create their own reality by making their own choices – good or bad. Atheistic Existentialism / HUMAN PURPOSE Our only purpose – according to an AE is that of making yourself into who or what you wish to be, otherwise there is no purpose. Atheistic Existentialism / ETHICS Ethics – Schmethics†¦As long as you make a conscience choice to do something – good or bad – you are determining what your ethics are. not living by the laws of man, or any other guide. Atheistic Existentialism / SUFFERING Nothing good comes of it – there is no purpose for it – so don’t do it. Atheistic Existentialism / MEANING OF LIFE There is no real meaning – each individual is able to determine what life means to them by their choices to be or not to be, do or not do, etc. Atheistic Existentialism / HUMAN DESIRE Kill it! Don’t be led by your inner needs, wants, voices, it is absurd to follow these â€Å"accidental causes†of evolution – because you don’t need anything more than the basics to survive. Personal Reflection Directions: Briefly summarize your personal reflection on the information that you have entered into Tables 1 and 2 in this assignment. It is interesting to see the â€Å"evolution†of these 3 worldviews. From the Naturalist who views everything as natural in it’s existence – you exist based on your senses and experiences alone to the Secular Humanist with their realization that humans are wonderful – great creatures with personalities and determinations, but it doesn’t matter†¦to the Atheistic Existentialist (AE) – who finally realizes that the innermost feelings and desires we have as humans do exist, but would be better off â€Å"killed†or cut out than to be nurtured and followed. To me – It is just man’s way of not wanting to give credit where credit is do! So many people feel they have to â€Å"give up†so much to follow God. The only way Satan can â€Å"win†is to have more souls in his army than God. He finds our weaknesses and zeroes in on them to keep us from realizing the truth. Man’s ego and sense of self is historically his ruination. It’s easy to see how in these days, these 3 views – all making humans the only thing that matter and by crossing out God, satan is able to lead many astray. (NIV) Matthew 7:13-14 †13 â€Å"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.â€
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Balancing Power
In today’s economic condition, work life equilibrium is considered one of the most imperative workplace issues. Work life balance refers to a satisfactory niche between many different roles in an individual’s life. But how to manage this balance to avoid conflict; this topic is discussed through many different aspects enlightened through personal experience. Work Life Balance Before taking any step towards knowing how to achieve work life balance, first we must gain an understanding about what work life balance actually refers to.It is about maintaining equilibrium between work and personal life, facing the multifarious demands in one’s life. The best equilibrium is different for each person because we all have different priorities in life. A young entrepreneur faces different challenges than a family man at the apex of his career. Work life balance involves two factors; Achievement and Enjoyment. Our life will be valuable and balanced when, in all the aspects of life, we are daily achieving success with all the joys of living! My Side of StoryBeing a young student struggling to manage good grades, working part time to support my education during this era of recession as well trying to give my family sufficient of my time as required, at many times I felt the misbalance in my life that is called work-life conflict. I felt unable to manage my time and was highly dissatisfied with my work and progress. Failing health and self esteem and disrupted routine was then a common state of affairs. I was new, hence obsessed with working hard to carve a niche for my career.In order to secure my grades I became overcommitted to my studies as well. I ended up drained every day, spending most of the time on the run†¦ from study to work, work to home and spending rest of the time sitting on computer. All I had once read and heard about work life complications was coming true in my life without my realizing it. It was not until when my parents had to h ave a ‘serious talk’ with me, that I realized where this chaos was leading me to. That instantly snapped me back; I set off to work on improving my standards. The informationIn order to balance one’s work life situation, you may need to look into four quadrants of your life- Friends, Family, Work and Self. Any disturbance in one of them because of the interference of another quadrant may cause work life conflict. Work life conflict must be removed in order to solve the problem and acquire balance. This information regarding the causes can be obtained by observation of daily life experiences and authentic researches conducted. According to the Business Week reports, Individuals who consider their work life balance better than others are likely to work 21% better than those who don’t.Moreover, a study shows people encounter work life conflict have 40% more chances of mood and anxiety disorders, (Kane, 2006); While employees having lower level of this conflic t experience increased job satisfaction. The Evaluation After gathering basic information, now I knew what I was missing and what I got to do. I loved my job, but without my natural energy boosters, I was unhappy and even feeling a bit guilty. My whole time revolved around my work and career, but I couldn’t make up for the very essential part of my life, that is my friends and family.From my newly gained knowledge, I deduced that a balanced approach at my level will be spending quality time with my friends and family that will have a positive physical and psychological impact on me. Moreover, I’ll be free of piled up responsibilities, procrastinated duties, and burden on my mental self, which will eventually also improve my progress in other quadrants of my life. I had to use it to devise such solutions that cancel out where I overdo, and give more space to those I neglected so a balance can be created. The SolutionAs I was already a student I opted for the greatest fa cility available today for work life balance concerned employees- Flexible timings, so that I can have more sense of control over my work. Dinner and meals would at no cost be skipped- they provide a quality time for whole family to be together. Also, sleeping schedules must be maintained, so there remain no health problems. Being present is the key word. No drifting away and being in two places at a time. On weekend there would be no computer, no emails, and no emergency calls from work!I could spend quality time with my family. I could contact my friends, go out and have some fun. Lastly, to spend some of my time on myself; a time to relax or do what pleases me. It’s a kind of meditation, hence keeps your mind calm and alert. Giving my study ample time and not burdening myself with more work than I could manage, was also essential. Conclusion The set of habits I formed as a solution for my work life problem, not only supports but emphasizes a sound balance between work and life activities.Back then I couldn’t see past my work; it still plays a principle part in my life, though it’s not my one and only concern anymore. This equilibrium I discovered open my eyes to worth of other things, that made not only my work, but my life much more gratifying. References Kane, S. (2006). Work Life Balance Strategies. Retrieved July 20, 2009 from http://legalcareers. about. com/od/careertrends/a/worklifebalance. htm Work-Life Balance. (2003). Work-Life Balance Defined- What it really means! Retrieved July 20, 2009 from http://www. worklifebalance. com/worklifebalancedefined. html
School Police summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
School Police summary - Assignment Example Providing safety as experts and enforcing the law by maintaining order and promoting safety in schools as well as preventing and responding to crime by being the first responders in life threatening events. Solving problems and community resource liaisons by providing support for advanced planning for managing crises as well as linking all school stakeholders. They also assist in resolving problems that cannot be categorized as law violations, but are still safety related and contribute to crime if not dealt with immediately. The research made in relation to assigning police officers has shown that school stakeholders are satisfied with the school policing program. Studies have had mixed results with some showing improvements in school safety and reduction in crime while others have shown no change. Overall, the school police program has shown positive results within schools as well as students, especially students that have interacted with the assigned police officers. Police can help improve school safety by tackling school problems that can help in reducing bullying within schools, graffiti, truancy, and theft from lockers. Before any decision is made pertaining assigning police officers within schools, a clear image must be developed concerning specific safety issues to determine what response is appropriate and what would be the best way to focus available resources and funds. Additionally, SROs can address concerns within the standard police roles, which include threats or actual usage of weapons, hooliganism, physical violence, identification of illegal materials, and criminal behavior that takes place within and outside of school grounds. Before establishing an assigned police officer program, police departments and schools must consider the potential challenges. These challenges can be either operational or philosophical in nature, but can be addressed
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Knowledge Management - Essay Example Eventually, it becomes vital to identify ways of sharing knowledge across different location, projects and practices. At MindTree, the role of communities is to reflect the socio-technical approach of Knowledge Management. There have been some theories and models behind the successful implementation of knowledge sharing and collaboration at MindTree. One of them is the Community Maturity Model. Brief description of Community Maturity Model is mentioned in subsequent paragraphs. Community Maturity Model This model has been developed by Raj Dutta. Dutta has established this model to create a unified vision for communities in order to pursue collaboration and knowledge sharing. Therefore, the primary purpose of this model is sharing among people. Personal development and learning are not the primary objectives of this model, only sharing among people is. Despite of such profound importance, this model is not much applicable because its ramifications are too unpredictable. According to D utta, another important level of maturity after sharing is building competency. Competency building is referred to as identifying an area in which the organization can excel as compared to its other activities. In the case of MindTree, competency building lies in individuals when they learn from one another. The third important level of maturity is Capacity Building. Capacity building is referred to as building relationships between community and other business entities. At this level, communities have a direct impact on software, existing processes and organizational activities. Role of Champions in Community Practices Forming communities at MindTree is relatively easy. Communities are generally a group of people working together passionately and sharing knowledge. Developing communities also help people for their self-development as well as business development. Communities are represented by champions. In order to avoid being dependent on a single person, all communities must hav e multiple champions. The role of champions is vital for communities. All the champions must bring people together and the goals of all the members of community must be aligned. The role of champion is very challenging as it requires persistently motivating and energizing people. Therefore, champions must possess leadership skills as well. After reviewing the basic strategies of MindTree, it can be noticed that the primary focus of MindTree is on knowledge sharing and collaboration. The company has strived hard to formulate plans at strategic level so as to improve the overall performance of individuals. MindTree believes that sharing information and knowledge reduces the level of fatigue and stress and teamwork can be productive if implemented in an adequate manner. The role of champions for every community is also very substantial as champions are the one who needs to lead and direct the entire community. (Word Count: 512) 2. What are the key elements of MindTree’s Knowledg e Management System? How do these elements link together? How effective is the system? Knowledge Management is another activity which helps in contributing and supporting the values and culture of MindTree. Experts differ in their explanation of Knowledge Management but typically they all agree that knowledge management system requires activities, technologies and processes which aim to organize, acquire, share, apply
