Thursday, December 26, 2019
Gun Control and Gun Laws - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1130 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/03/20 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Gun Control Essay Gun Violence Essay Did you like this example? Violence, in any context, is dreaded. It is more dreaded when it is a prolonged one and there is no sign of it coming to an end in the future. This has been and still is the case for gun violence in America. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gun Control and Gun Laws" essay for you Create order Any violence that is caused by guns or that involves the use of guns is regarded as gun violence. In America, this is very popular for a number of reasons. First, the guns are readily available so that people can easily access them. Secondly, Americas law allows its citizens who are older than 18 years to easily own a gun by purchasing it in stores near them. Gun control laws have also not been much of use, given the laxity with which they are implemented. The burden of gun violence is being felt by the government as well as the communities directly affected. The available literature shows this and as illustrated in this review, it dictates that something needs to be done about the gun violence in America, and it has to be done fast. Politicians cant seem to agree what is the best path for the country to take concerning guns. The citizens as well are not very sure the path they want the country to take, and as this indecisiveness continues, gun violence continues to shake the country by its roots. The current literature shows that gun violence is one of the most serious and recent threats to the peace and safety of American citizens and unless an action is taken to put it under control, it will continue unperturbed. There are cases of gun violence in every part of the world, either from law enforcement or from armed citizens or from bad guys like terrorists. Several articles compare the US with other nations on gun violence and the U.S. has more cases of gun violence than all advanced countries in the world. (Quealy Sanger-Katz, 2016) termed the U.S. as an outlier. This is supported by data given by the FBI that shows that, in 2014 alone, 8,124 people lost their lives to gun violence. This is an approximate rate of 31 people per one million people dying from gun violence. The article compares these stati stics to those in Poland and England, where approximately one person out of a million people die from gun violence. (Fox, 2018) conducted research and reports that homicide rates in the U.S. are 25 times higher than homicide rates in developed countries like the U.K., Germany, and Australia. The report cites that the highest, almost half, cases of gun violence, especially by citizens happens in America. This is a stand also supported by (Alzenman, 2018) who makes these reports on an annual basis and for the last 10 years, the annual report has put the U.S. higher than all the civilized nation. America also comprises of the six countries that are responsible for more than half of the gun deaths in the whole world as (Lopez, 2018) One of the main reason why the gun violence rate is so high in America is its gun control laws. Most nations to which America is compared have very strict laws when it comes to ownership and use of guns. In America however, as (Fox, 2018) explains, it is enshrined in the constitution as a right of every American to own a gun. Research that would further advance the idea of having strict gun laws in America has been constrained with the recent constraint being by the NRA against the CDC (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2017). Within America, there is a variance on the frequency and intensity of gun violence between the states. States with strict gun laws have lower death cases from gun violence compared to states with relaxed gun control laws (Schoen, 2018). The cost of gun violence is also significantly reduced for states with strict gun control laws and exaggerated for those with relaxed gun control laws (Giffords law center, 2018). This hints that the laws have a major influence on the rate of gun violence an area will have. In the same way, other advanced countries like Germany have very strict gun laws and they also have very low rates of gun violence (Anderson, 2016). This suggests that gun laws have something to do with gun violence. The more relaxed the laws are, the higher the gun violence and vice versa. With Americans gun laws being comparatively relaxed, as the literature illustrates, we are not about to experience fewer gun violence cases Gun violence places a huge financial burden on the federal and state governments as they try to control it and as they take care of the repercussions of gun violence. Passing or rejecting gun control laws takes the time of the policymakers who are paid to deliberate on these issues. When th e laws are created and passed, they often are not enforced and hence every cost incurred in creating these laws becomes a waste (Beckett, 2017). When gun violence occurs, there are a number of things that occur; People loos lives, others are seriously injured and need medical attention, they lose wages and property is lost. This costs the country as it has to take care of medical bills, replace lost property and compensate the injured. As a result, taxes for law enforcement have increased and the value for property has decreased (Singletary, 2018). In total, it costs the U.S. an approximate of $229 billion annually. This is approximate of $700 for every American per year (Giffords law center, 2018). Americans also own a higher number of guns per capita than any other country in the world. What the statistics show is that America is spending significantly either trying to stop gun violence or trying to clean up the effects of gun violence. Gun violence is a menace in our country. It is costing us lives, peace and money. The literature available shows that, it is one of the leading causes of deaths in the U.S. causing death rates similar to what road accidents cause. From the literature, gun violence is fueled by a number of things and one of the most influential is the laxity with which the US controls guns. For countries that are more stringent with gun violence, the cost of gun violence is relatively low, but for the US. Study after study has shown that we are carrying a burden too heavy. Since the lawmakers cant agree to tighten up the gun laws, the country will continue to lose money due to gun violence. It will also continue to lose its citizens and even its face to the world as a safe and secure place to be. Gun violence is a very serious issue for Americans and with the status quo, it is not about to change, in fact, its getting more violent by the day.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Sleep Deficiency and Disorders Essay Example
Essays on Sleep Deficiency and Disorders Essay The paper "Sleep Deficiency and Disorders" is an outstanding example of an essay on medical science. Sleep deficiency occurs when a person is unable to get the amount of sleep that is required if that person is to function normally throughout the day. It is a medical problem that can further lead to other sleeping issues, such as insomnia or sleep apnea. Some of the causes of sleep deficiency are stress, aging, medication, weight, behavior, and the sleep environment of the individual. Many of these reasons develop into patterns that can cause severe sleep deprivation. Stress, especially now, is one of the leading causes of sleep deficiency. The more a person is stressed, the harder it is for them to fall asleep. The more this happens, the stronger a pattern is formed until they are depriving themselves of many hours that should be spent sleeping. An overactive mind makes it difficult for the rest of the body to settle down when it is time to sleep. As a person gets older, they begin to lose the need to sleep longer at night, even though it is still required to maintain good health. Old age in itself, with the random pains of arthritis and other pains connected with aging, is enough to keep a person up at night. Restless begins to take over and sleep becomes harder to come by. Medication is another cause of sleep deficiency, as many medications may induce restlessness or anxiety, which would not allow a person to fall asleep. Since most medications of this kind are prescriptions, the lack of sleep becomes a pattern; unfortunately, it tends to be di fficult to break from a sleep-deprived pattern when it is a prescription medication that is causing it. The more overweight a person is, the harder it is for them to get to sleep. Obesity is another higher cause for sleep deprivation; the individual, while maybe feeling sluggish, may also feel restless and just simply unable to get to sleep. Depending on the kinds of foods that they eat, such as anything that is high in sugar or caffeinated beverages, may also increase their inability to fall asleep. Behavior, while not a leading cause of sleep deficiency, but one of the most common symptoms, disables a person from settling down enough or getting comfortable to fall asleep. Some people cannot sleep simply because they cannot, whether it is from restlessness or insomnia. The sleep environment of a person is the most important thing to consider when going to bed. Noises, lights, and other distractions make it difficult for a person's mind to shut down for them to fall asleep. If ther e is too much going on within the sleep environment, a person is unable to relax their mind enough to sleep, causing restlessness and insomnia, which can lead to sleep deprivation.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Consequences of Algal Blooms free essay sample
If there is a decrease in the number of grazers in the environment in which the algae are occurring, the algae would thrive as there would be not be enough of these available on the algae to keep the algae population under control. Temperature plays a key factor as most algae especially blue-green algae thrive in warmer temperatures. The optimal temperature for algae growth is usually 25 ? C and most algae are not able to survive in cold conditions. An increase in nutrients is also a factor in the increase in algal blooms. When nutrients containing phosphorus and nitrogen enters water ways from agricultural land and through soil erosion this causes an increase in algal blooms since nutrients encourage growth of algae. This process is known as eutrophication and is an increasing problem globally. Algal blooms out compete organisms and decolorize water. Some algae are able to produce toxins known as neurotoxins and are referred to as Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB’s). The cyanobacteria which are blue-green produce harmful toxins which have harmful effects on humans, birds, shellfish, fishes and other marine organisms. A few forms in which HAB’s can occur are red tides and golden tides. Red tides belong to a group of dinoflagelates and are produced by microscopic alga called Karenia brevis, and golden tides belong to the group chrysophyta. There are many consequences of the occurrence of HAB’s such as death of aquatic life, health and economic effects. The accumulation of algal blooms affects aquatic life in many ways. Too much algae clogs the gills of fish thereby irritating the gills of the fish and eventually suffocating them since it is difficult for the gills to take in oxygen. When there is a rapid increase in algae, they use up all the available nutrients needed for their survival such as Phosphorus and nitrogen. This causes mass mortality of the algae which causes bacteria which assist in the decaying process of the algae to increase. These bacteria use up most of the oxygen supply in the water causing aquatic organisms which depend on oxygen for survival to die or migrate. Some algae release dinoflagellate toxins which are very deadly and have been known to kill mussels, fish and abalone which ingest and digest these deadly toxins. Marine animals are not only affected animals such as cattle, fish, birds, sheep, pigs and a variety of other animals have died through the inhalation and consumption of these species. Humans are also affected by the toxins released by algal blooms. When humans inhale the toxins released by the algae this has many harmful effects. Also, when fish and shellfish consume algae the toxins accumulates inside their body. When larger organisms feed on them the toxins are passed up the food chain and eventually to humans who eat seafood. Some of the diseases which occur in humans due to toxins found on algae include Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP), Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, (NSP), Brevetoxin/repiratory irritation (BRI) and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). CFP is a gastrointestinal illness caused by a marine toxin called ciguatoxin or maititoxin. Ciguatoxin has a tendency to accumulate inside large fish such as barracudas, snappers, and other marine fish. CFP is then transferred to the humans through consumption. Symptoms due to the contraction of CFP include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, increased heartbeats and tingling of hands and feet. NSP is caused through the consumption of infected shellfish. This leads to severe symptoms such as respiratory problems, diarrhea and vomiting. BRI is caused through the inhalation of harmful toxins released by the HAB’s. The symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing and eye irritation. ASP is caused by the accumulation of domic acid in shell fish which are produced by the organisms Pseudo-nitzschia. The effects of the consumption of the affected food by humans include confusion, memory loss, disorientation, stress and in some cases result in coma and death. There are many economic consequences due to the accumulation of algal blooms. Many industries, fisheries and shell fish beds have been either closed, or decreased in their number of productions. Fish sales decline because consumers are afraid of purchasing fish for fear of toxins. This causes fish vendors to lose a lot of sales and money and many fall into bankruptcy. Closure of many tourism and recreational facilities has also resulted in mass economic losses skyrocketing into the millions, especially for countries which depend on tourism as their primary source of income. Health impacts have also caused severe financial losses as a lot of money now has to be allocated for the treatment and cure of the diseases caused by algal blooms. Many water systems and supplies have also been contaminated by algal blooms, this result in increased cost of water purification methods in order to make water potable. Also, Governments must now allocate finances for the prevention and treatment of algal blooms. The aquaculture industry have also been impacted economically due to blooms namely Heterosigma threatening to destroy endangered salmon thereby impacting on the salmon industry. There are many ways in which algal blooms can be monitored and kept under control. The Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act which was established in 1998 which recognizes the impact of algal blooms to aquatic life, human health and coastal systems. Through this act there are many implementations put in place to help monitor and prevent these HAB’s. There are now programs in place which monitor the outbreaks of algal blooms and in which there is constant testing of shellfish and fish. Monitoring of water for the occurrence of dead fishes, beaching of marine life and observation of colour appearing in water are done to detect the outbreak of neurotoxins so that warnings can be issued when found. Also, research is being done for the detection of toxic phytoplankton in water ways. In this way methods can be done to prevent outbreaks before they even occur. Satellite monitoring is also one of the methods implemented for the detection of offshore blooms. This method allows for warning and alerting areas of potential outbreaks before it occurs so that methods can be put in place for their prevention. Algal blooms have many consequences. They threaten the breakdown of ecosystems, kill marine life, and have many harmful effects on humans. They also have huge economic effects and cost millions of dollars in losses and millions have to be spent for their prevention and control. Although algae are a vital part of the aquatic system in that it provides food and shelter to many organisms. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Therefore algal blooms need to be prevented and kept under control so that there would be an aquatic ecosystem in the future for everyone to admire and enjoy.
Monday, December 2, 2019
John Adams and the Coming of the Revolution free essay sample
In the story John Adams and the Coming of the Revolution†, author David McCullough discusses how John Adams was asked to defend the British soldiers in court of the soldier’s accusation of man slaughter, following the Boston Massacre. Being such a problematic case that could ruin his reputation, John Adams accepted to defend the soldiers because of his experience in difficult cases, and his strong principles and beliefs. John Adam’s reputation did not even tarnish because of how skillfully he handled the case gaining the respect of the people of Boston. John Adams was asked to defend the soldiers and their captain in court the day after the shootings. The soldiers had the odds against them. They were in an American court, with an American judge, and an American jury. No one else was bold enough to take on case as precarious as this case was. McCullough went on to state that John accepted this case because he strongly believed that no man in a free country should be denied the right to counsel and a fair trial (92). We will write a custom essay sample on John Adams and the Coming of the Revolution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Adams knew what troubles he was getting himself into taking on a case like this and the repercussions it had. It would not have been his first difficult case, as he took on a similar case that involved four American sailors killing a British naval officer in self-defense that boarded the American ship. The captain was given a separate trial from the soldiers. Adam’s argued that it couldn’t be proven whether or not the captain gave orders to fire, and with a virtuoso performance given by Adams, the captain was found not guilty. In the second trial, John Adams defended the eight soldiers. He started off by saying â€Å"I am for the prisoners at bar†(93) invoking a line from the Marchese di Beccaria. Adams went on to argue that it was not the soldiers who started the tragedy; it was the mob of people. He portrays the soldiers as the victims who were merely just defending themselves after being howled at by the mob while also having snow balls, stones, oyster shells thrown at them. Adams also went on to describe the mob as a group of vandals pointing out the majority of the crowd was lower class rather than shavers or geniuses He finally states how the many mob members should be the ones guilty of the crime but escape unpunished whereas the smaller numbers of soldiers are innocent but are the ones being punished, showing the importance of fairness in the community regardless of the crime. In the end, verdict found six out of eight of the soldiers not guilty. Only two of the soldiers were guilty of manslaughter. The reaction of the verdict was angry, but no riots occurred. Although he took a lot of criticism, John Adams became more respected in the long run. With such passion to stand up for what is right, John Adams’s reputation grew rapidly. He was known for defending what he believed in, and establishing the principal that everyone deserves a fair trial, whether you are innocent or guilty of the crime. This led him to be elected as a representative to the Massachusetts legislature. Out of all the cases John Adams, admitted that it was one of the most exhausting cases, but also one of the best pieces of services he ever did for his country. It is easily safe to say that John Adams was prideful about this case, and his strong principles and beliefs about a fair trial chose him to take this case on, and remain one of the most respected men in his time.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Transpiration Lab Write Up Essay Example
Transpiration Lab Write Up Essay Example Transpiration Lab Write Up Essay Transpiration Lab Write Up Essay Transpiration Lab Write Up Purpose/Question: How do environmental factors affect the transpiration process in plants? Research: Transpiration is the process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere. Transpiration is essentially evaporation of water from plant leaves. It occurs chiefly at the leaves while their stomata are open for the passage of CO2 and O2 during photosynthesis. Transpiration is not simply a hazard of plant life. It is the engine that pulls water up from the roots to supply photosynthesis (1%-2% of the total), bring minerals from the roots for biosynthesis within the leaf, and cool the leaf. There are four different conditions that affect transpiration. They are wind, humidity, heat, and light. These four conditions may change rate of water loss through transpiration by either losing more water, or less. Plants have adapted to create the C4, and CAM pathway. In the both pathway the plant takes CO2 and stored. Since CO2 can be taken up and stored for later use in photosynthesis, the plant reduces water loss by having less stomata open during the day since most of its needed CO2 has already been taken up at night. With the abundance of CO2 stored, the plant can then use the stored CO2 for photosynthesis and reducing photorespiration by reducing or completely eliminating accidental O2 uptake. Materials: 1) 5 small plants 2) Fish tank 3) Water spray bottle 4) Water 5) Heat lamp 6) Fan 7) Regular lamp 8) Mass weighter ) Place to record weight Procedure: Place Lamp, Heat lamp, fan, and fish tank in different areas where they won’t affect the other. Spray the fish tank with water and to make a humid environment and keep spraying everyday to ensure the tank is wet. Water all of your plants. Weigh all the plants on the original day, Monday, and record the weight. Place a plant in every condition. With the extra plant, place it in an area without a specific condition to use as a control plan t. Do not water the plants the rest of the week. Every day, weigh the plants and record its water loss for every plant. At the end of the week, create a chart for the amount of water loss and compare with the control plant. Data Table: Days | Monday| Tuesday| Wednesday| Thursday| Friday| Windy| 108. 2mg| 101. 1mg| 94. 1mg| 89. 7mg| 81. 7mg| Humidity| 103. 8mg| 103. 4mg| 103. 4mg| 103. 4mg| 103. 1mg| Light| 118. 8mg| 112. 1mg| 105. 0mg| 98. 4mg| 92. 9mg| Heat| 104. 3mg| 95. 8mg| 86. 8mg| 78. 7mg| 70. 1mg| Control| 115. 3mg| 115. 3mg| 115. 3mg| 115. 3mg| 115. 3mg| Analysis: Conclusion: Environmental factors, such as heat, humidity, light and wind, affect the rate of transpiration by making the plant loose either more or less water. In conditions such as wind, when there is no breeze, the air surrounding a leaf becomes increasingly humid thus reducing the rate of transpiration. When a breeze is present, the humid air is carried away and replaced by drier air. The opposite of that is the humidity where the plant lost very little water. It lost very little water because its environment was wet, so the plant did not need to diffuse much water. In heat, the air was hot and dry, so the plant lost water because it’s surrounding needed water to cool it down. Plants transpire more rapidly at higher temperatures because water evaporates more rapidly as the temperature rises. At 30Â °C, a leaf may transpire three times as fast as it does at 20Â °C. Finally, light lost a steady amount of water because plants transpire more rapidly in the light than in the dark. This is largely because light stimulates the opening of the stomata (mechanism). Light also speeds up transpiration by warming the leaf. I expected these results because it makes sense and I researched before completing the experiment. Some avoidable errors that could have happened would be accidentally splashing water on a plant or putting the conditions too close together. Some unavoidable errors could be the weather outside. Even if the experiment is conducted inside, the hot summer air or cold winter air could drift in the room, affecting the plants transpiration rate. Some further investigations I would make are things such as whether the type of plant affects the rate, or if the type of heat lamp or fan will change the results as well.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Commonly Used Proofreading Symbols with Examples
Commonly Used Proofreading Symbols with Examples Despite widespread use of software for writing and publishing, there are some cases in which knowing traditional proofreading symbols is recommended or required. This is especially true in the publishing industry.Below is a list of some commonly used proofreading symbols. However, keep in mind that different editors will use variations of these and/or others that are not listed here.New paragraph hereThis symbol denotes that the writer should begin a new paragraph wherever the symbol is placed. Particularly for pages containing extensive dialogue, starting a new paragraph is necessary to help the reader visually follow the flow of the narrative without the author implicitly stating who is speaking.Delete; take out somethingWhen a letter, word or clause should be deleted, the delete symbol is used and should be written over the element to be removed.Close up spaceA proofreader in the publishing industry will look at the proof, or printed copy of the publication, to check for errors. I f there are spaces too wide that need to be closed, this symbol is used.Transpose elementsIts easy for a writer to accidentally put words in the wrong order, which is why this sign is used to show elements should be transposed (or switched around).Insert whatever is written above or below the proofreading symbolWhen content is to be inserted, use this symbol along with whatever element should be inserted above or below it.Insert en dashThe en dash is wider than a hyphen but narrower than the em dash and should be used between dates.Insert em dashThe em dash can take the place of commas, parentheses, or colons and is a highly versatile punctuation mark. Considered less formal than parentheses, a pair of em dashes can be used to draw attention to the text within them without disrupting the flow of the sentence.Move leftThis proofreading symbol means the the content should be moved left. Note that the symbol should be as long as the lines of content to be moved.Move rightThis symbol me ans that the content should be moved right. As with the above symbol, this one should be as long as the lines of content to be moved.Make italicsIn most style guides, italics are used for book titles and other published material. This symbol means to change the word(s) to italics.Change to capital letter(s)If a word should have a capital letter, or multiple capital letters, this symbol is used.Align verticallyThis symbol means the content should be aligned vertically.Align horizontallyThis symbol is used to note when content should be aligned horizontally.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Intro to Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Intro to Film - Essay Example According to the research "Intro to Film" findings, Spielberg’s career can be divided into three distinct phases. His main commercial success took place during the years in between 1975 to 1993. During this phase, he directed many of his and Hollywood’s best films like Jaws, King-Kong, Superman, Star Wars and E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial, King Lucas, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones. Since 1994, his career took a new dimension and he got more engrossed with the manufacture of his dream studio, DreamWorks. Along with this he became further busy in production and directed some of the spectacular panoramas on the silver screen like Jurassic Park and its sequels along with The Lost World. Amistad, Catch Me If You Can, A.I. - Artificial Intelligence are some of the films from this director those were successful in the box office and were also critically acclaimed across the globe for their immense improvisation of technical usage and themes (American Film Institute, 2011). Spielberg’s style of filmmaking is responsible for his commercial success and worldwide critical acclamation of his films. His aesthetic senses are very strong and this is pertinent in his sets and costumes that so well fit with all his movies that they become an integral part of every film he directs. He has the power and flair to blend substance and maturity with entertainment. His language of the camera is both explicit and sometimes implicit. This particular style is exclusively Spielberg’s own signature and it has developed, strengthened and matured with years.