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Legal Advice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Legal Advice - Essay Example Publix Super Markets Inc. is currently the largest supermarket chain in the U.S owned by employees. The supermarkets chain processes its own dairy, deli and bakery products and distributes them for all its stores. Company sales recorded in the year 2010 were over $ 25.1 billion. The company has been in fortune’s top 100 best companies to work for in the last fourteen years consecutively ( Kubiak, 2010). The company’s product lines include grocery, health and beauty care, pharmacy, general merchandise, floral and services. The products are sold through the retail chains or online. Services offered include: gift cards, photo processing services, prescription refills and financial services. Over the last few years, the company has responded to the cultural trends in the grocery markets by coming up with organic foods; natural foods, prepared meals and ethnic foods. It is for this reason that Publix has been successful in the grocery industry and managed to open new stores in several states across USA. In order to cater for the demand of its markets, Publix has created a new concept for its different clientele. This includes Greenwise and Publix Sabor. Green wise stocks organic produce and natural foods while Publix Sabor caters for the Latin American population in south and central Florida. The company has recently ventured into restaurants business through its subsidiary (the crispers) which sells fresh salad and sandwich meal concept restaurant (Korolo, 2011). Among the Major initiatives planned by Publix supermarkets chain in the coming years is the improvement of the Fishery Improvements Projects, a project carried out in conjunction with Darden restaurants and Public Fisheries Partnership. The project would be carried around the Gulf of Mexico. The initiative involves addressing challenges facing the environment and Publix is committed to combating illegal fishing, enhancing productivity and reducing negative impacts of the environment. The plan aims at building partnerships with the government, conservation and communities to develop and implement the fishery improvement. In return this would rescue the declining numbers and lead to increased fish supply. This is a seafood sustainability effort. The organization chose to partner with organizations that share the same vision to improve fisheries and move seafood sustainability to the next level. This initiative came at a time when the food agricultural organization raised an alarm that the world’s fish stocks were getting depleted due to over exploitation (Korolo, 2011). Publix Supermarkets Inc. aims to increase its markets share by venturing into new areas within the next five years. Among the places that Publix plans to set up shop is the Longboat Key. The company plans to redevelop the withered avenue of the flowers shopping center, at longboat Key. The company also plans to establish a retail center at Knoxville, Tenn. Expansion to these new locations is aimed a t providing customers with unique shopping experiences that lead to consumer satisfaction. The center in Knoxville could be open as early as the third quarter of 2012. Among the products on offer will be organic products in addition to the traditional store products and will feature products from the bakery department, deli department, meat department and public pharmacy ( Kubiak, 2010). Elements of administrative law relevant to the upcoming initiative and their impact In long boat key, the new retail chain has to be approved by the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Students With Disabilities Are Not Meeting the State Mandated Essay
Students With Disabilities Are Not Meeting the State Mandated Requirements. The Disability Achievement Gap - Essay Example States should ensure that the school systems have in place reasonable accommodation that addresses the needs of children with disabilities. Evidently, children with disabilities require support provided by the entire school system if they are to benefit from education. In addition, individualization of the support cannot be underestimated because it is required to ensure maximized learning. In the United States, the No Child left Behind Act of 2001 was passed in an effort to ensure that all children including those with disabilities have access to quality education. Each state and county are required to develop education policies that conform to the act. However, there is evidence that these efforts have not filled in the disability achievement gap. This paper will discuss how students with disabilities are still left behind in the education sector. The No Child left Behind Act of 2001 was developed to address barriers that had been identified that served to prevent children with disabilities from accessing education opportunities. Before the act was passed, many states did not have any specific policies regarding the education of children with disabilities (Colker, 2013). Although some states had some policies, they proved to be outdated and ineffective to address the existing barriers of educating children with disabilities. Many of the school systems did not provide any support services for children with disabilities. There was a social stigma associated with disability, which affected the learning process for children with disabilities. Since disability and poverty are interlinked, many children with disabilities, and from poor backgrounds were the worst affected by the barriers to education. Notably, school budgets did not allow the schools to invest in facilities that could offer children with disabilities the relevant su pport in the education system (Shriner & Ganguly, 2007). Worst still,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Financial Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Financial Reporting - Essay Example Each major purpose of accounting often requires a different way of presenting or reporting the information in the accounting system. In this scenario, it may be emphasized that it is a vicious circle in that there are managers in organizations who affect accounting and such accounting in turn affects people's behaviour. The impact of accounting reports on the decision making behaviour of business, government and creditors is termed as the 'economic consequences' and the world has seen the worst of such consequences because of the bad reporting as in the case of 'Enron Corporation'. It may also be observed that such external reporting had given rise to the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial and non-financial statements. Several arguments have been flowing around about the very purpose behind the merits and demerits of such consolidated statements. In this context, this paper attempts to draw an overall picture of the position of the consolidated statements in relat ion to decision making by the stakeholders vis--vis the presence of the consolidated statements as a deterrent factor to have a clear understanding of the decision making process. "Management wealth, it is argued, is a function of changes in share prices (via stocks and stock options), and changes in cash bonuses (via compensation plans). Ordinarily, managers are predicted to have greater incentives to lobby for accounting standards that lead to increases in reported earnings and thereby management wealth." (Markus J. Milne) It is more than normal that managers indulge in enhancing the reported earnings to strengthen their positions in the organizations higher echelons. Positive Accounting Theory studies the manager's accounting policy choices as part of the overall process of corporate governance. Under this theory Positive rather than Normative accounting policies are chosen strategically. 3.0 REASONS FOR FIRMS TO ADOPT CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL REPORTING: This part of the paper analyses the various reasons why a firm may decide to resort to consolidated financial reporting. The decision may be partly due to the statuary obligations placed on the firm and partly on the managers' decision to go with the publication of consolidated statements. Statutory Regulations as a reason for publication of consolidated financial statements: Earlier studies (Whittred 1986, 1987, 1988) concluded that the regulations did not have much impact for the firms to resort to consolidated financial statements, whereas the contracting cost variables were the major determinant for publication of consolidated statements. However later it turned out that Regulations did play a major role in compelling the firms to adopt publication of consolidated financial statements. "The introduction of tax legislation permitting the presentation of consolidated returns seems to have been a significant factor in widening the profession's awareness of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Genetic of Hereditary angioedema Research Paper
Genetic of Hereditary angioedema - Research Paper Example Mutation can result from alteration or modification in the nucleotide sequence. In line with this, Type-III individuals involve mutation in F12 gene which codes for coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor). Since Type-III is estrogen dependent, this type of HAE occurs only among the female population. Up to date, only Faiyaz-Ul-Haque et al. (2010) conducted a study with regard to HAE among the Middle Eastern Arab patients. HAE is a rare kind of hereditary disorder (Kesim et al., 2011). Therefore, healthcare professionals should study the genetic etiology of this disease by determining its genetic components that have occurred in different geographical region across the world. To assist the healthcare professionals in their study of HAE in UAE, a literature review will be conducted to identify the genetic etiology of HAE. Literature Review HAE can result from the functional deficiency of the C1 esterase inhibitor (C1INH) protein (Gosswein et al., 2008; Papadopoulou-Alataki et al., 2008 ). Basically, C1INH is an inhibitor that activates the proteases C1r and C1s. C1INH is also responsible for activating the coagulation Factor XII (responsible for checking the formation of bradykinin) and the plasma kallikrein (Duan et al. 2009; Bell et al., 2008; Gosswein et al., 2008). Pappalardo et al. (2008) explained that deficiency of C1INH is actually caused by the mutations in its structural gene. Using a genetic screening method for C1INH gene (SERPIN1G) in Italy, Pappalardo et al. (2008) found out that the presence of amino acid residues, which are important in protein function, could trigger mutations in the C1INH gene. Also related to the functional deficiency of C1INH, Papadopoulou-Alataki et al. (2008) revealed that â€Å"a new missense mutation in exon 2 of the C1INH gene, c.1A>G; p.Met-22Val (p.Met1Val)†, is common among patients with HAE. A study carried out in Greece by Speletas et al. (2009), with 11 HAE cases from 3 unrelated families, displayed diminished C1 inhibitor antigen levels when analysis was performed for SERPING1 mutations. The findings recognized conversion of TC to AA as the main cause of alteration. This toggle can turn the codon as a stop signal to terminate the polypeptide. However, the second family exhibited W482X mutation, while the third family displayed missense mutation M1V, signifying diversity in mutation in the area. Genetic mutation analysis in similar manner was performed in a Turkish family by Bork et al (2011), suggesting that HAE individuals with normal C1-inhibitor possess two missense mutations in codon of coagulation factor 12 gene in a few families, while in others, deletion of 72 base pairs (bp) was recognized. The study instituted deletion of 48 base pairs of exon 9, (otherwise responsible for coding amino acids 324 to 340), together with 24bp deletion of intron 9. Deletion of 72 bp was situated in the same F12 gene region as the missense mutations p.Thr328Lys* and p.Thr328Arg* accounted earlier, s ignifying a close linkage between F12 gene mutations altering the FXII proline. The mutation in the region was associated with proline rich sequence of FXII protein and HAE cases with normal C1-ING (Bork et al., 2011). Duan et al. (2009) also performed genetic analysis of FXII and bradykinin catabolic enzymes in Type-III
Friday, August 23, 2019
Images of Arabs and Muslims in Western Media Research Paper
Images of Arabs and Muslims in Western Media - Research Paper Example The scope of media does not limit itself to the mere digital media, the press and other forms of paper publications are another source through which the role of representation of Muslims has been questioned at large and has resulted in resentment in the Muslims ranks (Rane, Martinkus, & Ewart, 2014,p. 129). It is an established fact that media plays a central role towards the creation of public opinion about a given phenomena. The Western media has been highly active in the regard of taking on the Muslims and Arabs with regard to their religious beliefs and responses to the Western life styles. Similarly the Western media has followed the different debates and topics extensively with regard to the modern concepts such as terrorism, concept of veil and other radical mindsets that are prevailing in the recent times on account of conflict between different political ideologies (Janson, 2011). It cannot be denied that the two societies (Muslims and West) had their share of differences with each other through the different traces of history. Yet that is not peculiar to the two societies and conflicts have emerged within West among the followers of Christianity as well. But that has never led to such a deep debate and isolation of the two mindsets from one another. It has not created such a rift and gulf between them creating serious fault lines that may lead to mutual co-existence as a virtual impossible within one living space. For example the element of Crusade, the Ottoman Empire and the Christian subjects handling, the nationalistic uprising in the Arab world towards the early part of twentieth century. Yet none of these went on to become a stigma and both the societies and people of the two belief groups moved on as soon as the issues were resolved. The case of terrorism and modern day hatred has given a relatively prolonged outlook to the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 12
International Relations - Essay Example Sen (2002) identify the misconception surrounding globalization. He identifies globalization as an ancient practice. The definition of globalization is well portrayed by the number of activities a country is involved in. There is need to outline globalization as a current phenomenon. A distinction should be made between globalization and westernization, the focus should on how the concept affects sovereignty of a given nation. Globalization provides a different concept form that experienced during the 20th century. The then period was characterized by European dominance. This meant that national all over the world where under the jurisdiction of European nation. The shift in balance begun in mid 20th century where United States and the Soviet Union ruled over international matters (Baylis et al. 75). The concept infringed on the rights other nations. The core nation enjoyed political and economic dominancy (Baylis et al. 207). Globalization creates a level playing ground, this means that setting standards to be used by different nation in their domestic matters. This meant that the oppressed nations felt the need to focus on alternative means to create opportunities for themselves. Sen (2002) acknowledges the ancient worries and how this is being transformed. Countries are them working on models based on global requirement. The interdependent between nations has created a platform where current events depend on global patterns rather than domestic components. Sen (2002) indicate a different pattern on global events. The concept of loss and profit sharing within states indicate the nature in which globalization has influenced issues. The common market protocol means that identifying risks within a given economy and applying global components to deal with them effectively. The profit sharing portfolio among major global unions and partnership means that the earlier gains experienced by a given
Law and Morality Essay Example for Free
Law and Morality Essay J. M. FINNIS: Rules made, in accordance with regulative legal rules, by a determinate and effective authority (itself identified and standard constituted as an institution by legal rules) for a ‘complete’ community, and buttressed by sanctions in accordance with the rule-guided stipulations of adjudicative institutions. [1] NATURALISTS ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: A rational ordering of things which concern the common good, promulgated by whoever is charged with the care of the community. [2] SOCIOLOGISTS ROSCOE POUND: Law is more than a set of abstract norms, it is also a process of balancing conflicting interests and securing the satisfaction of the maximum wants with the minimum of friction. [3] WHAT IS MORALITY? No single definition can be offered to describe what morality is, but in general morality can be understood as a rule prescribing between what is wrong and what is wrong. It could also mean a value of the acceptable and unacceptable norm of a given society. Some reserve terms moral and immoral only for the realm of sexuality and use the words ethical and unethical instead of the word moral when discussing how the business and professional communities should behave towards their members or toward the public. [4] RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LAW AND MORALITY 1. The existence of unjust laws proves that morality and law are not identical and do not coincide. 2. The existence of laws that serve to defend basic values, law and morality can work together. 3. Laws can state what overt offenses count as wrong and punishable. 4. Laws govern conduct at least partly through fear of punishment. 5. Morality can influence the law in the sense that it can provide the reason for making whole groups of immoral elections illegal. 6. Law can be a public expression of morality which codifies in a public way the basic principles of conduct which a society accepts. [5] PUBLIC PROSECUTOR v MOHD ROMZAN BIN RAMLI[6] BRIEF EXPLANATION ON THE CASE: Mohd Romzan bin Ramli was charged under the offence of incest under the provision of section 376A of the Penal Code- a person is said to commit incest if he or she has sexual intercourse with another person whose relationship to him or her is such that he or she is prohibited, under the law, religion, custom or usage applicable to him or her, to marry that person; and was sentenced to six years of imprisonment and one stroke of rotan under section 376B(1)- punish with imprisonment between 6 to 20 years and whipping; of the same Code. The accused had committed the crime in between early January 2006 to 26th May 2006 in a room at his house in Kulai, Johor Bharu, Johor. To an 11-year old girl, Nurul Atikah bte Abdul Kadir, which is also his stepdaughter. In 2006, the girl was forced to undress by the accused and was disturbed sexually by him. He had done the disturbance to her several times. In addition, he threatened her not to tell anyone and had beaten her. Father of the victim, lodged a police report after he had noticed changes in his daughter after he had picked her from his ex-wife’s home. After medical check-ups were done by the doctor, the victim suffered from injuries in her private part and was treated by a psychologist. The accused pleaded guilty in front of the judge,Zawawi Salleh in the High Court of Johor Bharu, prosecuted by the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Husmin Hussin (Johor, State Legal Advisor Office). However, his sentences was changed to eleven years of imprisonment and three strokes of rotan, after the case was appealed to the High Court Of Johor Bharu from the Sessions Court Johor Bharu. The sentences were changed as it was unfair to the victim by taking her trauma and injuries into account and the public views about this case. OPINION/CONCLUSION In my opinion, the action of appealing the judgement made by the Sessions Court of Johor Bharu was a just and fair decision. Six years of imprisonment with one stroke of rattan is too little compared to the crime. According to John Austin, he defines law as a command given by a sovereign who may be a King, council or parliament. Such a command in his view is backed by coercion so that any person who violates the law, suffer the pain provided by law. [7] The accused needs to be punished for what he had done to the victim. The victim was just a little, innocent girl compared to him whose already old enough to think about right and wrong. Secondly, punishments for committed crimes are not only to punish the criminals, it is also as a deterrence to the public to not commit the same crime as they will be punished in accordance with the law too. Six years imprisonment and one stroke of rattan are not sufficient enough to deter the crime. As John Austin stated on why do we have to obey the law? It is because of the fear of sanction. Austin view is the fear by which the law, by its coercive power, strikes in the heart of the people is what makes people obey the law. If we remove the element of fear from the law, it would not be obeyed as there would be no deterrence. In other words, if a law is made without sanction, it would be disobeyed. [8] Lastly, after the High Court Judge of Johor Bharu sentenced the accused to eleven years of imprisonment and three strokes of rattan, only then, the justice can be seen. Bentham refers justice as maximum happiness of maximum number of people. [9] The public’s views on the case are also need to be considered. Minimum sentences given could cause an uproar in the society. Even Hart mentioned that justice is a shared concept; everybody wants justice seen and done. This is also supported by the aim of having law is to maintain peace and harmony. [1] M. D. A Freeman, Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence, page 178. [2] M. D. A Freeman, Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence, page 143. [3] Hari Chand, Modern Jurisprudence, 1994, International Law Book Services, Kuala Lumpur, page 205. [4] Jacques T. Ethics Theory and Practice, (5th ed. ). New Jersey: Prentice Hall, (1995): 3. [5] Basic Observations on Law and Morality. 10 September 2001. Web. 13 August 2012. [6] â€Å"Public Prosecutor v Mohd Romzan bin Ramli. †Malayan Law Journal, 22nd January 2012. Web. 13th August 2012. . [7] Hari Chand, Modern Jurisprudence, page 72,80,81. [8] Hari Chand, Modern Jurisprudence, page 74. [9] â€Å"Jeremy Bentham. †N. p. Web. 14th August 2012. .