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Macroeconomics problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Macroeconomics problems - Essay Example b) Assume the exchange rate changes. Now, ‘1 euro=$1.20’. Showing all work, what does Wanda pay for the wine? What does Pierre pay for the computer? In this case, there is a change in the individual rates of exchange between the euro and the dollar. Currently, ‘1 euro=$1.20’ hence Wanda will spend (1000*1.20) 1200 dollars on a bottle of French wine. On the other hand, Pierre will spend (2000/1.20) 1,666.67 Euros on the purchase of an American computer. c) Which currency appreciated? Explain. Taking a closer look at the two currencies, it is evident that the Euro appreciated against the dollar. According to macroeconomic theory, appreciation of a currency refers to the increase in the value of one international currency against the other in the sense that the appreciating currency is able to purchase more of the other currency (Krugman & Wells 100). In the above mentioned case, the dollar and the Euro are international currency that had an initial exchange ra te of ‘1 euro=$1.08.’ However, there was a change in the exchange rates and the current rate stands at ‘1 euro=1.20.’ This means that the dollar has to fetch more additional units to purchase a single unit of a Euro. This is evident in the case of an American purchasing a bottle of wine and has to pay an initial price of 1080 dollars. Since the euro has appreciated, the American will have to pay a higher price of 1200 for the same bottle of French wine. Consumers using the Euro have a higher purchasing power compared to those using the dollar. SECTION TWO: a) In this section, you will set up a balance of payments table. Please read chapter 26. A BOP has three accounts. You will need to place each item in its proper account and have a dollar value for the total of each account. The table will be in billions. Please indicate, plus or minus, for each number. Credits ‘000,000 ($) Debits ‘000,000 ($) A. Current Account (1) Exports (2) Imports (3) Net Transfers (4) Net Interest Income Balance B. Capital Account (5) Foreign Investments in the U.S. (6) U.S. Investments Abroad Balance (7) Statistical Discrepancies Overall Balance C. Official Reserve Account +2,421 +150 +220 +1150 +250 +30 -2,971 -180 -900 -40 -30 b) What does the official settlements number indicate? Be precise in explaining this. Based on the above table, the official settlements number is -30 and this indicates that the US has an increase in its foreign reserves and that there is also a decrease in the dollar reserves held by foreign central banks (Krugman & Wells 113). The decrease in dollar reserves among foreign central banks count as debits in the Balance Of Payments account. SECTION THREE: a) Under what conditions would the Fed sell government securities? The Fed would sell government securities under conditions such as inflation, employment and national output. Under such cases, the Fed does not have control but can only influence such conditions to its fav or. The Fed can create an effect on such conditions by increasing or reducing the short term rate interest especially through open market operations. Some of the government securities used during open market operations includes treasury bills, bonds and notes (Krugman & Wells 119). The control of money supply offers tangible solutions to the conditions mentioned above. When the Fed is targeting to increase the supply of money in the economy, there will be the purchase of securities. On the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Black Man with a Nose Job Essay Example for Free
Black Man with a Nose Job Essay The article, Black man with a Nose job by Lawrence Otis Graham basically talks about how Mr. Graham got a nose job. The reading has plenty of controversies whether he is less black due to him narrowing his nose. This was a really interesting article because there were several critiques regarding his nose in which he described very well. This man was born into a generation were the concept of oxymoron included such things as a black man with a nose job. The reading starts on were Graham and his father are in the car driving to his doctor. During the way over there he faces with several people who are really concerned about him. Moving on from this, graham thinks about how his father would take it. As they arrived to the plastic surgeon he starts to see catalogs and magazines to what nose he would like to have. As he chooses the doctor gives his opinion to him whether it will look good or not. Once he was in the Manhattan’s upper west side to have his rhinoplasty done, Graham stopped and thought that having this done it was an assault to his identity and people. Growing up in a white neighborhood were all of them would get a cosmetic surgery Graham says, it was done to look better in his situation these alterations were made due to issues of ethnicity and heritage. As said in the book he never compared to a white man but surely he did with his own people. Overall, this article is really interesting because it has plenty of other topics such as on how other people of different races as well have done a surgery and have not seem to be different from their own people. As mentioned in the book one’s racial identity is not embodied in one’s nose. This means that it shouldn’t be a problem because you are the same person who grew up in that race. The article mentioned self hatred of being an accusation done for anyone who has done a surgery. This is really hard to explain but in my opinion self hatred in general can be a problem for people who have a low self-esteem about themselves. If you were born with several, in my opinion people shouldn’t change it. People should be happy and appreciate were they come from. These issues will never change because we are in a world where the media really portrays many things for looking better. Everyone will always want to have what other people have but just as the article says it will not make you less of which ever ethnicity you come from.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Interview With Toni Morrison :: essays papers
"I'm interested in the way in which the past affects the present and I think that if we understand a good deal more about history, we automatically understand a great more about contemporary life. Also, there's more of the past for imaginative purposes than there is of the future." Q. Beloved is dedicated to the 60 million who died as a result of slavery. A staggering number -- is this proved historically? A. Some historians told me 200 million died. The smallest number I got from anybody was 60 million. There were travel accounts of people who were in the Congo -- that's a wide river -- saying, ''We could not get the boat through the river, it was choked with bodies.'' That's like a logjam. A lot of people died. Half of them died in those ships. Slave trade was like cocaine is now -- even though it was against the law, that didn't stop anybody. Imagine getting $1,000 for a human being. That's a lot of money. There are fortunes in this country that were made that way. I thought this has got to be the least read of all the books I'd written because it is about something that the characters don't want to remember, I don't want to remember, black people don't want to remember, white people don't want to remember. I mean, it's national amnesia. Q. You gave new insight into the daily struggle of slaves. A. I was trying to make it a personal experience. The book was not about the institution -- Slavery with a capital S. It was about these anonymous people called slaves. What they do to keep on, how they make a life, what they're willing to risk, however long it lasts, in order to relate to one another -- that was incredible to me. For me, the torturous restraining devices became a hook on which to say what it was like in personal terms. I knew about them because slaves who wrote about their lives mentioned them, and white people wrote about them. There's a wonderful diary of the Burr family in which he talks about his daily life and says, ''Put the bit on Jenny today.'' He says that about 19 times in six months -- and he was presumably an enlightened slave owner.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Poetry analysis on “How Do I Love Thee†and “Sonnet XVIII†Essay
Both, Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s â€Å"How Do I Love Thee†and William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Sonnet XVIII,†explore the universal theme of eternal, transcending love. Similarly, both sonnets are confessions of love towards a male subject. Browning’s is a passionate love; one that the Greeks referred to as eros. â€Å"Eros is Love, who overpowers the mind, and tames the spirit in the breasts of both gods and men .†Shakespeare’s, however, is the love of agape. It is the love one feels for his family, and friends . In dealing with the theme of love, both poems reference the beauty of their emotions, and the everlasting nature of such beauty. Barrett’s â€Å"How Do I Love Thee†follows the structure of a Petrarchan sonnet, and is therefore written in iambic pentameter. It consists of 14 lines, and is divided into an octave and a sestet. The octave has a rhyme scheme of ABBA ABBA. It presents the primary problem facing the author, in this case being the question of her declaration of love. The sestet has a rhyme scheme of CDCDCD. It resolves the problem presented by clarifying the ways in which the author loves her beloved, and claiming that her love would be strengthened in the afterlife. Shakespeare’s â€Å"Sonnet XVIII†follows the structure of a classical Shakespearean sonnet, and as such, is written in iambic pentameter. It consists of 14 lines, divided into three quatrains and a rhyming couplet. The rhyme scheme of the first quatrain is ABAB, and introduces the primary notion of the sonnet, it being the comparison of the speaker’s beloved to a summer’s day. The second quatrain has a rhyme scheme of CDCD, and strengthens the comparison of the beloved to a summer’s day. The third quatrain’s rhyme scheme is EFEF, shifting the focus from the temperate summer, to the virtually everlasting nature of the memory of the beloved. The couplet has a rhyme scheme of GG, and concludes the sonnet by tying together the themes of love and poetry. Barrett’s sonnet is imbedded with beautifully incorporated literary devices. She begins with the rhetorical question, â€Å"How do I love thee?†She then proceeds to answer this questions by saying, â€Å"Let me count the ways.†This can be interpreted as an evident hyperbole, as her feelings are so pure that she could never truly count the number of ways in which she loves this man. Barrett uses figurative language in saying, â€Å"I love thee to the depth and breadth and height/My soul can reach.†This places a picture of infinite space, or in this case infinite love, in the readers mind. She also makes use of analogy through the lines, â€Å"I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;†This compares the passion and love she is giving of her free will, to the passion which men put forward when fighting for justice. This establishes not only that her love is not bound, but also that it is strong, and honest. An analogy can also be seen in the following line, as she states, â€Å"I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise,†insisting her love is as modest and pure as the hearts of those men who are striving for justice. The last line of the sonnet states, â€Å"I shall but love thee better after death.†Death is somewhat ironic in this context, since it is both what ends the poem, and what ends life. Shakespeare’s introduces his sonnet with the line â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summer day?†In a sense, this foreshadows that the beloved will, in fact, be compared to a summer’s day. Perhaps, even more than that, it foreshadows the use of metaphors throughout sonnet, as the comparison will be made. Shakespeare begins the comparison by drawing parallels between his beloved and the summer’s day, through the line â€Å"Thou art more lovely and more temperate.†He carefully chooses his adjectives so that they may apply to both summer, and his beloved. He continues by stating that â€Å"rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.†In this, he is using rough winds as a symbol of erratic chance and change, and implying that his beloved is superior because he does not suffer from these winds. The author personifies the sky, or â€Å"heaven,†by using the metaphor of an â€Å"eye†in place of the sun. He further personifies the season by mentioning that the summer’s â€Å"gold complexion†is often â€Å"dimmed,†which compares yet another human attribute of his beloved, with a trait of summer. The author then assures his beloved that his â€Å"eternal summer shall not fade.†Through this, he uses summer as a metaphor for beauty. The speaker brags that his beloved will never suffer the same fate as a summer’s day, because he has dedicated him to â€Å"eternal lines.†This adds the theme of poetry to a sonnet that had, until now, been about love.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Nietzche’s Master and Slave Morality Essay