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Robots in Society and the Future
Robots in Society and the Future It is a very true slogan from Adidas brand, Nothing is Impossible. Humans abilities are limited, and that is why robots are created. Have you ever imagine that, when you wake up in the morning, once you open up your eyes, everything that is in your mind such as breakfast, office wear, slippers and even more have already being prepared by your robot-slave. You do not have to do anything; all you have to do is, sit and wait! You just have to sit on your bed and wait for your robot to serve you, arent your life will be easier and wonderful? From this, we can see that how amazing it could be with the existence of robots. May be in the future, they are only our trusted friends. The unstoppable improvements of modern technologies, in the same line, robots are introduced into various fields to assist the humans reckless abilities to improve their live. They have been widely used in industrial sector and also for personal use. The creation of robots is not only to assist us, but they give us good opportunities to be our substitute for exploration and experiment the new risky things that human had never dare to try but hunger to achieve. Our purpose of this report is to find out the kinds of robots that have been introduced into our life and the future robots. Our objectives are to find out: What are robots? Why do they exist? How do robots exist? What can they do? How far they can do? What are the side effects for human if they are over-populated? What is in humans expectation on future robots? 2.0 Findings and Discussion 2.1 What are robots? 2.1.1 Brief History of Robot When we said robots, we all feel that it was just only been made in this modern era. Actually the first creation of robot has been made centuries ago. The famous Leonardo da Vinci is also among all the creators who are involve in the creation and innovation of robots. The basic principles that motivate people to create the robots are to bring the advantages to mankind. First of all, the creations of robot begin with simple concept, with look like human, and then it can move. Through the evolution in times, the robots now are involving, now it can walk, talk, and behave like humans. The improvement of robots will never end, but now we can start to imagine how far robots will become in future. 2.1.2 Concept of Robot Isaac Asimov (January 2, 1920 April 6, 1992)Generally, in all humans thoughts, robots are human-like machines that have heads and limbs, move and talk like human, either with or without their own thoughts and can be fully automatic, or partially otherwise completely controlled by human. However in the world of reality, the basic concept of a robot is: a machine which is programmed to move and perform multitude tasks automatically, or may be partially controlled by human. It does not mean that robots must be built mimic to human, in fact they can be in any forms and shapes with different appearances as long as they meet the basic concept. According to a popular science fiction author, Isaac Asimov [1], he came out with 3 basic laws for robots, which they called it call Asimovs Three Laws of Robotics: Robots must never harm human beings. Robots must follow instructions from human without violating rule 1. Robots must protect themselves without violating the other rules. 2.1.3 Classification of Robots With the indefinite intelligence of human, robots have been invented in different kinds and ways, performing myriad tasks and jobs. The following are the basic classifications [2] for different robots: Tele-robots Tele-robots are robots that need to be direct operated by human beings through remote control sytem. The best example will be the toy robots for kids, where these entertainment robots are needed to be guided by human to move, turn, or carry out tasks. Telepresence Robots The manipulations for telepresence robots are much similar to the Tele-robots above. The different is that telepresence robots will send back video, sound and other data to make the operator to feel more like they are in the robots. These robots are suitable to be used in exploration field, especially when the targeted exploration area is not accessible for human. Static Robots They are robots which are not movable from places to places. They are fixed permanently on one physical location to perform their tasks using only a part of their movable components. Static robots have been widely used, such as robotic arms, in factories and laboratories to handle hazardous materials and chemicals. In Malaysia, static robots or robotic arms can be seen in car manufacturing factories. Mobile/Autonomous Robots These robots navigate and perform their chores and duties without the intervention of human. They have been created to have high intelligence to deal with any environments such as on land, sky and even underwater. These robots are normally wheeled, or with wings, propeller and etc, depending on their uses. Aerial mobile robots are referred to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) which have been used by countries with advanced technologies for military purposes. For underwater mobile robots, they are usually called Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and are used in sea exploration, military and commercial purposes. Androids Androids, which can also being called as Humanoid Robots, are being built to mimic human. They will have basic structures of human including head, body, hands and legs. Some of them have been installed with devices to produce sound or talk like human. 2.2 Why do they exist? As we all know, humans abilities are limited. Thus, we need something to fulfil our incompleteness and we have chosen the robots to do that for us. This can be clearly described when we use robots to carry and move heavy objects in our daily life. Land mine detectorOr, in the condition that risky jobs involve which may sacrifice the priceless life of human being, it will be wise to use robots as to replace the jobs for us to avoid any unnecessary sacrificing. Exploration for mines, space and underwater are example of highly dangerous tasks and these places are almost impossible for human to access. Sacrificing robots which can be valued in money is a much more intelligent act instead of sending the humans priceless souls to the path of death. In addition, assistance from robots arms for handling hazardous and acidic chemicals can also be widely used in laboratories to take the place of humans arms. Autonomous robot cleanerAnother main reason for the existence of robots is because of the demand of human to enjoy ease and comfort in their life. Everyone in this world is demanding to live in the best and easiest way in their life, without the need to do anything and waits to be served, in another words, the laziness of human beings caused the existence of robots. Example, there are robots being invented to clean and vacuum the house. Apparently, human in the world today are so lazy until they do not wish to do the household chores by themselves. Although this statement is not fair, but yet this is one of the very true facts. For workaholics, these robots are perfect in sharing responsibilities of household chores. 2.3 How do they exist? 2.3.1 Components of Robots For the basic layout of the generalised robots which are mostly correspond to animal, or even a human, are being made up with these components: The Brain Just as humans brain, it is the main system that operates a robot. It is a microprocessor which functions like a computer. Specialised programs are installed so that they can move without the controls of human. The Eyes There are made up from camera, sensor, ranging sonar and etc. There are used for navigating the robots movement, capture and recording the images of its surrounding, and estimate the range of its movement towards any objects or destination. There are also sensors that can help the robots to avoid from obstacles while moving. The Ears Some robots have been invented with sound recognition features. So, these robots require ears. Basically, the ears of these robots are also made up from sensors to detect sound waves and they are to be sent to microprocessor for detailed analysis. Communication System Communication between robots and human are greatly important. Besides receiving commands and orders from their owner, it is also generally important for the robots to tell their owners when something goes wrong. These communication systems can be in form of sound alarms or lights to grab the attentions of their owners. In order to transmit the sound or light, they need components like data, video or sound transmitters. Muscles It is the main component for the robots to move their limbs and carry out tasks. The limbs are commonly operated by electricity. In this case, the electricity functions as the muscles. However, some robots have been designed and created to do heavy duties like carrying heavy objects. Thus, electricity will be substituted with hydraulic technology or pneumatic technology. Limbs They can be as usual as humans hands and legs, fingers and toes. But in some situations, hands and legs are not that suitable to be used. Hence, the limbs of these robots are also available in wheels, tires, track rollers, propellers and etc. 2.3.2 Technologies Involved Sensor Technologies A sensor is a device, which is use to senses the objects and the surrounding. There are many kinds of applications for sensors which most people are never aware. Applications include cars, machines, aerospace, medicine, manufacturing and robotics. Sensors are the sensory system for robots, are much like humans 5 senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. The robots sensors sense the environmental like touch, distance, light, sound, strain, rotation, magnetism, smell, temperature, inclination, pressure, or altitude. Then it provides the data that must be processed to provide information to allow the robot to respond. Robots are equipped with sensors so they can have an understanding of their surrounding environment and make changes in their behavior. The following are the common sensors used in robots [3]: Rotation Sensors They are used to measure the angle of a robotic arm, or how far a mobile robots wheel has turned. Global Positioning Systems Global Positioning Systems (GPS) receive signals from orbiting satellites that pinpoint the location of an outdoor robot on the Earth. Laser range Finder Laser range finders use laser beams to measure the distance to objects. They are used for obstacle detection and navigation. Computer Vision Computer Vision is the field of study of interpreting camera images for a variety of purposes. Cameras are very common sensors; it can be say as the eyes of robot. Light Sensor Sensor for measures and differentiate light levels reflected from bright and dark surfaces. It is also use as the eyes of the robot, it helps in navigating, detect bright object, tell the different between coloured objects. Touch Sensors The uses of touch sensors are to detect contact between the robot and external objects surround it. Other example of sensors [4]: Ultrasonic Range Sensors Infrared Sensors Inertia Measurement Unit Accelerometers Current and Voltage Sensors Temperature and Humidity Sensors Camera and Vision Sensors Obstacle Detectors Force Sensors Sound detectors and etc. Hydraulic Technologies Hydraulics is the equipment or machinery involves or is operated by a fluid that is under pressure, such as water or oil. This system used to increase the power of force to produce maximum energy required. Hydraulic systems are widely used in various industries to operate and manufacture many products. Hydraulic usually applied on machines and robotic part [5]. Pneumatic Technologies Pneumatics technology is operated by air under pressure and it is powerful. Pneumatic means filled with air. It is quiet similar to hydraulic, the only different are it is operated by air, where as hydraulic is operated by liquid. Examples of pneumatic systems: Air compressor, electro-pneumatic action, tubular-pneumatic action, vacuum pump, compressed-air engine, air brakes, air engines, pneumatics launchers Pneumatic robot arm operated by human. Pneumatic can have long operating lives and require very little maintenance, but it is not easily damaged by shock [6]. 