In Of the Genealogy of Morality, Nietzsche sought to provide context for what he saw as the central value system of the society in which he lived: slave-morality. Nietzsche saw morality as reflective of the conditions in which its proponents were brought up. He saw the roots of slave morality in oppression and slavery, and posits that it grew as a reaction to the morality of the masters of the time. What follows is a simplified account of Nietzsche’s master-slave dichotomy, and what he saw as the dire consequences for human progress should the pervasiveness of slave morality be allowed to remain at the expense of the master. I will argue that although religion and slave morality may have had significant influence in Nietzsche’s day, his fears about the stagnation of mankind through its adherence to slave morality are exaggerated and largely unfounded. I will also briefly discuss the applicability of slave-master morality to contemporary life. Nietzsche’s account of master and slave morality springs from a time of actual master-slave relationships. Master morality is found in those who have the power to create their own values to live by, without the need for approval from others. In Nietzsche’s own words, the master â€Å"honours everything he sees in himself. †They understand themselves as having an integral function in the universe, as resembling a kind of god, and therefore see goodness in those attributes which they find in themselves, and goodness in the values they themselves create. They see no reason to refer to others or seek another’s approval. Nietzsche’s idea of the Master comes from nobility, and so the central tenet of master morality is nobility; that those attributes found in a noble person are those that can be considered good. In master morality, a person is considered good if s/he is autonomous, strong-willed, brave, powerful, proud, able and happy in themselves. They see badness as a lack of that which is good-that is, a lack of the noble characteristics. Co-dependence and conformity are bad because they are not autonomy, weakness is bad because it isn’t strength, poverty is bad because it isn’t wealth, cowardice is bad because it isn’t bravery, and so on. The master respects his or her hierarchical equals, but the wellbeing of common folk is not his/her concern. The moral badness of the master’s subordinate does not have a significant impact on the master’s happiness or security, but only reinforces what he already knows: that s/he is a vastly superior being than those under him/her. In terms of actions, master morality is consequentialist: it judges the goodness of an action by its outcome. It is a morality of instinct and individualism, whereby the fulfilment of one’s animal desire is seen as a positive outcome no matter what actions were taken to obtain this fulfilment. Any action which leads to a positive outcome is seen as being a good action. Any action which has negative consequences for the master is seen as being inherently bad, regardless of the intentions behind it. In practice, this morality glorifies self-regard, greed and ruthlessness because these attributes lead to the best outcomes for the person who displays them. Nietzsche sees the basis for his master archetype in the violent and brutal emperors, warriors and warlords in ancient imperial civilizations: â€Å"Roman, Arab, German, Japanese nobility, Homeric heroes, Scandinavian Vikings†who represent â€Å"the blond beast splendidly roaming around in its lust for loot and victory. Master moralists are rarely unhappy, as the primary goal of their actions is their own wellbeing and happiness. They are able enjoy to the fruits of their various conquests, unburdened by the weaknesses guilt or remorse. Slave morality could not exist without master morality, as it is first and foremost a reaction to it, a â€Å"revolt†against it. Slave morality stems from ressentiment or resentment the slave feels towards the master. The master feels, at most, condescension or smug pity towards the slave. By contrast, the slave is consumed by hatred and bitterness towards the master, and sees the master as responsible for his or her misfortune. This resentment and bitterness leads to the slave adopting a mentality which demonises the master, and which holds up as good those attributes which are unlike that of the oppressor. Characteristics shown by the master are â€Å"evil†and goodness is seen in the traits which oppose them, e. g. Humility, obedience, restraint, self-denial, modesty, patience and acceptance of one’s fate. Slave morality does not aim for self-ascension or self-gratification. Its aims centre on utility: the reduction of suffering for the greatest number of people. It sees evil in the self-aggrandizement and the ruthlessness and violence of the master. Where master morality is for the elite few, slave morality is a value system for the masses. The values inherent in slave morality, not coincidentally, are almost synonymous with Judeo-Christian moral ideals; Judaism and Christianity were, in the past, religions of the poor and the oppressed. Nietzsche sees, in the reactionary nature of slave morality and its dishonest demonization of its oppressors, a desire to make slaves of the masters. Violence and vengefulness are anathema to slave morality, however, if the slave moralists can universalise their value system – through religion, for example – they can convince the masters that they are evil, and in doing so lessen their power and take revenge for past evils. Nietzsche sees slave morality, especially the universalisation of it through religion, as harmful and damaging to human progress. However, he does not see it as an unreasonable reaction to oppression, and suggests that the slave is in fact cleverer than the master, even if this cleverness is often exercised through self-deception. In contrast to the consequentialism of master morality, slave morality can be seen as a deontological morality. It determines an action’s goodness by looking at the actor’s intention: to slave moralists, the ends do not, necessarily, justify the means. The nature of acts and their actors plays an important role in Nietzsche’s discussion of morality. Slaves believe in and strive for freedom and see evil in the masters’ oppression of them, as they believe they perform these acts of oppression of their own free will. They believe that, because the masters are free agents, they should be held responsible for their actions and criticized for them. Nietzsche disputes this view, and demonstrates his argument using the analogy of the eagles and the lambs: â€Å"That lambs dislike great birds of prey does not seem strange: only it gives no ground for reproaching these birds of prey for bearing off little lambs. And if the lambs say among themselves: ‘these birds of prey are evil; and whoever is least like a bird of prey, but rather its opposite, a lamb – would he not be good? ‘ there is no reason to find fault with this institution of an ideal, except perhaps that birds of prey might view it a little ironically and say ‘we don’t dislike them at all, these good little lambs; we even love them: nothing is more tasty†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Nietzsche claims that asking masters to act with humility or restraint is akin to asking a bird of prey not to hunt to feed itself. He believes that slaves separate the being from the action and in doing so are able to condemn the masters for the supposed evils they perform. Nietzsche believes the slaves are dishonest in this, because the master acts in strength not because he wants to cause harm to the others, but because he is strong and powerful and should not be expected to act as if he is otherwise. It would be against the eagle’s nature to act against his own self-interest, and the same applies to the master. He believes the slaves are practicing self-deception in claiming goodness is theirs because they choose to be humble when, in fact, slaves are only humble and restrained because these traits were forced upon them through slavery, or through their own inherent weakness. He does not blame the slave for being this way – the slave performs these acts of self-deception in order to survive and affirm his/her own existence as worthwhile – but, again, sees the increasing prevalence of the slave mindset as harmful for society as a whole. He saw, in the democratic fight for equality, a movement towards mediocrity and stagnation. Nietzsche saw the move towards democracy in the western world as a logical continuation of slave morality’s influence, calling the democratic movement â€Å"†¦the heir of the Christian movement. †(BGE 151) The principle of equality on which democracy in based was profoundly unreasonable to Nietzsche, given the obvious inequalities within the human race. He believed that in order to enforce equality, strong men are lowered to the value of weak men, to the point where ambition and ingenuity goes unrewarded and progress stagnates. He looks back on times of scarcity and warfare, when enterprise and domination were rewarded and respected because they were necessary. Now, the west has given itself over to a herd mentality, where such attributes are seen as â€Å"dangerous†¦ [and] branded as immoral. †When an individual does raise his or herself above the herd through ambition or excellence, the community’s self-confidence is diminished. The herd takes comfort in the fact that, in their eyes and/or the eyes of their god, this individual must be immoral. Judeo-Christianity was the dominant religion in the west during the 19th century, and democracy did become the dominant political system during this time. However, although most of the sentiment behind it seems to hold true, there are flaws in Nietzsche’s argument that this is evidence of the overarching adoption of slave morality, and that this adoption created a stagnation of ambition or progress. Put simply, Nietzsche must argue the following: 1. Slave morality has triumphed over master morality in the west. 2. Progress stagnates under slave morality because excellence is not rewarded but condemned, 3. Progress has stagnated and excellence is condemned in contemporary western society. But we can look to the history of the late 19th century to see that the progress made in that time was not insignificant. The invention of the motor car, the telephone, the light bulb, among other things, is a sign that creativity and ambition was certainly not altogether stifled. While