2.4 Uses of Robots in Various Fields 2.4.1 Medical Field An endoscope A laparoscopic surgery machineWhen we talk about robots performing tasks of human, we talk about future. But the use of robots in surgery is already a reality. The developments of technologies have brought various robotic devices into the medical field and these advanced robotic devices have been performing as a great assistant in a surgery room for today. With these robotic systems, the operation has become much less invasive but however, due to some disadvantages of these systems, surgeons are still cannot being replaced. Minimally invasive surgery is a broad concept including many common procedures that existed prior to the introduction of robots, such as gall bladder excisions. It refers to procedures that avoid long cuts by entering the body through a small entry [7]. However, surgeons can perform this procedure by using long handled surgery equipments and the guidance of viewing equipment such as endoscope; therefore it is not a necessary to use robots to do that. But yet, it d oes not mean robots are then do not categorised under minimally invasive surgery. Robot-assisted surgery system can be divided into 3 kinds which are supervisory-controlled system, telesurgical system and shared-control system. First, supervisory-controlled system is a system that allows the robots to perform tasks individually which will act according to the computer programme where the surgeons inputs into them earlier. Next, the telesurgical system which is also known as remote surgical requires the direct involvement of surgeons to conduct the robots arm rather than allowing it to perform surgery procedures by itself. Because the robot is still technically performing the procedures, so it is still considered under the subgroup of robotic surgery. The third system will be shared-control system. In this system, it requires the most involvement of surgeons. The surgeon carries out the procedure with the use of a robot that offers steady-hand manipulations of the instrument. This enables both entities to jointly perform the tasks [7]. Overall, the main difference between these 3 systems is the degree of interaction between the surgeons and the robots during the procedures. [8] Although the robot-surgeons can perform as a great assistant in surgery rooms, however there is nothing to be one hundred percents safe, including these robots. Mechanical devices including robots have the potentials to be malfunction and contravened the concept of minimally invasive surgery, or even worse, causing harm to the patients. Hence, safety of using these equipments has been questioned. Manufacturers have endeavoured to reduce the risks of malfunctioning of robots by installing related safety features. Nevertheless, these safety measurements have caused these robots increase in cost, making them unaffordable. Source: Table from Howe, RD, Matsuoka, Y. Robotics for Surgery. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering. 1999, 01:213. The following table shows and compares the strength and limitation of using human-surgeon and robot-surgeon: 2.4.2 Military Field The military does not usually use the term robot, but they categorise and name the robots into Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), depending on the environment they operated. Using of these robots in the war field can always being seen by technology-advanced countries, especially United State. Instead of sending their armies to combat in the war, they dispatch robots with weapon-equipped to the field. Even though they claimed that with this it can reduce the sacrificing of their armies but in fact, they are creating a larger offense towards their so-called enemy which may also cause more injuries to the innocents during the war. Yet in this decade, with the rapid increasing in research and development, scientists and researchers have manufactured robots that do not fight but to safe the people and also recovering the situation to a safety level. Let us discuss these military robots according to their categories. TALON SWORDS with different weaponriesUnmanned Ground Vehicles [9], or UGVs, are vehicles that require the needs of human to operate through remote-controlled system via a wireless communication link. UGVs are commonly telepresence robots which they are able to send feedback of images captured by video cameras which have been installed, to the operator. There are also robots equipped with weapon, and the most popular of its kind is TALON. According to Foster Miller [10], TALON is now a military robot that has most advanced technologies installed in it which it can moves through sand, water, snow and even staircases. With the cameras installed, it can transmit images in colours, black and white, infrared and night vision to the operator who is far away for up to 1km. SWORDS [11] or Special Weapon Observation Reconnaissance Detection System is a system where robots are granted with weapons and it was specially designed for the US armies. These robots were ever used by US Special Forces in the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan as well as the role to dispose explosive mines. Besides, there are also robots/vehicles that perform autonomously. Autonomous UGVs basically do not BEAR Rescue Military Robot involve in combat, but they carried out tasks like logistics, supplying of materials to the war fields, rescue operation, fire fighting, mine detection and disposal and etc. Rescue operation has been carried out by robots in an active battlefield to take care of the casualties and if necessitate, carry the casualties out from the field. The BEAR rescue military robots [12] have been designed with powerful upper body with hydraulics technology, track rollers as legs and dynamic balancing behaviour. UAVs with Hellfire-Missiles Next, robots that navigate in the sky without intervention human crews are called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [13], or UAVs, but can be partially operated through remote or in this decade; they have been invented to be fully autonomous through pre-programming flight plans. UAVs are available in various shapes, features, characteristics and configurations. They have been widely used in a lot of countries to play a role in battlefields, logistic (cargo), research and development, civil and commercial. For most of the time, they have been a great assistant for the soldier troops to provide battlefield intelligence and bombard the targeted area. Military UAVs have been installed with various weapon including missiles and bombs. The US Army has been using this feature during their conquering in the war [14] with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Iraq. In between, error targeting and faulty intelligence caused numbers of innocent civilian to dead. Due to large size of common UAVs, tiny spy robots Robot Flies [12] have been created so to access into confined and cluttered spaces within the buildings, tunnels, stairwells or caves for surveillance and reconnaissance purposes. It is stated that there are also possibilities to equip these robots with small explosive charges to destroy on a small specific area instead of destroying the whole. Robot Fly Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)Subsequently, the underwater robots AUVs, in full Autonomous Underwater Vehicles are also known as Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUVs). AUVs are basically works within the sea without any intervention of human. Whereas the non-autonomous called Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are controlled by the operator from the surface through umbilical. In military field, AUVs are used to detect if there are any mines and to monitor the protected area for new unidentified objects. For the purpose of warfare, AUVs are employed to detect and resist the invasion of manned submarines [15]. From the research, AUVs are not so popular to be employed into the military fields as wars under the water are so seldom to be seen. 2.4.3 Industrial Field Robots employed in industrial field are static robots which are majorly automated and allowed to make decision via pre-programmed inputs. These robots are more common to be seen in form of arm-shaped. They will not have the components of head, body and legs, but just arm. In earlier decades, mans responsibilities in manufacturing process like welding, painting, assembly, pick and place, packaging and palletizing, product inspection, and testing have been displaced by robots today. The introduction of robots into industrial field is a great contribution as they can accomplish their tasks in a faster way, more efficient and highly better than a man can do in term of precision and endurance. The different between each arms and the functioning role of the arms are depending on the tools that are fixed at the end of the arm, or they call them the end-effectors. Industrial robots can also being classified into [16]: Vertically Articulated The multi-jointed arm of a vertically articulated robot is connected to the base with a twisting joint. The links in the arm are connected by rotary joints. This type is often called jointed-arm. [16] Cartesian Coordinate This robot is limited to x, y, and z movement. It is also called a rectilinear robot. All of the robot arm links are connected with linear joints. The physical appearance is square [16]. SCARA The Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm is ideal for precision work within one plane. Its work envelope is cylindrical. It has two horizontal joints [16]. Cylindrical The robot has one rotary joint at the base and two linear joints to connect the links. Their work envelope is also cylindrical [16]. Polar The arm is connected to the base with a twisting joint and a combination of rotary and linear joints. They have a spherical-shaped from outside look [16]. Delta This robot configuration combines a rotational joint and parallelograms. Delta robots work within a dome-shaped work envelope [16]. Welding arm Welding devices such as MIG-welding gun are one of the popular robot guns that are widely used in the industry to assembly their products. Welding arms are programmed to carry out specific task welding process repeatedly, fusing of adjacent parts together with uniform quality at a rapid speed. Robot Spray ArmThe next tool will be the Spray Gun. As we know, Spraying evenly on the surface is never an easy job for human. Hence, it is also popular to apply the spray gun into robot arms to do spraying for human. Besides to achieve nearly perfect quality or spraying, they also help to relieve the human from this hazardous and skilful job. Liquid used in the spray contained various unknown chemicals that might cause harm to human. At the same time, spray gun will not waste paints hence reducing the cost. Robot arm that can lift up heavy objects. Picture showing a man carried by robot arm.Picking, lifting and placing applications can be done through installing grippers. Materials used in industries are normally big and heavy. Besides of using electro-mechanical technologies, hydraulic and pneumatic technologies that produce multiply forces can be applied to the arm. Picking up of some objects haven been done by vacuum. To make sure the positioning of these devices are constant and accurate, location sensors have been installed as well [17]. 2.4.5 Space Exploration Field When it comes to space exploration, by automatically we know that robots have been contributing a lot, or accomplishing most of the space exploration tasks. The only planet that human has set foot on, besides Earth is the Moon. However, our tremendous robots have set their feet in planets like Mars, Venus, Jupiter and including few comets and asteroids [18]. Without them, human will not be able to know how the other planets look like and of course, without them human will never know that aliens do not appear in the planets within Solar System. We would not conclude that aliens do not appear in our real life because there are no researches stating that robots have been successfully sent out and explored the whole Universe and so, we never know what is going on outside our Universe. Robots have been used widely in this field because of the not-habitable environment for human beings. Eliminate the matter of oxygen; human are not able to cope with the different pressure and gravitational force on the other planets. Therefore costly astronaut suits have been created and in fact they are already being created, and this will never be an intelligence act. There are also risks involved when sending human to the planets and back to the Earth. Several cases happened in the past where explosions of space shuttle caused death to human. Logo of NASAIt is common when people talk about space exploring, they will think of NASA [19], in full National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA is an agency that has been established on July 29, 1958. Before the establishment of NASA, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) is also an agency which is responsible for every space programs in United States. NASA has led the human nation towards the knowledge of space, after launching Apollo to the Moon, and then invented and released the space station, Skylab and later the Space Shuttle. The historical moment when Neil Armstrong represented his nation to be the first man to step on the Moon.Apollo program is one of the worlds most amazing events in the history that it was the first program that brought human to the Moon and back to the land safely. Apollo 1 caused a tragedy that kills all the astronauts who were inside due to a fire during experimental simulation. Thus, several experiments and observations had carried out before they boarded the human and sent them to the Moon. At last Apollo 11 had successfully landed the first men on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin [20]. Skylab was the first space station that had been launched to the orbit by United States in 1973. In the space station there are laboratories prepared for the researchers to carry out scientific experiments and studies such as the Sun, space flight, metallic-crystal growth, microgravity, and solar observatory. But in few years time, Skylab fell from the orbit on 11 July 1979. Currently Skylab have been replaced and named as International Space Station (ISS) [21]. The famous robots in space with no doubt have to be the series of Orbiters, Rovers and Landers that have been sent to Mars in the previous years. The first orbiter which was sent to Mars on July 14, 1965 is Mariner 4. Launching of Mariner 4 has been a great achievement as it enables the human to have a closer relation on the other planets after Great amount of water required to cause the erosion shown. Picture taken by Viking 1 on sent back the photos of Mars. In the series of Landers, 2 Viking Landers, Viking 1 and Viking 2 had been released to Mars in the year 1976 with the accompaniment of orbiters that send back photos and scientific data. Life detection application was installed to the landers to detect life on Mars but however, the result sent back an unclear data. From the newest research by NASA, they found that the Mars is covered with large amount of gas called Methane, which is also one of the main components found in the Earth. Methane gas in the Earth is largely produced by organism when digesting of nutrients. However, it can also being released to the air through geological processes. Thus, it is still unclear whether if there are organisms survive under the permafrost layer of Mars [22]. There are other more advance robots that have been sent for planetary exploration. These include Sojourner and Mar s Exploration Rovers (MERs). The 2 robots mentioned are tele-operated which they required humans control. However, MERs have been a better robot due to larger mechanical size and also equipped with better communication and instrumentation than Sojourner. Sojourner was sent to Mars in 1997 and MERs is in 2004 [24]. However, in such numbers of space robots, Sputnik 1 has been the very first robot that was sent to the space. Mariner 2 by U.S. was the first robot that flown to Venus on 12 December 1962. In the same year, a Russian space robot, Venera 7 was the first human-made vehicle to successfully land on another planet and transmits data back to Earth. Voyager 1There was a mission, the Voyager mission, sent robot and explore the world outside of our Solar System. Voyager 1 and 2 were launched in 1977. Voyager 1 as in June 19, 2009, was at a distance about 16.49 billion kilometres away from the Sun, currently the furthest man-made object in the space [24]. In these decades, there are numerous missions that have been set and hopefully soon or later, robots can help to accomplish these missions. 