democracy provided the political framework, capitalism (primarily an individualistic economic system) flourished and rewarded enterprise and ambition with money and influence. This shows one of two things to be true: slave morality’s influence over western society was not as pervasive as Nietzsche claims OR its influence was not as damaging to human progress as he believed it was. If, as Nietzsche claims, master morality is a necessary condition for the advancement of society, it must not have been defeated entirely, for society was and is advancing. Nietzsche’s account of the master-slave dichotomy is more difficult still to apply to modern western society, although I doubt Nietzsche himself would try to do so. While our individual morality may still come from external sources, these days the sources are likely to be many and varied, rather than from a single religious viewpoint. Individual morality grows and evolves from experience. And while the culture of our society may endorse elements present in Nietzsche’s slave morality (compassion, modesty and patience, for example, are certainly not seen as bad things,) we also see a culture where achievement and ambition is not stifled but rewarded. We see celebration of athletes, who embody the strength, beauty and pride present in a Nietzschean master. We want our leaders to be honest, active, strong willed and brave, but raise concern if they are seen to lack compassion, or are too boastful, or do not seek to reduce suffering. Nietzsche’s Genealogy is convincing in its methodological approach to understanding the opposing moralities it discusses. It is logical that masters, the strong and elite, should seek no comfort or endorsement from external sources when they have total faith in themselves. That slaves sought out comfort in a morality based in religion, which holds up piousness and selflessness as virtues, makes sense as a survival strategy and as a way for these slaves to carve out meaning in their difficult lives. In discussing the impact on society in his time, Nietzsche despairs that of these two moralities, the slaves are winning, through the growth of democracy throughout the west. Perhaps, instead, the growth of democracy led to an evolution of western morality. Through the evolution of our class system beyond master and slave, our culture has become more multifaceted. Our relations with those above and below us has become more nuanced, and so too has our morality.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on The Trail Of Tears
The Trail of Tears In the spring of 1838, the U.S. Army forced more than 15,000 Cherokee Indians from their homelands in North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia (Perdue the little amount of food they did receive had gone bad and made many sick, killing thousands. Many more along the way died as a result of terrible illnesses. The bodies were buried in silent graves at each stop along the trail (3). The Cherokee Indians called the journey Nunahi-Duna-Dlo-Hilu-I, which translates to â€Å"Trail Where They Cried,†now known as the Trail of Tears. The removal is a direct result of the Removal Act signed by President Andrew Jackson in 1830 (2). The Act stated that â€Å"no state could achieve proper culture, civilization, and progress, as long as Indians remained within its boundaries.†Thereby forcing five Indian tribes to move to the Indian Territory, Oklahoma. The Cherokee Indians experienced a lifetime of hardships in just a few short years. From having their traditional lives t hat generations had grown accustomed to taken from them to enduring a painful journey to a foreign place, the Cherokees have come a long way (3). The Cherokees lived in the valleys of the Appalachian Mountains. When they first inhabited this land the United States did not exist, but their lands could be described today as North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama (Perdue & Green, 1). More than sixty Cherokee villages and towns were located along the Great Smoky Mountains of Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Most members of the tribe lived fairly well, like white settlers, in log cabins. For their means of survival they farmed, raised livestock, and worked on crafts such as weaving, basketry and pottery (Gilbert, 6). The Cherokee people divided the tasks on the b... Free Essays on The Trail Of Tears Free Essays on The Trail Of Tears The Trail of Tears In the spring of 1838, the U.S. Army forced more than 15,000 Cherokee Indians from their homelands in North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia (Perdue the little amount of food they did receive had gone bad and made many sick, killing thousands. Many more along the way died as a result of terrible illnesses. The bodies were buried in silent graves at each stop along the trail (3). The Cherokee Indians called the journey Nunahi-Duna-Dlo-Hilu-I, which translates to â€Å"Trail Where They Cried,†now known as the Trail of Tears. The removal is a direct result of the Removal Act signed by President Andrew Jackson in 1830 (2). The Act stated that â€Å"no state could achieve proper culture, civilization, and progress, as long as Indians remained within its boundaries.†Thereby forcing five Indian tribes to move to the Indian Territory, Oklahoma. The Cherokee Indians experienced a lifetime of hardships in just a few short years. From having their traditional lives t hat generations had grown accustomed to taken from them to enduring a painful journey to a foreign place, the Cherokees have come a long way (3). The Cherokees lived in the valleys of the Appalachian Mountains. When they first inhabited this land the United States did not exist, but their lands could be described today as North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama (Perdue & Green, 1). More than sixty Cherokee villages and towns were located along the Great Smoky Mountains of Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Most members of the tribe lived fairly well, like white settlers, in log cabins. For their means of survival they farmed, raised livestock, and worked on crafts such as weaving, basketry and pottery (Gilbert, 6). The Cherokee people divided the tasks on the b...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Creative Ideas for Elementary Classroom Bulletin Boards
Creative Ideas for Elementary Classroom Bulletin Boards Classroom bulletin boards are a great way to display student work in an organized and attractive manner. Whether youre creating a seasonal board, teaching board, or bragging board, its a fun way to dress up a plain wall to correlate with your teaching idea or style. Back to School These back to school bulletin board ideas are a great way to welcome students back for a new school year. Teachers Corner offers a variety of ideas such as: A Brand New Bunch of _______ Graders.Recipe for a Great School Year.Blast off to a Great Year.Checkin and Check Us Out. Welcome Back.Darting into a New Year.Look Whos Hanging Out in _______ Grade.Quack, Quack Welcome Back.Stepping in _______.Welcome Aboard______.Welcome to a Fin-Tastic Year. Birthdays A birthday bulletin board is a great way to honor and celebrate the most important day in your students lives. Help make you students feel special, and use the ideas from the Teachers Corner to help celebrate their birthday. Ideas Include: Eating Our Way to Another BirthdayBirthday TrainA Sea of BirthdaysHappy BearthdayMonthly Birthdays Seasonal Your classroom bulletin board is the ideal place to educate your students about the seasons and upcoming holidays. Use this blank slate to express your students creativity and display their best work. DLTK-Teach lists monthly bulletin board ideas by title and theme. Some ideas include: January - New YearFebruary - Pinch Us Were in LoveMarch - St. Patricks Day - Our Little LeprechaunsApril - Some Bunny Loved MeMay - Fluttering into SpringJune - Sailing into SummerJuly - Under the Summer SkySeptember - Welcome to Our SchoolOctober - Are You Scared?November - Give ThanksDecember - Its Snow Secret End of the School Year If you are looking for a way to wrap up the school year, or help students look forward to the next school year, this bulletin board website shares great ideas such as: Were Antsy for ______ Grade.This Year Flew By...Our Summers Looking Bright! Miscellaneous Bulletin Boards After scouring the internet, talking to fellow educators and gathering some ideas of my own, board the following is a list of the best miscellaneous board titles for elementary classrooms. I was Caught Doing Something Good.Dive into a Good Book.A Tee-rific Class.Mrs.____Great Catch.Go Bananas for School.We Present You with Our Wishes for Christmas.Welcome to ______School. You fit right in!Look Whoos in Our Room.When We Learn We Grow.Mrs._____ Class is in Full Bloom.Look Whos Been Spotted in ____.Buzz on into _____ Class.A Fresh Bash of Smart Cookies.School in September is TREE-Mendous.Surf on into _____.Look Whos Hiding in the Pumpkin Patch?Good Work Has Been Spotted.This Year is Going to Rule.Popping Through Our _____.Wild About Learning.Were on the Road to_____.Camping Out Under the Stars.Hop Into Learning. Tips and Suggestions Here are some helpful tips to help you improve and create effective classroom displays. Use borders to frame your display. Some unique ideas include Christmas lights, tassels, paper shapes, beads, monopoly money, feathers, rope, pictures, muffin cups, vocabulary words, etc.To make your display stand out use a creative background. Some fun ideas are to use a checkerboard pattern, polka-dots, a plain black background, tablecloth, newspaper,f abric, wrapping paper, cellophane, netting, a brick pattern, etc.Be creative with your letters. Use different items to create words such as glitter, yarn, string, magazine letters, shadow letters or sand.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Questions on Human Rights Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Questions on Human Rights - Article Example For example, there are people with Down syndrome and still are able to perform everything logically. The same is the case of some people with mild forms of Autism. It is worth remembering that famous Winston Churchill who played an unforgettable role in the World War II and as a historian was dyslexic. In addition, Isaac Newton probably had Asperger’s syndrome. However, one cannot deny the fact that most mentally retarded ones are just like children, and hence are unable to make rational decisions. So, one can argue that as far as children are not allowed to vote, the same principle can be used in the case of mentally retarded people too. Thus, in total, one is forced to reach the conclusion that a lot more specifications are required to gauge the degree of retardation in individuals so that an accurate answer can be reached based on the kind and degree of retardation. Otherwise, the ones who are evidently retarded need not be allowed to vote. II There is still intense debate on the issue whether women should be allowed to serve in combat. In fact, women are gradually getting more and more roles in the military avoiding the combat frontline. However, in the case of women infantry, task crew, and combat pilot, there still remains a taboo. Those who are in favor of women’s role in active combat frontline argue that if women show enough physical capability and mental alertness to serve in the combat frontline, denying them a chance amounts to rank hypocrisy. Another point favoring women is that in the modern battlefield, technical expertise and decision making are more important than raw physical strength. The third point is that being forced to play secondary roles is a fact that keeps many patriotic females from joining military. So, by allowing them to have equal opportunities, their presence in the military can be ensured. This is all the more important considering the fact that the presence of women is inevitable for certain tasks like medical a ssistance, policing, intelligence gathering, and mediation. However, there are allegations and claims from the other side too. The first is that though a minority of females manages to show enough physical capacity to join combat, the vast majority ‘miserably fails’ (Willens and Smith). So, the claim that females should be allowed to serve in combat is on shaky grounds. Secondly, the so called courageous females allege sexual harassment in the hands of masculine military subculture. So, the argument is that incorporating females into the force can only lead to more problems and tension in the force, leading to a decline in morality of the men. This will seriously affect the quality of the force in group activities. In total, it becomes evident that there is no base for the argument that females should not be allowed to serve in combat. So, a reasonable conclusion is that the few females who show enough physical capabilities, courage and desire to serve in combat should be allowed to do so. III One can undoubtedly say that the perfect form of freedom allow people to do whatever they like if that only affects their own lives. If this is the case, not allowing people to sell their own organs is a denial of this basic right, according to many. This is so because ones organs are ones own property that one has the right to do anything with. Yet another point is
Friday, November 1, 2019
Professionalism in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Professionalism in Business - Essay Example licly declared their intention to enter into an occupation that saves life or soul, usually referring to the work of priests, physicians and lawyers (Abeloff & Reynolds, 1994). For example, the declaration of the Hippocratic Oath is a public commitment to a set of values. Teaching has long been recognized as a profession along with religion, medicine and law. When the phrase "professional" appeared in the nineteenth century it was used as an adjective to describe a calling or profession, executed by a professor. "Professor" was used interchangeably with "professional man." Professors of religion and professors of law were included with professors of education. It is interesting to note that while early male teachers were addressed as "Professor", female teachers were still called "Miss." Between the Civil War and World War II, educators became more concerned with career commitment to their profession. The term "Professor" is commonly applied to teachers in colleges and universities today. (Kimball, 1992). Professionalism is a social paradigm that has evolved over time from affiliation with a craft guild as the primary characteristic of a specialist or an expert to association with a university as the principal means of determining when a person became an expert. A professional is universally distinguished from an amateur because they are involved in a full-time paid occupation. They make their living from working as a professional in their field. Many times members of an occupation proudly refer to themselves as professionals, such as professional secretaries or professional auto mechanics or professional brick layers. They believe because they have standards for their performance and are employed full-time in their occupation that they are professionals. Social... As the paper declares the word profession originates from the Latin profiteri, meaning to profess, to declare aloud, to make a public vow. The expression was first used in the English language in the 13th  century, to represent a person who makes a public oath to enter the religious service. In the 16th century, the meaning of the term was expanded to signify that someone had publicly declared their intention to enter into an occupation that saves life or soul, usually referring to the work of priests, physicians and lawyers.This discussion stresses that professionalism is a social paradigm that has evolved over time from affiliation with a craft guild as the primary characteristic of a specialist or an expert to association with a university as the principal means of determining when a person became an expert. A professional is universally distinguished from an amateur because they are involved in a full-time paid occupation. They make their living from working as a profession al in their field. Many times members of an occupation proudly refer to themselves as professionals, such as professional secretaries or professional auto mechanics or professional brick layers. They believe because they have standards for their performance and are employed full-time in their occupation that they are professionals. Social scientists have separated professions from other occupations by the degree of expertise and complexity involved in the work itself.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Innocent Drinks Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Innocent Drinks - Case Study Example Additionally, it ensures the endorsement of recycling and sustainability of its products packaging. This paper, therefore, analyzes the business operations of Innocent Drinks Company including booms, bumps and the overall SWOT analysis of this company. The dominant market share of Innocent Drinks Company in the Juice and Smoothie market has been on the decline due to daily emergence of soft drinks companies into this industry. For example, in the recent past, this company’s market, which initially was over 70%, has been threatened by an unfair competition and consumer downturn (Sahlman 356). Even though Innocent Company upholds a higher degree of ethical standards towards natural, healthy, delicious and sustainable production, the only market worry is the identification of best marketing strategies that would decisively keep this company the market leader in soft drink production. Additionally, the development and success of this company continues to create its unusual share of challenges as the company adversely faces threat of consumer’s downturn and an inclusive out of business bigger rival efforts. In order to curb these market competition challenges, Innocent Drinks Company has resolved into being a flexible sof t drink organization with various branches. This strategy is primarily aimed at capturing wider markets. Fruit juice revolution may act as the best case study to analyze and understand the development and success of Innocent Drinks Company and their products. In the practical perspective, innocent drinks packages range from (250ml) to (1L). The appearance of this smoothie is plain one and unappealing, which is due to the natural nature of innocent drinks. Innocent soft drinks are in natural form hence lack chemical substances. This makes these soft drinks some of the best drinks for human consumptions. Labelling of Innocent Drinks juice
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Illustrated History Essay Example for Free
The Illustrated History Essay the name of Christendom and sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church against pagans, heretics and Muslims. The campaigns were accordingly religious in nature with the aim of recapturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslims. Madden though has given us an alternative examination on another possible and logical reason for the occurrence which is the search of wealth. A noble crusader would gladly risk his life and go to war if he believes that the fight is noble, true and greater than them (Madden, p. 13). For many, the sincere love of God could bring men to fight horrible wars A unprovoked Holy War against the Muslims became an acceptable idea when the concept of a unified Christian Kingdom under the Papal guidance evolved. The political concept that incorporated religion and belief was also hatched with another purposeful interest over the surrounding lands of Christ’s birthplace which was considered a valuable relic for the Christians. This was made plausible after the Arab empire under the Umayyads captured North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Spain from the foothold of the Byzantine Empire of the 8th century (Setton, 1958). An ideological concept was formed to recapture the lands lost to the Muslims which picked up potency after Spanish Kingdoms began to mobilize knights, armies and mercenaries across Europe to fight against the Muslims. Another idea which formed part of the reasons for the war was the success of the European forces against the Moorish caliphate at Cordoba little Muslim kingdoms arose in the region; they were subdued by the Normans. In effect, Europe was left with a stable class of warriors without a bloody war to fight and had little to do but cause havoc amongst them. 2) Discuss the First Crusade. Who were the principal players? Briefly describe what happened. What were the results of the First Crusade? The First Crusade which started sometime in 1095 was initiated by Alexius I call for help against the Seljuk Turks at the Council of Clermont (Arbor, 2004, p. 224). Under the guise of penance and pardon for sins, Pope Urban II called upon all Christians to fight a war against the Turks. The defeat of two Turkish armies in Dorylaeum and Antioch allowed the crusaders to march to Jerusalem half of their original men, dead or missing. The war ended in 1099 after and assault and massacre of Jerusalem’s population that were notably followed by less notable conquests (Runciman, 1952). Interestingly, the First Crusade was considered of the main reason for the Western power after its first and only capture of Jerusalem. The defeat of the Byzantine Empire in the East in the hands of the Seljuk Turks provided a substantial plan for assault against the Muslims. Although the Byzantine Empire followed a separate Orthodox religion, they did face many enemies including the Seljuks. Madden provided that the Turkish threat allowed the Protestants to flourish (Madden, p. 209). The empire was soon incorporated into the Great Seljuk territory. Alexius I saw a way to work with the Fatimids of Palestine and Egypt and advised the crusader to work with them believing that their sole purpose was to recapture Syria alone. Belatedly they sent their armies only after the crusaders were already in Jerusalem. The First Crusade brought forth a mass and organized violence of anti-Semitism that was existent in Europe for several centuries against the Jews. The German army was led by Gottschalk, Volkmar, and Emicho which proceeded to the Rhine valley and according to Riley-Smith (1986, p. 50) was the first Holocaust. Some preachers enhanced the idea that Jews and Muslims were enemies of Christ and should be converted to Christianity or die as an enemy. In some parts of France and Germany, Jews were blamed for Christ’s crucifixion for their immediate visibility than the Muslims. The Jews were massacred justified by Pope Urban’s speech at Clermont that promised reward from God for killing non-Christians and Muslims (Runciman, 1952). Later in 1096, a band of nobles and knights from different regions of Europe significantly led by Raymond IV of Toulouse, Adhemar of Le Puy; Bohemund of Taranto with his nephew Tancred, the Lorrainers under the brothers Godfrey of Bouillon, Eustace and Baldwin of Boulogne and Count Robert II of Flanders, Robert of Normandy, Stephen, Count of Blois, and Hugh of Vermandois the younger brother of King Philip I of France marched towards Jerusalem in December 1096. Along the way, they encountered machinations led by Byzantine Alexius who provided them with provisions if they return any land to him that was recovered from the Turks. With this in motion, Alexius agreed to send out a Byzantine army to accompany the crusaders through Asia Minor. After a lengthy siege in Nicaea, under Kilij Arslan I the crusaders won yet Alexius feared the crusaders sacking Nicea and destroying its wealth and secretly accepted the surrender of the city. In their march to Dorylaeum, Godfrey broke the Turkish lines and defeated the Turks and looted their camp. This enabled Kilij Arslan to withdraw and the crusaders marched unopposed through Asia Minor towards Antioch. Antioch was so large that the crusaders did not have enough troops to fully surround it. Since Bohemund wanted the city for himself, he bribed an Armenian guard to surrender his tower where the crusaders entered the city and killed most of the inhabitants. A monk psychologically renewed the gist of the fight claiming a Holy Lance was found thus providing for them a sign that they would be victorious. Personal ambition later paved the way for arguments that deviously disclaimed any allegiance to an oath before Alexius I. A plague which killed many and the refusal of the Muslims to give food to the crusaders recounted incidents of cannibalism. Baldwin of Boulogne though went on his own towards the Armenian lands around Euphrates and was adopted as heir by King Thoros, a Greek Orthodox ruler who was soon assassinated and Baldwin became the new ruler. This paved way for the County of Edessa, to be the first of the crusader states in Runciman (1952). The crusaders finally reached Jerusalem in May and put the city in a lengthy siege. Seven days later, the crusaders murdered almost every inhabitant of Jerusalem. Godfrey of Bouillon was made Protector of the Holy Sepulchre and refused to wear a crown. He also led an army of an invading Fatimid army at the Battle of Ascalon and was succeeded by his brother, Baldwin of Edessa who became â€Å"King of Jerusalem†. 