2.5 Side Effects of Robots The side effect of robots is mean that the negative issues or disadvantages which robots will bring to our world if there are over used or over populated. Although robots is create to assist us human to improve our life, but they may bring harm to us as well if we do not use them wisely. From the research we made, there are some disadvantages of robotic system and robots, when normal people to operate the robots, the functions are limited and only the creator or programmers what those functions are. Although robots is been programmed, but they may not function properly in case of an emergency or unexpected occasion. The cost for built the robots and robotic systems are very high, this make it needs to have full consideration before built it. Besides, it may need to have more extra funds and spaces to provide the facilities to build the robots. There are some moral issues occur if the robotic systems and robots have over used. The too much using of robots and robotic systems in our society making us human beings become more dependent upon robot. Because of this, many people will always depend on robots to done their works (this could be possibly happen like in the movie Surrogates, where the human just stay in their home and control their look alike robot to works). The advance use of robots and robotic systems may replace the human labour and causing people to lose their jobs and facing economic matter. In medical field, if the robotic systems and robots have taking over majority of the doctors job for example, certain surgeries, this may cause certain people may not be able to access the services due to lack of funds. This may also happen in some other fields, this can be describe in military field, because robots are more advance therefore, which country that are rich and own many military robotics system and robots will be the most powerful country. These mean that, if we do not want this negative effect to be happening in the future, we should wisely use the robots and balance the functi
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
brief comment on the call of the wild :: essays research papers
Mystic journey to the wildness ------ Book report of The call of the wild T he call of the wild is, Jack London's classic 1903 story of Buck, a courageous dog fighting for survival in the Alaskan wilderness, is widely considered to be his masterpiece. Sometimes wrongly considered simply a children's novel, this epic vividly evokes the harsh and frozen Yukon during the Gold Rush. As Buck is ripped from his pampered surroundings and shipped to Alaska to be a sled dog, his primitive, wolflike nature begins to emerge. Savage struggles and timeless bonds between man, dog, and wilderness are played to their heartrending extremes, as Buck undertakes a mystic journey that transforms him into the legendary "Ghost Dog" of the Klondike. Above all, I consider it one of the best and fascinating books I’ve ever read. Summery of the book: Buck is a privileged, dignified dog who is taken from his southern Californian home and shipped to Alaska during the 1890's Gold Rush. Along the way, Buck is mistreated by a series of owners, and he learns to survive as a member of a dog sled team. As a result, Buck soon realizes that in these more primitive settings, "the law of club and fang" overrides the rules of civilized society. With each new experience Buck regresses, or reverts to a more primitive state. Finally, an experience of loss challenges Buck's last ties to civilization. Thoughts after reading: Having read the book, I was lost deep in meditation. I began to think all sorts of questions about the main character----Buck. His fightings and struggles against both the exterior severe natural environment and the interior instinct tied with the call of the wild, constructed the main frames of the story. During the processes of receding from the civilized world to the wildness, Buck experienced cruelty and brutality. And in this competitive world, in order to survive, he must adapt to it. He became more swift, more cunning, and spontaneous. As a dog, Buck has his own characters, psyches, emotions and thoughts, he accomplished his conquer not only through strength but also wisdom. Consequently, I was extremely fascinated and charmed by him. To some extent, what was written in the story does have their reflections in the reality. There are certainly cruel competitions in the current society, in order to achieve one’s long-dreamed aims, one also have to fight bloodily. However Buck’s courage, striving, patience and persistence inspired me.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Pygmalion Essays -- Essays Papers
Pygmalion An interpretation of Class Relations in Pygmalion In Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, there is a distinct variance in class relations and the way that early 20th century Britains were perceived as being different by their speech, money, wealth, style, manners, and appearance. Being a lady or a gentleman was an acquired status desirable among most of London’s society. However, in Pygmalion, Shaw tells a story about the transition of a homeless young woman with the aspiration to become a respected lady. Eliza Doolittle is an 18 or 19 year-old young women, making a living from selling old flowers on the streets. When she comes across a rude Professor, named Henry Higgins, he sarcastically offers her to â€Å"learn how to speak beautifully, like a lady in a florist’s shop†¦ the end of six months you shall go to Buckingham palace in a carriage, beautifully dressed.†This is what he proposes to Eliza when she comes to ask for English lessons from the Professor. He then makes a bet with another man, Colonel Pickering, who says he will pay for her new clothes and English lessons, if Higgins can make a lady out of her in six months. The deal is made, and Eliza is immediately washed up and put into new, clean clothes. The play begins like this, which sets the plot for the rest of the story. An example of modern day class relations with speech can be described by linguistic anthropologists, and in an article called â€Å"Suite for Ebony and Phonics†by John R. Rickford. In this article, he discusses the African-American speech Ebonics, and the negative impact it has across America. Being called â€Å"lazy English,†â€Å"bastardized English,†and â€Å"poor grammar,†it seems to be the same thing that was going on in England during the time Pygmalion was written. I’m sure that if we were to ask Henry Higgins if that is what he thought about the way Eliza spoke he would whole-heartedly agree. However, the poor English that Eliza spoke was never considered as becoming a legal language in England. The play begins off on a rainy night on the streets, with a lady and her daughter waiting for a cab. In this first act, Eliza asks them to buy a flower from her, with the response from the daughter, â€Å"Do nothing of the sort, mother. The idea!†When the mother gives her some change, the daughter again exclaims, â€Å"Make her give you the change. These things are only a penny a bunch ... ...he rats. Aristocrats ran society, and they had no need for the homeless and poor. In relating this subject to anthropology, there are a lot of points that can be made between the comparison of class relations and other issues similar to it. The study of Ebonics is a very good comparison to Pygmalion, and the way that someone speaks can effect how other people view them. Even though some think it is not an issue today, it can still be compared to early 20th century England and the way upper class looked down upon others. In the same way, many people do look down upon people speaking the too familiar sound of Ebonics. Works Cited McIntosh, Peggy. â€Å"White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.†Applying Anthropology. Aaron Podelefsky and Peter J. Brown. California: Mayfield. 217-220. Nagengast, Carole. â€Å"Women, Minorities, and Indigenous Peoples: Universalism and Cultural Relativity.†Applying Anthropology. Aaron Podelefsky and Peter J. Brown. California: Mayfield. 340-352. Rickford, John R.. â€Å"Suite for Ebony and Phonics.†Applying Anthropology. Aaron Podelefsky and Peter J. Brown. California: Mayfield. 176-180. Shaw, Bernard. Pygmalion. England: Penguin, 1913.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Problems With Leadership In IT :: Information Technology Essays
IT Leadership Paper As we go into the second part of the first decade of the new millennium the field of Information Technology has turned into a very important aspect of our lives. New and improved technologies are starting to become part of our lives without us realizing what this means. No one can argue that our lives have been simplified and improved by the technological gadgets, that over time we have been able to develop. But underneath the beauty of a product or a service lays the challenges and responsibilities many companies faced in order to be able to provide us with a service or to create a product. It is believed, that in many business, organizations or institutions the Information Technology Department is the area or the field that causes the most problems. One of the biggest reasons for which people tend to make this assumption or statement is that it has been hard to assimilate and integrate such a volatile department into the structure an organization had. People forget that having an IT department is a recent addition to the structural environment of a company or an institution. It was until computer became popular that people started to consider creating a department that would take care and provide technological solutions to the different issues that arouse due to the new technologies being implemented. Therefore it has to be taken into consideration that IT is an area that has not been fully developed to the extent of being completely incorporated into the traditional structure of a company. One of the reasons for which it has been tough to fully integrate the IT department is because of its constant change and need to stay up to date with the emerging technologies. When I say that it has not been fully integrated or incorporated I mean that we have not been able to understand the complexity of this assimilation in order to be able to get the best results. And by best results, I mean being able to come up with the best solution that arise with every situation and problem that comes up. It has been so hard to get out of this transitory situation due to the fact of communication problems. Companies and institutions took the wrong approach when the technologies started to emerge. Many top executives decided that it would be better to let the people that knew about computers and programming to focus in the technological area.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
STD booklet