3) Examine the Second Crusade. Explain the rise of Saladin. Why was he successful against European armies? The Second Crusade was marked as a response to the Fall of Edessa. Pope Eugene III with the European monarchs like Louis VII of France, Conrad III of Germany along with their army marched across Europe. Although they were defeated by the Seljuk Turks, they reached Jerusalem in 1148 an attacked Damascus. Jerusalem was recaptured by the Muslims. What failures the crusaders faced in Jerusalem were compensated by their efforts in converting people to Christianity. The Second Crusade however attracted popular figures such as Eleanor of Aquitaine, the Queen of France, Thierry of Alsace Count of Flanders; Henry, the future Count of Champagne; Louis’ brother Robert I of Dreux; Alphonse I of Toulouse; William II of Nevers; William de Warenne, Earl of Surrey; Hugh VII of Lusignan and numerous other nobles and bishops (Runciman; 1952). This was made possible after St. Bernard preached its importance to the people. However, the relations within the Crusade were poor and were faced with conflict. Complaints of plunder happened along the way while treachery and political aspirations summed up the greedy endeavors of nobles. King Baldwin III and the Knights Templar made Damascus their prime target where they all met in Acre on June 24 attended by Conrad, Otto, Henry II of Austria, future emperor Frederick I Barbarossa , William V of Montferrat of the Holy Roman Empire; Louis, Alphonse’s son Bertrand, Thierry of Alsace, and various other ecclesiastical and secular lords. Jerusalem King Baldwin, Queen Melisende, Patriarch Fulk, Robert of Craon as the Master of the Knights Templar, Raymond du Puy de Provence as Master of the Knights Hospitaller were among those present (Runciman, 1952). No one from Antioch, Tripoli, or the former County of Edessa attended. The crusaders then attacked Damascus from the west. Yet, the Muslims were prepared for the attack after the crusaders managed to fight their way through and chase the defenders back . Damascus had sought help from Saif ad-Din Ghazi I of Aleppo and Nur ad-Din of Mosul, who led an unsuccessful attack on the crusader camp. The Muslim camps also did not trust one another and the crusaders could not agree about who would receive the city if they captured it. Wrongful calculations made some tactical errors in their moves which later forced them to retreat back to Jerusalem. The siege of Damascus was disastrous for Jerusalem and the city was handed over to Nur ad-Din in 1154. Baldwin III seized Ascalon in 1153 and created conflicts with Egypt. Relations with the Byzantine Empire were rare after the disaster of the Second Crusade. In 1171, Saladin, a nephew of one of Nur ad-Dins generals, was proclaimed Sultan of Egypt and united Egypt and Syria which completely surrounded the crusader kingdom. In 1187 Jerusalem surrendered to Saladin. 4) Provide a brief summary of the Third Crusade. How does the rivalry between Phillip II of France and Richard I of England impact the crusading effort? How does the Third Crusade end and what are the consequences? The Third Crusade (c. 1189–1192 in Arbor, P. 224 Timelines) was an attempt by European leaders to regain the Holy Land from Saladin. The Crusade army was destroyed as they laid siege to the city of Tiberias. King Guy and Raynald were brought to Saladin’s tent and Guy was offered a goblet of water. Guy took a drink and Raynald who had not drank water grabbed the goblet from Guy’s hands. Saladin beheaded Raynald for past betrayals and an apparent disrespect for their customs. Saladin had taken Acre and Jerusalem by the end of the year which coincided with Pope Urban III’s death. By 1190, Richard the Lionheart captured Messina and fell out of terms with Philip in Richard’s decision to marry Berengaria of Navarre thereby breaking his long-standing engagement to Philip’s half-sister Alys (Setton, 1958). Philip left Sicily for the Middle East on March 30, 1191, and joined the siege of Acre on May 20. Meanwhile, King Guy who was released from prison by Saladin in 1189 attempted to take command of the Christian forces at Tyre. Conrad of Montferrat who held power there after a successful defense of the city from Muslims made Guy turned his attention to the wealthy port of Acre instead. Receiving aid from Philip’s newly-arrived French army, it was still not enough to subdue Saladin’s force. When Queen Sibylla and her young daughters died, Guy, who was made king by right of marriage tried to retain his crown which was to Sibylla’s half-sister Isabella who later married to Conrad of Montferrat and claimed the kingship in her name. When Richard arrived, Philip and Leopold quarreled over the spoils. The kingship of Jerusalem became a struggle with Philip and Leopold supported Conrad while Richard supporting Guy. Guy would continue to rule with Conrad as the crowned king. Philip and Leopold left the Holy Land in August. Saladin meanwhile was not willing to honor the terms at Acre so Richard had more than 3,000 Muslim prisoners executed on August 20 outside of Acre. On 1191, Richard won the battle against Saladin and was forced to accept Conrad as king of Jerusalem. Before Conrad could be crowned, he was stabbed to death and Richard became a suspect in his death. The arrangement of marrying off Queen Isabella who was pregnant to Henry II of Champagne triggered talks. Saladin suddenly attacked but was recaptured by Richard where they finally agreed that Jerusalem should be left to Muslim rule but allowed Christian pilgrims to visit the city. Richard left the Holy Land and his fleet was struck by a violent storm, carrying his new fiancee Berengaria, and vast amounts of treasure amassed for the crusade (Setton, 1958). Emperor Isaac Dukas Comnenus of Cyprus had held the treasure and despite an agreement to return them to Richard, instead ordered Richard to leave the island. This prompted Richard to conquer the island within days. In December 1192, Richard was arrested and imprisoned by Duke Leopold, for murdering his cousin Conrad of Montferrat and later transferred to the custody of Henry VI. Richard returned to England in 1194 and died after a wound in 1199 at the age of 41 (Setton, 1958). 5) Discuss the Fourth Crusade. Why is it launched? What does the Fourth Crusade accomplish? Often described as the most gainful crusade, the Fourth Crusade was originally designed to conquer Jerusalem through Egypt. Instead, the Eastern Orthodox city of Constantinople proved more alluring. None of the crusaders ever reached the Holy Land and in fact created a wide gap between the Catholics and the Orthodox. Fighting with each other ensued with the Latin Empire facing a number of enemies and the crusade energy dropped as the Latin instilled a sense of betrayal to the Greeks. Their fight for supremacy led to the capture and death of leaders in their own hands and displaying their own lunacy. Ironically, the Greeks thought that the Byzantine civilization centered at the Orthodox faith would be more secure under the Ottomans, and preferred to sacrifice their political freedom in order to preserve the religion. The fourth was the last major crusade directed by the Holy See after bickering led its collapse. 6) Discuss the crusades against other parts of Europe(e. g. the Reconquista, Albigensian, etc. ). What did the Crusaders hope to accomplish? The Pope had authorized a Crusade in Spain and urged the Spaniards to fight the Moors present in their own territory. Many believed though that it was not waged merely for to lessen Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula. It was seen the though rhat most noble births are identified in the relationships between Muslims and Christians. A war on the Iberian Kingdom which was faced with a deep economic crisis would lead to the expulsion of the Jews and confiscate their property. The Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade was initiated in 1209 by the Catholics to eliminate the heretics and the religion practicedby the Cathars of Southern France in an effort to extend the Church’s control southwards. Under Pope Gregory IX, the Inquisition gave unlimited power to suppress the heretics that started a ruthless campaign against the Cathars who were caught and burned. The Cathar strongholds gradually fell which ended the last known Cathar burning in Languedoc in 1321. 7) Discuss the later Crusades. How are the achievements of earlier Crusades dismantled? What new powers emerge? What finally defeats the ethos of the Crusades? The various succeeding Crusades presented a struggle for a supreme cause like the fifth which attempted to formulate a recovery of the Holy Land in 1215 joined by forces from Hungary and Austria that led to the destruction of the Nile in Egypt. The 6th Crusade of Emperor Frederick II met some success that delivered Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem to the Crusaders for ten years. The succeeding 7th crusade was represented by the Templars that came out a failure. While the 8th failed upon the death of Louis IX. Edward I undertook another expedition and accomplished very little in Syria with after a truce. The fall of Antioch in 1268, Tripoli in 1289 and Acre in 1291 marked the last traces of the Christian rule in Syria (Arbor, p. 224). The acts of barbarism and aggression coupled with the tension between church leader and monarchs became a controversy among the nobles. The brutal acts against one another belied the viewpoint of a defensive war against Muslim aggression as the ravages of war returned more benefits for the aggressor. 8) What are the legacies of the Crusades? How did the Crusades advance Western Christianity’s notion of the Kingdom of God (or did not)? The Crusades favorably for the Western culture dramatized their unity under the influence of the Holy See. The military experience drew out a certainty to protect European castles from outside invasion as massive stone structures were erected to surround the castle. It has also opened the European culture to the world and likewise the Middle East to Europe which for sometime Europe frowned upon. In the essence of knighthood and folkloric tales, the Crusades brought a Romantic zest in an otherwise clamor for power and wealth. Scientific advancement brought forth a new experience to speed the advancement in European universities. Economically, the transport of large armies in an otherwise less traveled road saw an increase in profit as colonies engage in trade that brought in unknown variety of spices, ivory, jade, diamonds, food and other Asian crops. Religiously, had it not been for the Crusades, Spain, Portugal, and the Balkans would be a predominantly Muslim country today and Christianity might have been largely replaced by Islam. The Crusades as a religious and righteous campaign to fight for a just cause against the perceived evil was used to actually justify the ambitious efforts of creating a unified control among nations under the guise of religion. 9) Finally, discuss your general impression of the Crusades. Within the context of the Crusades, how do you reconcile the statement `impelled by the love of God` with the actions of those who participated? The unnecessary deaths of many innocent beings under the hands of the Crusaders could not account and explain the apparent disregard for moral teachings of the bible that positively recommend â€Å"love for one another†. As crimes against another is committed to pave way for a religious war which reeks of control and subjugation of the weak we begin to see the hypocritical machinations to use religion as means to get what a group is most likely salivating salivate over. The participants of the Crusades clearly lack the civil capacity to uphold the rights of another being in order to exercise control over him. Work Cited Page Runciman, Steven. A History of the Crusades, vol. II: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187. London: Cambridge University Press, 1952. Setton, Kenneth. ed. A History of the Crusades, vol. I. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1958. Riley-Smith , Jonathan. The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1986, p. 50. Madden, Thomas F. General Editor. The Crusades: the Illustrated History. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2004.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality :: Race Racial History Historical Cuba Essays