Which of the following is NOT true of the success of interest groups? A. The more intense a group, the more successful it tends to be b. The more financial resources a group has, the more successful it tends to be c. The more potential members a group has, the more successful it tends to be d. The smaller a group is, the more successful it tends to be e. The larger a group is, the more successful it tends to be 4. Which of the following is an example off single Issue Interest group? A. NEAR b. NAACP c. FALL-CIO d. UCLA e. National Wildlife Federation 5. An interest group is most likely to have influence in Congress when the issue at take a. S narrow in scope and low in public visibility b. C. D. E. 6. Is part of the president's legislative package has been traumatized by the media engages legislators' deeply held convictions divides legislators along party lines Which of the following Is not a tactic that Interests groups use? A. Lobbying to Influence policy b. Forming Pace to influe nce elections 7. A. Litigating to influence policy through the courts appealing to the public to promote a positive group image Which of the following is true of mimics curiae briefs? They are used by interest groups to lobby courtsThey are used exclusively by liberal interest groups They are used exclusively by conservative interest groups d. They are now unconstitutional e. They are the means by which a litigant seeks Supreme Court review off lower court decision 8. Which of the following factors best accounts for the rise of interest groups and the decline of political parties in recent years? A. National parties have become too closely identified with controversial issues. B. Court decisions have restricted the political parties' abilities to recruit new members. C. It is less expensive to Join an interest group than to Join a political party. D.Interest groups have been more successful in avoiding negative press coverage than have political parties. E. Interest groups are bette r able to articulate specific policy positions than are political parties. 9. . Which type of interest group would the NAACP be? Economic civil rights . Single-issue governmental environmental 10. An interest group would likely have the greatest influence on policy matters involving a. Narrow issues, only a few interest groups, and technical information b. Broad, highly visible national issues c. Broad foreign policy issues d. Major constitutional questions about civil rights and liberties . Areas in which members of Congress have considerable expertise and commitment 1. Interest groups seek to influence political processes in ways that benefit their members. In doing so, however, they may not act in the overall public interest. (a) Describe two techniques interest groups use to influence elections. (b) Explain how interest groups use each of the following to influence government decision making. Mimics curiae briefs Issue networks (also known as iron triangles) (c) Explain how each of the following serves to limit interest group influence. The media Pluralism 2.Individuals often form groups in order to promote their interests. The Constitution contains several provisions that protect the rights of individuals who try to promote their interests in a representative democracy. (a) Explain two provisions in the Bill of Rights that protect individuals who try to influence politics. Interest groups engage in a variety of activities to affect public policy. Explain how each of the following is policy. Government institutions used by interest groups to exert influence over Grassroots manipulation Litigation Lobbying of (c) Describe one specific federal governmental regulation of interest groups.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Two Kinds Paper Amy Tan
Josh A. Robertson Prof. Villarreal 1302 4/8/13 Paper 3 â€Å"Two Kinds†Amy Tan In Amy Tan’s short story â€Å"Two Kinds†Jing-Mei, the story’s main character, takes a stand against her mother. The story opens as she describes her childhood, which was full of pain and resentment caused by never becoming the â€Å"prodigy†that her mother desperately wanted her to be. Despite her best intentions, Jing-Mei always fell short of her mother’s expectations and one night, she made a pact to herself that she would never allow her mother to try to change her.After her mother saw a young Chinese girl play the piano on a television show she decided that Jing-Mei should take lessons from the neighbor. The neighbor, Mr. Chong, Jing-Mei discovered was deaf, and that she easily could get away with playing the wrong notes. Months later, Mr. Chong and her mother entered Jing-Mei in a talent contest. She believed that her inner prodigy would surface and all ow her to play well, but the performance proved to be an utter disaster. Two days later, while being urged to go to practice an argument of devastating proportions began.Her mother never spoke of piano lessons ever again. Decades later, she received the family’s piano as a present for her thirtieth birthday. Months after her mother’s death, she plays it and realizes the truth about her mother’s intentions. The central idea in Tan’s story is, parents cannot control or dictate their children’s lives but only try to guide them in the right direction. Tan’s main character Jing-Mei was self centered, bratty and very inconsiderate of the effects of her behavior had on the people in her life.She is buried so deep in her ways that it is not until she is an adult that she recognizes how messed up she is. Her mother’s character was forceful and pushy it was only natural that Jing-Mei rebelled against her. If she had only been gentle with her th e results may have been different. To say the least both characters were deeply flawed and made for a catastrophic relationship. â€Å"It was not only the disappointment my mother felt in me. In the years that followed, I failed her so many times, each time asserting my own will, my right to fall short of expectations†(Tan, 48).That regretful rant she went on about her shortcomings in life proves that she remained too stubborn to change her ways and not give her mother the satisfaction of being great at something. The point of view of Jing-Mei is crucial to the central idea of the story. The story is written in first person, told by Jing-Mei as she recounts the events of her child hood. The reader is able to understand from her perspective the relationship between her and her mother and the revelations she had after her mother’s death.The first hand style only allows us to see Jing-Mei;s perspective where as her mother may have recalled her childhood differently. The writing style of omniscient narration from the point of view of the child adds depth to the central idea of the story. The reader experiences first hand it being brought to life through the eyes of the child as the plot progresses. The reader can relate from this view-point and recall their childhood as Jing-Mei narrates her own. The progress of the protagonist seemed to be cut short by her stubborn behavior to remain true to her ways well into her adult life.Jing-Mei doesn’t grasp the meaning of her mother’s intentions until her demise making for an ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ ending, but serves the purpose in putting her in the static character category for the majority of Tan’s story. Had Jing-Mei come to the realization early on in the story, the outcome would have varied differently. Her mother, the antagonist, was only a mere muse for Jing-Mei to have someone to blame for her not trying. Her mother ultimately wanted the best for her daug hter and to surpass her like every other parent would want for their child. â€Å"You have natural talent.You could been genius if you want to. †(Tan, 48) Jing-Mei’s mother’s words were attempts to make peace with her daughter. Jing-Mei’s real enemy was herself who denied her to exceed at everything and finally she came to terms with it. The conflict was external between the heated relationship between Jing-Mei and her mother, which is for the majority of the story. In closing, â€Å"Two Kinds†was a well-written story with meaning and purpose, a great plot and a great alternative ending that the reader doesn’t see coming. The reader feels that the little girl will eventually repair what is broken in her relationship with her mother.Seeing that not happen until her mother’s death is devastating to the reader; even more so Jing-Mei is unable to apologize to all these facts after she realizes what she has done. This cold fate could very well insight feelings of anger within the heart of the reader upon the story’s ending. The central idea remains true through out the story’s entirety only to be confronted, regretted and digested by Jing-Mei. Works Cited Tan, Amy. â€Å"Two Kinds. †Literature Craft & Voice. Vol 1 1st. Cheuse Alan. Ed 40-47. McGraw Hill. New York 2010. Print.
Computer-assisted translation Essay
A literal translation is a translation that follows closely the form of the source language. Also known as: | word-for-word translation| Literal translation, or directed translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another â€Å"word-for-word†(Latin: â€Å"verbum pro verbo†) rather than conveying the sense of the original. (This distinction is valid only when a literal translation does not accurately convey the sense, which is not invariably true.) Literal translation, or directed translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another â€Å"word-for-word†(Latin: â€Å"verbum pro verbo†) rather than conveying the sense of the original. (This distinction is valid only when a literal translation does not accurately convey the sense, which is not invariably true. ) In translation studies, â€Å"literal translation†denotes technical translation of scientific, technical, technological or legal texts. [1] In translation theory, another term for â€Å"literal translation†is â€Å"metaphrase†; and for phrasal (â€Å"sense†) translation  â€Å"paraphrase. †When considered a bad practice of conveying word by word (lexeme to lexeme, or morpheme to lexeme) translation of non-technical type literal translations has the meaning of mistranslating idioms,[2] for example, or in the context of translating an analytic language to a synthetic language, it renders even the grammar unintelligible. Term in translation studies Usage The term â€Å"literal translation†often appeared in the titles of 19th-century English translations of classical, Bible and other texts. Cribs Literal translations (â€Å"cribs,†â€Å"ponies†, or â€Å"trots†) are sometimes prepared for a writer who is translating a work written in a language he does not know. For example, Robert Pinsky is reported to have used a literal translation in preparing his translation of Dante’s Inferno (1994), as he does not know Italian. [citation needed] Similarly, Richard Pevear worked from literal translations provided by his wife, Larissa Volokhonsky, in their translations of several Russian novels. [citation needed]. Poetry to prose Literal translation can also denote a translation that represents the precise meaning of the original text but does not attempt to convey its style, beauty, or poetry. There is, however, a great deal of difference between a literal translation of a poetic work and a prose translation. A literal translation of poetry may be in prose rather than verse, but also be error free. Charles Singleton’s translation of The Divine Comedy (1975) is regarded as a prose translation. As a bad practice â€Å"Literal†translation implies that it is probably full of errors, since the translator has made no effort to convey, for example, correct idioms or shades of meaning. Examples A literal English translation of the German word â€Å"Kindergarten†would be â€Å"children garden,†but in English the expression refers to the school year between pre-school and first grade. Literal translations in which individual components within words or compounds are translated to create new lexical items in the target language (a process also known as â€Å"loan translation†) are called calques, e.g. , â€Å"beer garden†from German â€Å"Biergarten. †Literal translation of the Italian sentence, â€Å"So che questo non va bene†(â€Å"I know that this is not good†), produces â€Å"Know(I) that this not goes(it) well,†which has English words and Italian grammar. Machine translation Early machine translations (as of 1962[3] at least) were notorious for this type of translation as they simply employed a database of words and their translations. Later attempts utilized common phrases which resulted in better grammatical structure and capture of idioms but with many words left in the original language. For translating synthetic languages, a morphosyntactic analyzer and synthesizer is required. The best systems today use a combination of the above technologies and apply algorithms to correct the â€Å"natural†sound of the translation. In the end though, professional translation firms that employ machine translation use it as a tool to create a rough translation that is then tweaked by a human, professional translator. Pidgins Often, first-generation immigrants create something of a literal translation in how they speak their parents’ native language. This results in a mix of the two languages in something of a pidgin. Many such mixes have specific names, e. g. Spanglish or Germish. For example, American children of German immigrants are heard using â€Å"rockingstool†from the German word â€Å"Schaukelstuhl†instead of â€Å"rocking chair†. Mistranslations Literal translation of idioms is a source of numerous translators’ jokes and apocrypha. The following famous example has often been told both in the context of newbie translators and that of machine translation: When the sentence â€Å"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak†(à ´Ã'Æ'Ã'… à ±Ã ¾Ã ´Ã'€, à ¿Ã »Ã ¾Ã'‚Ã'Å' à ¶Ã µ à ½Ã µÃ ¼Ã ¾Ã'‰à ½Ã °, an allusion to Mark 14:38) was translated into Russian and then back to English, the result was â€Å"The vodka is good, but the meat is rotten†(Ã' à ¿Ã ¸Ã'€Ã'‚, à ºÃ ¾Ã ½Ã µÃ'‡à ½Ã ¾, à ³Ã ¾Ã'‚à ¾Ã ², à ½Ã ¾ à ¼Ã' Ã' à ¾ à ¿Ã'ۈ ¾Ã'‚Ã'Æ'Ã'…à »Ã ¾). This is generally believed to be simply an amusing story, and not a factual reference to an actual machine translation error. [4] Rating Scales for Narrative (open-ended or constructed) Questions Question: secretarial experience 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive independent secretarial/clerical experience (may be more than approximately five years). Candidate has extensive experience dealing with a wide variety of complex issues relative to challenges encountered in the secretarial/clerical work environment. Candidate provides specific details with respect to the diversity of tasks/projects they were involved in, and his/her roles and responsibilities. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and completely addresses the question. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate independent secretarial/clerical experience (may be approximately three to four years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of complex issues relative to challenges encountered in the secretarial/clerical work environment; however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and addresses the question. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate has limited independent secretarial/clerical experience (may be less than approximately three years). Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Question: social services experience. 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive experience providing professional level social services (may be more than approximately four years). Candidate has experience dealing with a wide variety of issues relative to providing these services. Candidate provides specific details with respect to the services they have provided, the diversity of tasks/projects completed, and his/her role and responsibility. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and addresses all of the above-outlined areas. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate experience providing professional level social services (may be approximately three to four years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of issues relative to providing these services; however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and addresses all of these areas. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate lacks adequate experience providing professional level social services (may be less than approximately three years), as required for this position. Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the outlined areas of the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Question: experience working with involuntarily committed individuals in a secured setting 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive experience working with involuntarily committed individuals in a secured setting (may be approximately two years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of tasks in this setting, including basic cleaning and maintenance. Candidate provides specific details with respect to the duties performed, diversity of situations encountered, and his/her role in providing service. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and addresses all of the above-outlined areas. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate experience working with involuntarily committed individuals in a secured setting (may be approximately one year). Candidate has experience dealing with the most important tasks (e. g. , perimeter patrol); however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and adequately addresses the question. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate lacks adequate experience working with involuntarily committed individuals in a secured setting (may be less than one year), as required for this position. Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the scope of the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Question: interview experience 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive experience interviewing clients to gather information (may be more than approximately two years). Candidate has experience dealing with a wide variety of individuals in a range of situations and specifically identifies the communication medium (e. g. , telephone, in-person). Candidate provides specific details with respect to the duties performed, purpose of interview, diversity of situations encountered, and his/her role. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and addresses all of the above-outlined areas. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate experience interviewing clients to gather information (may be approximately one to two years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of issues relative to interviewing; however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and addresses all of these areas. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate lacks adequate experience conducting interviews with clients (may be less than approximately one year), as required for this position. Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the scope of the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Question: customer service experience 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive customer service experience (may be more than approximately three years). Candidate has experience dealing with a wide variety of individuals in a range of situations (including communicating with difficult and/or hostile customers/clients). Candidate provides specific details with respect to the duties performed, purpose of customer service, diversity of situations encountered, and his/her role in providing service. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and addresses all of the above-outlined areas. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate customer service experience (may be approximately one to two years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of issues relative to providing customer service; however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and addresses all of these areas. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate lacks adequate experience providing customer service (may be less than approximately one year), as required for this position. Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the scope of the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Semantic differential scale http://edutechwiki. unige. ch/en/Semantic_differential_scale#Examples Attitude scale for a web site (S. Kim MacGregor and Yiping Lou) * boring-interesting * meaningless-meaningful * important-unimportant, * informative-uninformative * disorganized-organized * easy-difficult Websites From UPA’s web maintenance and design, retrieved April 11, 2011. The XXX association whose web site looks like this is: Unfriendly__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Friendly Amateurish__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Professional Ineffective__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Effective Dull__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Interesting Outdated__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Up-to-date Serious __1__2__3__4__5__6__7 Fun Weak__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Strong This visual design is: Cluttered__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Simple Unbalanced__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Balanced Unpleasant__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Pleasant Delicate__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Bold Confusing__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Clear Self report NURSING EXPERTISE SELF-REPORT SCALE Please circle the answer that best describes you. * 1. I am an: RN Other * 2. My job is: Staff nurse Assistant Nurse Manager Other * 3. Length of time since graduating as an RN: Under 6 months 6 * months to 3 years More than 3 years * 4. Length of time working on your unit:: Under 6 months 6 months to * 3 years More than 3 years * 5. Previous experience in nursing prior to graduating as an RN: Under * 6 months 6 months to 3 years More than 3 years The following is a list of statements about nursing care. Please circle the number that best represents your agreement with the statement. 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Unsure 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree * 1. I often know ahead of time that my patient will take a turn for the worse. 1 * 2. I frequently draw on past experiences when making patient care decisions. 2 * 3. Quality nursing care results from strictly adhering to policy and procedure. 5 * 4. When I do patient care, only a few pieces of information stand out as critically important. 2 * 5. I am consciously aware of the process of decision making in patient care. 1 * 6. Emotional attachments get in the way of good nursing care. 5 * 7. When something goes wrong with my patient, I seem to know automatically what to do. 2 * 8. Sometimes I find it difficult to identify objective reasons for certain patient care decisions. 2 * 9. The best way to give good nursing care is to get close to the patient. 2 * 10. I find it time consuming to set priorities in patient care. 5 * 11. I make my best decisions about patient care when I remain objective. 4 * 12. In an emergency, things happen so quickly that I don’t know what to do. 5 * 13. I base my patient care decisions more often on the rules that I learned in nursing school than on my experience in patient care. 5 * 14. It seems obvious to me what things need to be done first for my patients. 2 * 15. I use facts such as lab values and vital signs as my main source of information for making patient care decisions. 5 * 16. I usually require a lot of information about a patient care situation before I am comfortable with making a decision. 4 * 17. I do my best nursing care when I become truly involved with the patient. 1 * 18. I am comfortable with altering standard patient care procedures when I see the need. 3 * 19. Sudden patient care emergencies usually come as a complete surprise to me. 5 * 20. Most often I find myself relying on gut feelings when it comes to patient care. 5 Source: Reprinted with permission from G. Garland, Self-Report of Competence, Journal of Nursing Staff Development, Vol. 12, No. 4, p. 197, 1996, Lippincott-Raven. http://www. research-paper-example. com/nursing-self-report-scale. html http://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Example_Likert_Scale. svg Administering the thurstone scale Here is the final form. The respondents check only the statements with which they agree. The average ratings by the judges are shown in parentheses. These would not be included on the actual form given to respondents. Note that the more positive statements have a higher weight. This is a scale to measure your attitude toward marijuana. It does not deal with any other drug, so please consider that the items pertain to marijuana exclusively. We want to know how students feel about this topic. In order to get honest answers, the questionnaires are to be filled out anonymously. Do not sign your name. Please check all those statements with which you agree. | ___| 1. | I don’t approve of something that puts you out of a normal state of mind. (3.0) | ___| 2. | It has its place. (7. 1) | ___| 3. | It corrupts the individual (2. 2) | ___| 4. | Marijuana does some people a lot of good. (7. 9). | ___| 5. | Having never tried marijuana, I can’t say what effects it would have. (6. 0) | ___| 6. | If marijuana is taken safely, its effect can be quite enjoyable. (8. 9) | ___| 7. | I think it is horrible and corrupting. (1. 6) | ___| 8. | It is usually the drug people start on before addiction. (4. 9) | ___| 9. | It is perfectly healthy and should be legalized. (10. 0) | ___| 10. | Its use by an individual could be the beginning of a sad situation. (4. 1) | http://psychology. ucdavis. edu/sommerb/sommerdemo/scaling/enrich/thurstone. html Iba ang Pinoy ni Princess O. Canlas Ang Pilipinas ay binubuo ng iba’t ibang lalawigan, at bawat lalawigan ay may kanya-kanyang bernakular. Ngunit iba-iba man ang salita, iba-iba mang lugar ang kinalakihan, iisa lang ang ugat na pinagmulan. Tayo ay Pilipino. Mahirap malaman kung ang isang tao ay Pilipino nga o hindi sa kasalukuyang panahon. Sapagkat ang iba sa atin ay mas nananalantay ang dugong banyaga. At kung minsan pa’y mahirap ding alamin sa kanilang gamit na wika. May maitim at mayroon namang maputi. May matangos ang ilong at mayroon namang sarat. May matangkad at mayroon din namang pandak. Ngunit isang katangian ang nagbubuklod sa mga Pilipino upang sila’y makilala mo at masabing: â€Å"IBA ANG PINOY! †Ang pagkakawanggawa ay may taglay na iba’t ibang katangian. Sapagkat ang taong mapagkawanggawa ay masasabi ring matulungin sa kapwa, magalang, mabait, mapagbigay, mapagpaumanhin, mapagtimpi, o mapang-unawa. At ang pagkakawanggawang ito ang makikita sa mga Pilipino. Isang katangiang higit sa kayamanan. Mapapansin hanggang sa kasalukuyan na ang Pinoy ay may kusang loob na pagtulong sa mga taong nasa kanyang paligid, kilala man niya ang mga ito o hindi. Sa lansangan, ang mga bata ay tinutulungang makatawid nang matiwasay. Ang matatanda ay inaalalayan sa kanilang paglalakad. Ang maraming dala-dalahan ay tinutulungan sa pagbibitbit. Ang mga hindi sinasadyang mahulog na bagay ay pinupulot upang iabot. Ang mga upuan sa pampublikong sasakyan ay ipinagkakaloob ng mga kalalakihan sa matatanda o sa kababaihan. Pagbibigay ng pagkain sa mga nagugutom. Pagbabahagi sa mga nangangailangan. Pagtanggap sa mga bisita nang may sigla, paghahain ng pagkain kahit kung minsan ay wala ng matira para sa kanila. At minsan nama’y pag-ako sa mga gawaing naiwan ng iba. At ang lahat ng mga ito ay ginawa ng kusang-loob at hindi napilitan lamang. Iyan ang Pinoy. Likas sa mga Pilipino ang pagkakawanggawa. At ang kalikasang ito ay dapat ingatan at pagyamanin pa. Nababatid ba natin na ang katangiang ito ay nakapagkukubli ng mga pagkukulang na ating nagawa sa mata ng Diyos? Sa iyong paggawa ng kabutihan, maaring may mga pagkakataon na ika’y hindi napasalamatan o nginitian man lamang ng iyong tinulungan. At ang iyong ginawa akala mo’y walang saysay o walang kabuluhan. Ngunit may Isang higit sa lahat ay nakakaalam. At Siya ang tanging makapagsusukli sa iyong kabutihan. Ang paggawa ng kabutihan sa kapwa ay may katumbas na gantimpala sa Panginoon. Ngunit hindi man natin makamit ang biyayang iyon dito sa lupa, makasisiguro tayong sa langit ay ipagkakaloob ng Diyos ang gantimpala. Tayo’y mga Pilipino, at nananalantay rin sa ating ugat ang dugong Kristiyano. Ang pagkakawanggawa ay patuloy nating ihandog o ibahagi sa ating kapwa. At hayaang ang ibang bansa ang magsabing, Pinoy ay dakila!
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