The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality I. Introduction: The legacy of slavery and the legacy of systematic racial discrimination imposed on Afro-Cubans are grim realities that are imbedded in Cuban societal and cultural fibers. Despite the abolition of slavery in 1886 and its gaining of independence in 1902 Cuban society, politics, and ideology have been haunted with the specter of the ‘race issue.’ According to Aline Helg, "the myth of Cuban racial equality has proved remarkably enduring, even since the revolution of 1959" (p. 247). Thus, in order to comprehend the current political and social conditions in Cuba as well as the conditions that led to the revolution in 1959 one must examine the afro-Cuban struggle for equality that emerged at the turn of the 20th century. II. The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality (1886-1912): Jose Marti, in his idealistic pursuit for a free Cuba, envisioned a revolution that would not only allow Cubans to gain their independence from Spain, but also a revolution that would revitalize and redefine the Cuban social structures. This sentiment was indeed shared by the many Afro-Cubans who joined the ranks of the Liberation Army en masse in order to rebel against Spanish racism and inequality. In fact, as Helg states, "although few orientales were able to leave written testimony of their motivation to join the insurgency, their goal was probably not only independence from Spain but also the creation of a new society in which they would fully participate" (p. 57). Besides the Afro-Cuban motivations of ceasing racism and inequality were the motivations of members from other factions of society such as the landless peasants who desired land, the popular cabecillas who strove for political authority, and the orientales who fought to gain control of their regions destin y. This war for independence had the potential to become a social revolution, a revolution that would ultimately seek to alter the status quo of Spanish colonial order with its strict social and racial hierarchy. However, this social revolution never truly came into fruition for the many Afro-Cubans who fought and died en masse. Even though the Liberation Army seemed to consist of members of all classes and races, there ensued a systematic repression of Afro-Cubans.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Huckleberry Finn Ending Controversy
Mark Twain is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the history of the United States, having spun many memorable and iconic tales in his own creative and unique style. Held high in this position as a great â€Å"American†novelist, Twain flirted with the creation of a universal masterpiece in his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. However, critics disagree on whether or not Twain’s work with Huckleberry Finn truly reaches the stature of a masterpiece, and that disagreement stems from the course the author chose for his conclusion. T. S Eliot finds Twain’s ending to be true to his style and the rest of the novel.Leo Marx finds that the ending abandons the apparent goals of the novel, leaving the work short of excellence. Twain ventured into the arena of greatness by combining two timelessly classic elements, and casting them as the central â€Å"characters†of his work. According to Eliot, Twain uses the â€Å"character†of the Mis sissippi River to relate to all nature, and he uses the title character of Huckleberry Finn to relate to the boy of mankind. Twain uses the former to guide the story and the latter to experience it. He engages the reader with his signature, easily accessed narrative and builds a strong foundation from these two universal elements.The only real question is the payoff; can the strength of the beginning be carried through to the end? This is where debate ensues, for Twain seemingly departs from the path he has laid throughout the novel to bring the story to resolution in a manner consistent with Twain’s writing, but not so much with the established course of this novel. Critics, such as T. S. Eliot, see the story’s ending, filled with the game-like attempts of the Tom Sawyer to free Jim, as a way to bring the reader back to the feelings of the beginning of the novel. It is a position with which I cannot disagree more.Instead, it is the view of Leo Marx that I see as the b est dissection of the ending of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, one filled with flaws, significant enough that they â€Å"jeopardize the significance of the entire novel. †(Marx 291) Marx points out that the beginning of Huck’s journey with Jim has one specific goal, the goal to get Jim to freedom. This is made clear when Huck discovers the Duke and the Dauphin have sold Jim, causing Huck to say: After all this long journey . . . here was it all come to nothing, everything all busted up and ruined, because they could have the heart to erve Jim such a trick as that, and make him a slave again all his life, and amongst strangers, too, for forty dirty dollars. (199) Marx states â€Å"Huck knows that the journey will have been a failure unless it takes Jim to freedom. (294) However, at the end of the book we discover through Tom that Jim is already free. The impact of this revelation threatens the entire purpose of the journey, and diminishes the events along the way . Possibly the most disappointing aspect of the ending is Tom’s plan to free Jim from the barn. Filled with humor and games, the freeing of Huck’s close friend is made into a joke.This comes after the fact that (1), Huck has made his journey down the river a quest for Jim’s freedom, and (2), Huck’s â€Å"growth in stature†(as characterized by Marx, p. 296) has elevated the tone of the story beyond farce. Two of the most prominent examples of this growth  Huck’s decision to â€Å"go to hell†rather than let Jim be sold back into slavery, and his sorrow felt for the Duke and Dauphin while seeing them run out of town, tarred and feathered, by the angry townsfolk – are trivialized for the sake of a few laughs at the end. We believe that we have experienced a metamorphosis of Huck.Starting as a naive and ignorant child, skeptical about the ways of society, we are lead to believe that Huck finally has a grasp on what it mean s to be human, as well as a â€Å"mature blending of his instinctive suspicion of human motives with his capacity for pity. †(Marx 295) Huck’s participation in Tom’s scheme not only sacrifices the character growth that seemed a central theme of Twain’s story to that point, but also seems to represent a mishandling of the conflict identified by Marx the difference between â€Å"what people do when they behave as individuals and what they do when forced into roles imposed upon them by society. (Marx 300) Huck is well aware of his goal: freedom for Jim. The relapse of his character without equal awareness is inexplicable without explanation from the author. As Marx points out: The conflict between what people think they stand for and what social pressure forces them to do is central to the novel. It is present to the mind of Huck and, indeed, accounts for his most serious inner conflicts. He knows how he feels about Jim, but he knows what he is expected to do about Jim. 300) The idea of freedom in the minds of Huck and Jim are different from the simple definition of freedom, â€Å"for freedom in this book specifically means freedom from society and its imperatives†according to Marx (p. 303) The freedom sought by Huck and Jim is freedom both in the literal sense of being free from slavery, and in the figurative sense of being free from society’s expectations. However, given Huck’s questionable decision to go along with Tom, Huck gives into social pressure once again.He has given in to they ways which we were lead to believe he had overcome; he has given into the one convention he set out to escape from in the first place. It is with the appearance of Tom, that Huck’s quest for freedom no longer seems so important, even though he was previously willing to â€Å"go to hell†for what he had so diligently fought for along the way. The idea, the goal, is devalued for no clear reason. Such a departure of character cannot go simply unaddressed by the author.With Huck shifting back into the childish role we observed in the beginning of the novel, we also see yet another character simultaneously regressing, Jim. The tedious, degrading actions of the boys, in an effort to free Jim, are at first noted by Jim as such. However, he quickly becomes inexplicably submissive and accepting of what the boys are doing to him. This bears no resemblance to the Jim presented to the reader when the two companions were on the river. Twice Huck plays practical jokes on Jim, and twice Jim calls him out as being disrespectful, hurtful, and inconsiderate.And now, with freedom ever so close, the reader is expected accept that Jim’s passion for freedom and intolerance of nonsense has too vanished along with the maturity of Huck. Exactly how Twain expects this to be believable by the readers is questionable, unfortunately an answer is never offered. Instead, Twain seemingly dismisses the growth of his protagonists and resorts to the easy western comedy style from earlier in the novel. In the view of Eliot, this return to the introductory feel of the novel is a perfect example of great literary form.Instead, this return is nothing more than the apparent defeat of our seemingly maturing protagonist. Eliot’s argument that this return is of great form causes Marx to note in rebuttal, â€Å"A unified work must surely manifest coherence of meaning and clear development of theme,†and this regression of character fails to do either. With the ending of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn being so clearly chronicled by Marx as a failure to complete the initiated theme, it is left only to see Eliot’s argument for the greatness of the ending as an argument refuted.As clear as Marx’s chronicle, it is equally clear that â€Å"Huck Finn’s besetting problem [is] the disparity between his best impulses and the behavior the community attempted to impose upon him †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Marx 304). It is this disparity that needs resolution in order to have a proper ending to Huckleberry Finn. It is the transformation of the character, Huck Finn, through progression, not regression that would make the book a pure work of excellence.
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